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Gramps ZA

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Posts posted by Gramps ZA

  1. The update runs fine, the black screen appears and does the file downloads.

    All the downloads have been done for all the aircraft however the ngx600 keeps reappearing after the update done each time the ops Centre is opened

    i do the update again and if I open the op Centre it’s back

    The 747 v3 , 777, and the NGX base all updated fine


    So after the update 747v3 has strange warnings and caution light stays on and secondly the inability to update the 600ngx expansion

  2. Since the latest update I am unable to extinguish the caution light. and I have two faults showing ,

    1. Body gear steering error message

    2. fuel transfer x4

    I am unable to find the source of the error messages. Furthermore the autopilot disconnects itself and after recycling everything for about 10 minutes I am able to get it to function . That happens occasionally and not every time. I'm am using FSX steam edition.

    Another issue is the 737 ngx 600 update from the operation center keeps appearing after I start the ops center. I do the update but at the next start it reappears.

    Anyone having similar issues?


    Shannon Loder


  3. The 777 is causing way to much tension!!. I suggest a flight in the NGX to Moscow for a visit to the Kremlin, or trip to Ibitha with the NGX to let off a bit of steam.


    Perhaps Spoon said what some have been thinking.........However all good things come to those that wait.

  4. Why did you have to call it a game? I am depressed now. :sad:


    YES !! Damn, I tell all my family and friends that its a state of the art Simulation and that if the pilots got food poisoning I could get them all on the ground without the Autopilot , ha ha


    I am also depressed!!

  5. Hey!


    I've read that there are a lot of people using the TrackIR with the PMDG 737NGX so I thought I'd post here, see if you can shed some light! I just bought TrackIR5 w/ TrackClip Pro, I've also got the vector clip. I'm having some issues with zoom and other view points, I'm using the "Seth - Flight" profile but when I try to zoom in, it's like I'm kissing the monitor and still no where near the instruments in the virtual cockpit, I zoom in that far that the tracker no longer see's the Pro clip and dead sets until I move back into view...


    Does anyone have a good profile for FSX/737NGX or some suggestions on how to improve my experience with the "Seth - Flight" profile?




    I just use the globe target where ever I sit and hit target on it, it then places you exactly where you are sitting in relation to the monitor.

  6. Possibly but as noted the CPU / GPU combination is critical so I wouldn't discount the 580 GPU as a beneficial upgrade especially when running at 4.8ghz+.Cheersjja
    Nothing beats a good graphics card if you use it for other games but after upgrading graphics cards on my old E8600 processor from a GTX280 i saw no difference in performance on the GTX480 which runs the same as the new GTX570 in most benchmarks. Once I upgraded to the 2600k my framerates skyrocketed in FSX. I run from 50 to over 300 FPS in FSX with this processor. NGX averages 75 FPS.The 2500k AND 2600k are highly clockable and the multicores are the key to the big improvement over a dual core in FSX. If your updrade is purely for the FSX then go with the processor first.

  7. The GTX280 is more than sufficient for FSX,go for a better processor such as the intel 2500k,or 2600k. As mentioned all over sim forums it's about your processor.The GTX280 is more than sufficient for FSX,go for a better processor such as the intel 2500k,or 2600k. As mentioned all over sim forums it's about your processor.

  8. Shannon,I have this problem too... I attribute it to the old age of my ancient CHProducts pedals, and my work-arounds work well enough for me not to spend any more time finding a solution (I've tried increasing the null zone, and I typically recalibrate the pedals before every flight anyway). The brakes will reset to 0% if you toggle the parking brake. Manage momentum carefully, and try to avoid brake application during taxi. In the NGX, you actually decelerate pretty quickly at idle (F1) thrust. After landing, I usually spam "Ctrl + ." then "." as lightning fast as I can when I want to rid myself of that tiny residual application of braking.Not exactly the ideal solution... but hopefully it's a little more information than you started with.-Tony
    I will try your solution thanks
    Just curious, are either of you running your pedals through a USB hub? If so, try plugging them diretly to your pc. Could be intermittent low amplitude spikes... I know with saitek if things don't get enough power they get noisy. Stands to reason both manufacturers may be getting their pots from the same cheap vendor.
    Yes I am running the saitek through a hub. I will plug in directly and try tonight again,thanks
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