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  1. Hello Simmers, I want to use my Aurbus X V1.15 together with FS2Crew button version. But whenever I try to start my FSX it crashes. By checking reasons I get the notice that the following file caused the crashes: FS2CrewAirbusButton.GAU_unloaded. I cannot get behind the starting window meaning that the whole FSX does not start at all. When I uninstall the FS2Crew, everything works fine. Any suggestions what`s going wrong here ?
  2. Thanx for your recommendations :-)I have now tried everything you wrote without sucess. Actually it seems that the issue is caused by this strange Microsoft .net framework (sometimes this item appeared in the `mistake windows` ).Can I just delete the 2 folders cache.service 1 and 2 - or just the numerous ones within the 2 folders, meaning e.g. 001 to 999 ?? Which folders will be recreated in the next session ?
  3. Hello Simmers,after long-haul sessions my tiles cannot be erased anymore. Everytime I start the added tool in which you can erase tiles there is a window saying that it is not possible to delete files in this certain folders.What to do ? I have already tried to solve it with administrator rights ( I am using Vista ) but it`s no use.Any hints ??
  4. Hello Simmers,just an amateur question: what really are the changes during map versions ? Is more landscape covered then ? Can you give examples ?wolfen 2000
  5. Hello Simmers,just to start some kind of survey: What chances do you see to have the whole world covered via Tileproxy ?Will there be a chance to take on Google Earth again sometime ? Will VE and Yahoo!Maps provide more landscape footage in the future ?What do you think ?wolfen 2000
  6. Hello Simmers,I fly more or less every highspeed Jetflight on IVAO with Tileporxy engaged. The more you decrease your speed (esp. at airport approaches) the better the quality becomes.Anyone out there who has some hints how to minimize the blurry effects during high speed flights at high altitudes ? Any experiences yet ?I appreciate your help :smile:wolfen2000 :(
  7. Okay, I will run the two apps then. Thanx guys for answers.Need the FSUIPC in case of the VasFMC.Any known issues with the combination VasFMC + FSUIP+Tileproxy ?I suffered a Vista system crash lately and still trying to figure out what happened. FSUIPC and Tileproxy were the latest apps I installed before the system crash. And it seemed that the cause was a netframe issue.
  8. Hi Simmers,before installing the VasFMC for a default FSX Boeing (FSUIPC therefore is necessary) I want to ask if there are any known issues in the combination FSUIPC and TP ?Any experiences ? Do`s and Don`ts ?Greetz :-)))
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