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  1. MrPlaneDriver's post in Cannot access Support Desk was marked as the answer   
    Hey, Kyle!

    Let me update you on my problem with the Support Portal.

    I reported to you a few days ago that I was able to access the portal on my Android phone via Chrome. But today I tried logging into it on my desktop again and it failed on IE, Firefox, and Chrome, even though I used the very same username and password that worked in the mobile browser. I was only able to access the portal on my desktop when I logged in on my phone again and tried changing my password. Now it's all good.

    I thought you'd be interested in having some more feedback on this issue.
    PS.: Also, it'd be nice if you could look into this topic that I started about my forementioned activation problem with the J41.
  2. MrPlaneDriver's post in Maunual thrust with A/T armed? was marked as the answer   
    Just press the MCP button corresponding to the current active A/T mode (SPEED or N1). It will deselect that mode and the system will revert to ARM mode.
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