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Posts posted by FBC57

  1. It's ok, mate. I didn't swap over to English (US) and had it on English (UK).


    Now it works, but spasmodically. I can get the Clearance delivery and after some prodding, I can get Tower, but no amount of prodding will get a departure recognition.


    I have tried, "Say Altitude" and get a reply, but no interaction.


    Maybe, I'm just not doing my call signs properly.


    I'll persevere, as I think this ATC proggy has the most potential, of all those on the market currently, hope the developer doesn't get sick.....whoops!




  2. Hi Dave.

    I bought this program today and have been trying my best to get it operational all afternoon.


    I set up my speech recognition, did the Microsoft tutorial and then went and set up a flight in P3D.


    When I punch in clearance delivery, I get nothing.

    My speech doesn't come up in the window, but if I do a test, it says that I have the right frequency.

    I've also tried the big question mark and again when I hit practice, nothing comes up.


    I downloaded the manual and the only thing I can figure out is, when the program starts and I hit connect, I get "Simulator Connected" and "Recognition Engine Installed:, but I do not get the grammar setting coming up.

    Do I have a problem in my windows set-up, maybe?


    I do like the look of this program and hope that I can get a handle on it.





  3. I've also found this on some of the Australian airports. I've done the magnetic declination fix and whenever I try and do an ILS27 approach into Melbourne, Australia, my FMC is out by 2 or 3 degrees and thus I misalign with the runway.


    It's not constant, as I can think of only a few others (most recently Hobart, Tasmania), but it is often enough to cause concern.


    Thanx for the thread, guys, I'm going to keep coming back here occasionally to see if you guys come up with a fix,



    Frank Cooper

  4. I use 3 programs for simming a lot. Firstly, if I have documents or charts or whatever, I usually print screen them, open up photoshop and then adjust the size, etc.

    After that, I save them out as pdf documents and then save them to my dropbox.


    Open up dropbox on the ipad and Voila!


    I also use OzRunways (because I predominantly fly the Australian and New Zealand routes with my NGX) and it has dropbox integration now, so I have a beautiful moving map, all the info and dropbox as well for my charts, etc.


    This system, together with PFPX will have me in heaven.......or close enough!




    Frank Cooper

  5. Howard, this is not just a flight planner. It's about as good as it gets for simulation. 


    And come on guys, cut them some slack. If you have followed the progress you'll see that they had to wait for incorporation of Navigraph and all sorts of needed input.


    I don't even know the developer, but from all of the stuff I've seen on it, it is going to be a very usefull program, especially for airline use.



    Frank Cooper

  6. You don't need to go to Win 8 to use the touch screen app for your FMC, etc.


    It works just as well with Win 7.


    I personally will be sticking with Win 7 for all of my FSX computers. I went over to Win 8 last year when it first came out (on my two htpc's) and had abunch of update problems (which Microsoft acknowledged).

    I don't like the interface and much prefer my Win 7.


    I keep using Win 8, so I get used to it, but I'll be kicking and scratching before I change over my FSX rigs.



    Frank Cooper

  7. Could it be that service based failures are kicking in?

    Maybe your right engine is due or soon due for overhaul or just not producing enough thrust, so the assymetric thrust is kicking in to compensate.


    I just recently explored the built-in service based failure system that runs in the background. Boy those guys at PMDG have done some great work on the base aircraft.



    Frank Cooper

  8. After a long delay, I finally hooked up my buttkicker to my seat and trialled it with the NGX last night.


    Can't believe I took so long, I need my head read. It is awesome!


    The NGX is the very aircraft this was made for, altho the BN-2 is great as well.


    I especially liked the take-off runway vibrations and then the removal of those as she lifts into the air.

    When gear was selected back down and the speedbrake deployment, but best of all was touch-down.


    Immersion, immersion, well done PMDG, outstanding!


    oh, and I bought mine from a Gold Coast company called Pagnian Imports.


    Frank Cooper

  9. This is the throttle I've been using for years. I just attached a different one for some testing purposes recently and then put this one back on.


    I have since re-calibrated it in FSX and Windows more than a few times.


    Thanx, Bryan,





    Frank Cooper

  10. Hi Guys.

    Some help would be appreciated.


    I am having problems with my engine controls.

    I have a Saitek Yoke and throttle set-up and have never had any problems.


    After having hooked up another throttle system, my Saitek is doing some strange stuff.


    In the NGX, I have my throttle set to 1) Left throttle, 2) Right throttle and 3) Flap axis.


    My left throttle is almost non-existent, but the right moves ok. My flaps are doing strange stuff as well.


    I have checked my controls in FSX, I have rechecked the calibration in windows 100 times.

    I checked the throttle and slider pots and squirted them all with silicon spray.

    I removed the fsx.cfg and let it build a new one and re-did my settings.


    I also checked my FSUIPC settings and none of them are conflicting.


    I uninstalled the NGX and re-installed and none of the above ahad any effect.



    I'm out of ideas. Anybody have anything I can do (other than throw the whole lot...)




    Frank Cooper

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