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About cliffardus

  • Birthday 04/19/1931

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  • Interests
    Photography, Flight Simulation, Psychology, reading, walking, nature, laughter.

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  • Virtual Airlines
  1. Mike forgive me for not responding more promptly but I've been away and have only now read your helpful note. Thank to so much! Regards, Cliff
  2. Really helpful suggestions to try. I suspect that they're spot on and I thank you both. With my regards, Cliff
  3. Thank you. Just what I needed to know. Cliff
  4. Before buying FS Crew can I start using it after I've completed my FMC input on the runway prior to take off? Cliff
  5. I pause my approach into Heathrow then save with the FSX Save Flight Menu . I go into the PMDG Setup Menu, press STATE SAVE and give it a name. I then receive a message that it’s being saved………….and that’s as far as I get. Additionally at that stage there’s no way to exit Pause and I’m therefore forced to end the flight. Perhaps I should also mention that a green border sometimes appears and surrounds the area used for writing the name. When I load that saved flight I’m at the correct height and position BUT the aircraft is “cold and dark” I’d appreciate any comments. Cliff
  6. My thanks to you all.....I'll stick with what I've got....... Cliff
  7. I currently use FSX (in the Bootcamp partition of my iMac), Orbx Scenery, PfPx Flight Planner and PMDG aircraft As my knowledge of using FSX in STEAM is negligible I’d appreciate comments on: 1. Would I get improved performance in STEAM? 2. Would I be able to use my current software? Or would I have to start from scratch and buy them again from STEAM? Cliff
  8. I couldn't have hoped for better answers. It all makes sense. Thank you all. Cliff
  9. I’m under the impression that the ILS approach and landing is superior to other systems. If that’s the case why don’t all those that cater to “heavies” offer that facility? On several occasions I’ve built PfPx Flight Plans based on STARS that I later learn (when entering landing information into the FMC at the Top Of Descent) don’t offer ILS runways. Cliff
  10. I am grateful for all your responses and I offer my special thanks to "Calvonister" for having "gone ahead and made the change for you. Simply add this AFCAD to your addon scenery/ scenery folder. " I hope that one day I'll have sufficient knowledge to help other Members. Cliff
  11. Sometimes I cannot land as the LOC and APP buttons aren't active. And example is approaching Dublin's (EIDW) Runway 28 using the STAR PIPG1X Thinking that I may have outdated data I installed the latest Navigraph AIRAC cycle 1603 and tried again after choosing STAR VATR1X with PfPx. But again with no success. Where could I be going wrong please? Cliff
  12. 1."The 777 does not adjust your speed for you like the NG does. It's a simple notional value" I've probably phrased my question wrongly as I'm aware of that Tutorial information. What I'm curious about is why that should be the case. Why not either show a blank or reflect the relevant flap speed plus 5 knots? 2."Check your axis assignments and/or key assignments." As I activate the Speed brake by Mouse clicking near the throttle handles why should axis assignments and/or key assignments have relevance to the the clicks I've been using? Cliff
  13. 1.Why does LEGS speed show 170 knots when the Approach Ref speed for flaps 30 usually shows a lower figure.? (Depending on weight) 2. Why do I frequently receive the message "Speed brake extended" despite it having been retracted? Cliff
  14. I too would be interested to know how to use the FMC to make this setting Cliff
  15. Page 85 of the tutorial reads ..."we will set the landing minimums by clicking the outer EFIS control panel MINS knob to it's radio setting" Okay. That's easy. It continues..."clicking the RST (reset) button in the centre of the inner knob and then turning and holding the inner knob to the left to select 50 feet radio altitude- you'll see the number in the lower right corner of the PFD." I find it difficult and fiddly to get to the required setting and am wondering if there's an easier way to reach the required setting? Cliff
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