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Posts posted by Andy764

  1. 11 hours ago, signmanbob said:

    I have the Virtual Avionics MCP and EFIS and it is not working with them at all.  My Flightdeck Solutions CDU is partly working.  All of the buttons work, but the screen is black. I can look at the screen in the VC and push my buttons on the hardware CDU.


    I Have the FDS MCP and CDU.  Neither work with the NGXu.  I asked FDS about it and they only found out at the same time as the users there was an update.  So they have not created software to run interface and at the moment its not on their todo list.  😞   Pretty gutted about that actually. Hard ware isn't cheap and its currently useless with the new PMDG Software.  I would have thought PMDG would have at least notified hardware manufacturers of this update.. 



  2. Thanks to those that replied.  Been doing a fair amount of investigating myself,  after all its not an amount of money just to throw away.. 


    The companies I looked at are:

    Open Cockpits

    Emailed this lot six times with a couple of easy questions.  Not a single response.  Not even an acknowledgement.  Did it via the webste and also to the sales@ address. 

    This was the cheapest of the brands but frankly if they cant be bothered to answer a question relating to me spending money with them, The chances of them answering any support emails is minimal they have your money by that point they clearly don't care.  Apparently lack of communication  is a common thing with Open Cockpits.  

    Product disregarded due to total lack of customer service. 

    CP Flight 

    Based in Italy, these guys were surprisingly the most expensive of the three by a significant amount.   Also they appear to not answer customer service/emails

    Product disregarded due to again no customer service and a ridiculously high price tag. 

    Flight Deck solutions. 

    These guys were touted as being very expensive however for a better made solid product made by a company who manufactures actual simulator parts the cost was less than CP flight and more importantly the email I sent with a couple of questions was answered within 5 MINS.  The response time and the answers and explanations given totally sold me on this company.  Other reviews of their products all indicate product and the support is top notch and they look after their customers.   Not the cheapest but without question this in my opinion is the best way to go. 

    I hope that helps anybody else looking. 




  3. Hi All.

    Looking for any owners with opinions/advice.

    Looking at purchasing an FMC for use with the PMDG 737NGX,  The two on my radar at present are the Open Cockpits FMC https://www.opencockpits.com/index.php/en/products-en/item/FMC B-737 V3 Mounted & ready?category_id=82 and the Flight Deck Solutions version. https://flightdeck-solutions.myshopify.com/collections/b737ng/products/fds-b737ng-pro-mx-cdu-color-vga  FDS is slightly more expensive but both are ball park the same price once converted to Pounds. 

    What are your thoughts.  It is a fair amount of money so I would appreciate comments from people who own either of them.


    Many thanks




  4. On ‎04‎/‎01‎/‎2018 at 11:33 PM, gboz said:

    You might check your full screen in sim resolution is set to the same desktop resolution.  ??


    They are both the same.  Interestingly.  If I reset all of the settings to default.  Both CFG and NI.  There is absolutely no difference to be seen..  I tried this also one at a time and in different orders.  No difference.  Could it be a file path not being seen correctly.

    FSX SE is installed C:\STEAM\STEAMAPPS\COMMON\FSX.  Nothing unusual there. ??? 




  5. Just tried that.  No real change.  I only get the jagged lines and Shimmery scenery when in Full screen mode.  If I drop it to Windowed It is stable as anything with no Shimmers and perfectly smooth lines everywhere.  

    It has to be a change in a driver somewhere as it never used to be like this or this difficult to fix if there were any shimmers.   Looking around it seems I'm not the only one either theres posts in the PMDG general forum (Probably where this one should have been. My mistake) under the NVIDIA settings Sticky post with people saying similar. 


  6. So I I tried it with AA checked and TF set to the highest level.  No difference. So I reset the NVIDIA inspector to defaults.  Problem 80% goes away?  Whilst I'm not one to mess with stuff if it aint broke.  I cant fathom what is different between now and before the reinstall. ?? 

    If anybody can tell me how to most images I'll post a screen shot of NI just to see if Ive missed something obvious.




  7. Afternoon All.

    Looking for some advice or pointers if at all possible.  

    Had to do Windows reinstall the other day due to certain Windows 10 Problems shall we say.... :-)   I have reinstalled FSX SE and the PMDG products I own, in this case I'm working with the NGX. All works fine in general however  When in Full screen mode I get the most horrendous shimmers when looking around the airport (Heat haze type effect) and when looking in Spot view the aircraft appears like there is no antialiasing.  All jagged.  If I put it into Windowed mode its totally smooth.  No shimmering and smooth aircraft. Id attach images but I cannot see an attach image icon anymore. 

    I have gone through the NVIDIA inspector settings and this in fact seems to make it worse.. I've also attached a screenshot of the Inspector page below for clarification. I've tried the most recent NVIDIA drivers for a GTX 960 as well as the drivers I was using prior which were v362.00 (Stable so I left them)

    What I'm struggling with is that prior to the reinstall all the settings were exactly the same as they are now with no problems at all.

    Hoping there's one or two Graphics Gurus out there that might suggest some options.

    Just FYI I have left the CFG file largely untouched other than the WideAspect=TRUE change. In line with suggestions after the change to the NVIDIA inspector profile Anti Aliasing is Unchecked and Texture Filtering is set to Tri Linear.

    Any thoughts gratefully received.

    Many thanks



  8. I and others have had this problem for a long time now.   I went through a fairly detailed trouble shooting exercise via a PMDG support ticket about 18 months ago, but sadly I could not accurately reproduce it everytime, and the guys at PMDG didn't even see the problem. 

    The only way around it I have found is to make sure any control yokes/rudder pedals are unplugged from the USB port until after the aircraft has finished its 15 second initialisation when loaded.  Once this has finished plug in the control yoke etc and in my case no more problems.   

    I can generally say that I will have the problem if I forget to unplug the controls and move any button or axis or viewpoint before the initialisation finishes.

    This works for me I cannot say it will work for others however it would be interesting to see what others find...  It is only the PMDG 737NGX (all variants)  that this happens on.  The PMDG 777 is not affected.


    Best Regards




  9. There may be an other issue going on, people have been losing clickspots while doing my method - I think mostly in P3D. I'm just lucky enough that it works for me (I use FSX - SE).


    I load the scenery and a default 737 so that I don't double-load the ngx. If I select the plane in the startup menu, the plane loads up for the preview window. It will load again when it loads at the airport. I know that caused an issue for me with parts of the plane not showing up (the turbofan blades specifically). In some instances it may also cause a clickspot issue, so its worth I try I guess. The manual drives the point home not to double load the plane, so I guess losing clickspots with a double load isn't out of the realm of possibility. 


    So its been a month or too since I last posted on this subject.  I stumbled on a possible cause and cure for my installation.  I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has the same results.

    I stumbled over the fact that the problem shows itself anytime  I have installed any other 3rd party software AFTER the NGX.  If I uninstall the NGX and reinstall, the problem disappears.  So far for good..  I tested this theory multiple times just installing scenery, airports, FSUIPC anything I had over and over again.  Every time the problem showed itself.  each time I reinstalled NGX - problem free. Its been happily running for nearly a month with no issues.

    I have been bouncing stuff back and forth with PMDG as to my own findings.  None of it makes a lot of sense to them as to why this would happen, it doesn't to me either, however I would be interested to hear if any of you out there have the same results as me.




  10. Just a heads up for those that use NVIDIA Inspector the new NVIDIA driver 364.51 released  last week, has changed "FSX" to Flight Sim 10 by drop down name within Inspector.   You also need to search "Microsoft" to filter rather than just typing "MS"  Searching "MS" will find no Microsoft products. 


    Just FYI.  It caught me out.   To be fair I  have heard the latest driver is a little unstable in other applications anyway.



  11. So what ever this problem is.  It appears to be degenerative.  I have gone from never seeing it since owning PMDG 737NGX (Since original release) to it happening once in a blue moon to as of today actually not being able to use the product as it now opens with no click spots working at all.  All happened over a 4 -6  week period.  Absolutely now at a loss.  I have a product that is not usable and it appears I am far from the only one.   (My system config/software installed has not changed since this started just fyi.)



  12. I'll have a go at what Mark suggested above. 

    Meanwhile the variables I have are:


    FSX -SE -(Running Full Screen Mode) (Resolution Full HD 1920 x 1080)

    PMDG 737NGX (Base package and 600/700 expansion) Generally only use the -800

    PMDG 777 (Unaffected)

    Windows 10 (Home) (64 Bit)

    FSUIPC (Non registered)

    Saitek Pro Flight Yoke (Current product drivers installed for Win 10)

    CH Pedals. (Current drivers installed)

    Current NVIDIA GTX Drivers installed

    NVIDIA Inspector configured (Highly improbable this is causing it but anyway its in the list)



  13. Yes Ive heard rumours,  I don't know the exact issue details but I don't normally and certainly haven't recently been changing the zoom.  Normally it sits about between 70 + 80 %, But resetting to default doesn't make any difference to whats going on.

  14. This is nothing definitive as it is a random thing, but I just did a little short hop and on loading the aircraft, I immediately set the panel state back to the NGX default Short state.  No issues at all.   I'll do this each time over the next few flights and see how I get on.  Maybe after all this is something to do with a panel state getting corrupted somehow. 

    Interesting to see if those with P3D have the same result.  (Mine is using FSX -SE)




    So as a follow up to my above post.  Sadly my theory did not work.   I've had the least issues with the default Short state panel, however I did a short flight earlier and even that had problems.  I tried a Cold and Dark state earlier as well.  (Clean start ofFSX) and this had clickspot issues as well.  Currently stuck for options at the moment.



  15. This is nothing definitive as it is a random thing, but I just did a little short hop and on loading the aircraft, I immediately set the panel state back to the NGX default Short state.  No issues at all.   I'll do this each time over the next few flights and see how I get on.  Maybe after all this is something to do with a panel state getting corrupted somehow. 

    Interesting to see if those with P3D have the same result.  (Mine is using FSX -SE)



  16. From my point of view I start a new flight every single time.  The only constant is the panel state of the NGX which is a slightly tweaked version of the default short turnaround state.  Other than that everything is fresh on each flight.  #

    Ironically,  for me,  if it starts happening I save the flight at that point, exit fsx completely then restart the program and load that flight directly and so far that has worked for me each time and allowed me to complete that flight. It doesn't help me pin point anything and it doesn't directly point the finger at anything.  For me as well it is completely random.


    Best Regards


  17. Hi Kyle.

    Absolutely.  All Sim Connect installers were run in line with the release notes that go with the NGX download.

    I can run them again if people think it will help. 

    I forgot to mention I have created my own Start up panel state for the NGX rather than using the default engines running state.  Not sure if that's relevant either.



  18. Just to chip in again.  Its not an EZDOK thing as I don't have that, and still have the issue. 

    It never happened with FSX SP2 and Win 7.  (Ive owned NGX since it was launched)

    It started happening about 2 months after buying a new PC with Win 10 and then purchasing Steam Edition. Running a completely fresh install of everything.   For the first two months it was flawless, its only started happening in the last month or so.  It only happens with the NGX to my knowledge I have not seen it happen with the PMDG 777.



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