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Posts posted by mibo

  1. Have installed Auto FPS 0.4.2 but it does not finish installation. The initial Install button is black but as pushing install it turns grey

     As it does not finish download I tried to install Desktop Runtime 7.0.14 x86 but it did not help. Sometimes and error shows up saying: Exception 'System.Net.WebException' during DownloadFile. 

    Can anyone help me?

  2. Sorry if it is the incorrect forum. "It says AVSIM Forums" Show me where to go or where to post. Offer me a tip or help!

    Have another question about MSFS2020 Marketplace Carenado Pilatus PC12:

    The Engine Management System Panel is not lighting up all switches are set correct on dashboard and also on my alpha Honeycomb Yoke

  3. Have installed for 2 days Msfs 2020 and now after several crashes issues have donwnloaded the new OpenXR Toolkit. After wanted to play the game and after searching 3 minutes for updates it gives  me one of 115 Gb!!!

    How can that be? When it reached 10 Gb of Download I looked at the Release Notes and it gave a list that did not seem to hold 115Gb. So I paused the download and restarted it. It was not even capable to rejoin the already downloaded 10 Gb, but showed about 500Mb.... when  opening up Release Notes it did not report the previous list but only stated: Downloading... SO HOW  CAN  ONE TRUST THE STABILITY OF THIS SIM? IT IS FRUSTRATING AND IS AN ABUSE. Just wonder if others had same issue?




  4. Hi ,

    had a motherboard probdem, so I want to change it and upgrade to SDD and Windows 8.

    See that there are many problems and before making any changes I would like to see other opinions.

    My idea is to leave the Window7 OS in the Bios and also an option for W.8.

    I have FSX installed in a separate  HDD (drive G) and W7 OS on another (drive C).

    Now I would like to install W 8 on a separate SSD but copy also drive G (fsx) to a separate SSD together with other flight sims.

    In the Bios I could switch from 7 to OS 8 without loosing anything. So I could play FSX from OS 7 or 8 and choose also if I want the HDDS G or the new SSD. This would give me an opportunity to test

    both and then in a future cancel one and keept only the one I like most..

    The only thing  i would LIKE IS TO ABSOLUTELY AVOID A NEW INSTALLATION OF FSX, all add-ons, JS settings, a.s.o...

    Could anybody give me a hint and discuss the idea.



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