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Posts posted by CurtisB

  1. I had a similar problem with my PFC yoke. Several axis were red but functional. I don't use the throttle axis since I use a separate throttle setup and because of this I didn't calibrate it. Once I did calibrate the axis all of my axis turned green. Try calibrating all axis even if their not being used and see if that fixes your problem. It didn't matter which plane I had loaded. I hope this helps as it a easy thing to check.


    Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2



  2. snapback.pngCurtisB, on 31 October 2011 - 05:19 PM, said:All very funny, but not to helpful.If you don't like the "realistic" sound, you can copy one of the other sound files from FSXSound directory e.g. cmtouch1.wav, rename and place it in the FSXSoundPMDG737NGXVarious directory, as I did. Consider backing up the original, PMDG_737_Touchdown.wav, before replacing it in case you decide that real is better than pleasing! Jeff Johnson (RWS)Jeff I took your advice and switched wav files. That's the help I was looking for. Thank you very much!Curtis Beadle

  3. Is anyone else having this problem. When I land the sound at touchdown sounds like glass breaking.This started after SP1, all other sounds are fine. I uninstalled FSX and did a complete reinstall of all myFSX addons and the problem hasn't changed. Anyone have any ideas? I haven't submitted a ticket yet,hoping someone else has had the same problem and can help me.I7 860 (3.6ghz)Windows 7 64bitCurtis Beadle

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