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Posts posted by FS++

  1. On 4/28/2024 at 11:05 AM, delfin8896 said:

    I have now gone into more detail and discovered that MCE sometimes does not pass the commands to PFE. The FSUIPC console window was open and I could see that sometimes these hotkey commands were simply not being registered by FSUIPC. In addition, the Caps Lock button for muting no longer works.

    You may want to read this


  2. On 5/30/2024 at 9:52 AM, dbrooke said:

    Not a new aircraft, but a new feature. I would like a pause before TOD feature. pretty easy in XP12, I know nothiing about other sims. I do have a plugin, but I am trying to reduce my plugin usage,  I was going to write one myself(for XP12), but MCE has a hissy fit if I start compiling. You have probably thought of this before, and ruled it out.

    You got me scracthing my head over this. Could you please clarify? Thanks

  3. 21 hours ago, Fighter Guy said:

    Hey Gerald,


    I'm having an issue with the MCE copilot dialing the squawk. After receiving the clearance from PF3, If I say to the MCE copilot "squawk 1234" he starts dialing and goes into a continuous loop of trying to dial the squawk. The only way I can stop the dialing it is by either stopping MCE or letting him continue to dial until after a minute or two it finally stops. This has been going on for a while, but I had just gotten used to not asking the MCE copilot dial the squawk. My flying partner also has the same issue.

    Any help is greatly appreciated.  Running FSX, PF3, MCE.


    Tony J

    You may not be aware of the current implementation...

    When Fo has the COMMS and PF3 instructs to dial a specific transponder code or tune a VHF, he's expected to do that (albeit not instantly).

    Because that happens via a low priority worker thread which gives the Fo the ability to service simultaneous requests, I wonder whether this was caused by Fo dialing the code (as per PF3 request) and also attempting to dial again as a result of the direct speech command to dial.

    Normally, shouldn't happen when he's busy dialling something, but you never know.😛

    Also, the dialling technique varies from one plane to another, therefore we need to know which flight sim and airplane this relates to.

    All dialling commands will eventually time out after a number of seconds. Usually 60 sec, but could be up to 90 seconds for cases where dialling is known to be slow (some planes). Therefore, no need to restart MCE.


  4. On 5/24/2024 at 2:36 PM, CptCharlie130 said:

    After downloading the latest MSFS 15 update, I was amazed to find the Inibuilds A320 Neo in it! (FREE)

    Is the there any chance you guys at MCE could include the Inibuilds Neo into MCE?

    I tried running MCE but it wont work with the Inibuilds Neo!

    Many thanks!

    The Inibuilds Neo has restored my faith in MSFS not to mention sparked my old enthusiasm...(no mean feat!)




    It's works in progress.

  5. 1 hour ago, d.tsakiris said:

    Thanks Gerald. Can I test the new file with my existing installation of


    Only change from the very latest version, when the file simulates a bunch of keys down followed by keys up, the delay inbeteen has been increased to give a chance to FSUIPC to catch the separate events in case it was the issue.


    • Like 1

  6. 2 hours ago, d.tsakiris said:

    Hello, does MCE have any sort of auto-tune function? I ask because I had problems on my last flight from EDNY (Asobo enhanced) to EDDM (payware) with PF3, MCE, the Blacksquare B350 and the PMS750 (freeware). Apart from crazy view changes I hopefully traced back to identical hotkeys being used by MSFS and PF3, I also encountered the issue that frequencies were being changed on me: After landing I wanted to contact Munich ground on the frequency "A" provided by PF3, but after PTTing the request, the frequency was immediately changed to "B", and I never got an answer from ATC.

    I did notice that the PMS750 recognized frequency "B" as "EDDM GND", so I checked the PMS' manual for references to auto-tuning, but could find none. Same for PF3, and in MSFS I believe I have deactivated all assistance options. That leaves MCE, hence my question: Does MCE do this? Oh, the only MCE function I was using was "Talk to ATC", as I was doing single pilot ops.

    The assumption is that you have "Talk to ATC controller" feature enabled and the <ATC> tab is showing "Using PF3 ATC".

    The only time where the Fo is expected to dial a new frequency is when PF3 instructs through the "clearance.log" in \PF3\Logs\ folder

    In much older versions, there was abug whereby when native ATC menu would change and show "Tune whatever on XXX.XXX" the Fo would comply (which is normal when using Native ATC), but it's not the case anymore when in PF3 or Radat Contact ATC mode.

    I suggest you install the latest just in case:




  7. On 11/29/2023 at 9:49 AM, GalaioSilva said:

    Thanks for the response.

    Will see it this weekend. And yes, it is a developer from SSG, 


    João Galaio

    Assuming it's the FSS 195 we are talking about, the new patch adds a significant level of support for that plane.

    Still works in progress, but the most exciting features you need with voice control are already there. I mean autopilot dialling, radios dialling, flaps control, checklist via voice and almost total control of the entire overhead panel.

    Get the patch here:

    Manually replace/add files as per folder structure.

  8. On 4/22/2024 at 2:15 PM, threexgreen said:

    Also, in the PMDG 737 MCE won't properly accept a fuel figure. When I request refueling via GSX and MCE asks for the amount, I reply with something like "15,000 pounds", but MCE converts that into kilos/tons and puts that into the FMC which obviously doesn't work when pounds are used. When I give MCE a metric value it doesn't do anything.

    If you're on the Ultimate Edition, grab the new patch and replace/add files as per folder structure. If for some reason the PMDG SDK doesn't report the Metric vs Imperial units setting correctly, MCE will use own setting with a new option in [OPTIONS] section inside "mce.ini"


    UsingMetricSystem=0   (set it to 1 if using tons for fuel, leave it at zero for pounds.

    By default, missing entry in file means NOT using kilograms.



    • Like 1

  9. 1 hour ago, dbrooke said:

    I would like the forthcoming Toliss A330, we don't know which variant it is yet, I suspect a NEO though.  As ever I suspect there will be little change for this A/C.from other Toliss planes.


    FO doesn't need to know about aircraft geometry or performance.

    It would be just a matter of telliing MCE. when you see this specific plane from Toliss loaded, treat it as their A320.

    If I recall well, the hydraulic panel is different for the A330 but that's not a biggie since we already interfaced other A330 (Aerosoft, JAR, RDW) and the FO already has the audio, speech commands specific to Airbus and actions coded to handle those

    Go to C:\users\your_user_name\AppData\Roaming\Multi Crew X-Plane\ and open "xpmce.ini"

    Change "Debug=0" to "Debug=1".

    With that plane loaded, start MCE and you should see a mesage box showing the info MCE has gathered for identifying the plane.

    Post the screenshot. Also state the "whatever_name.acf" the aircraft file has.




  10. On 4/27/2024 at 3:13 PM, Psch said:


    Started today with MSE in combination with the PMDG 737. Is there a libary where you can download flows made by users?



    First, welcome aboard Patrick.

    I was hoping someone would chime in.

    Unlike many years ago, creating flows from scratch doesn't require reading manual and writing built-in commands, at least for PMDG and other fully supported planes.

    The pre-made flows just need you to remove items that you'll be handling yourself for perfect task sharing.

    If you were to create a flow from scratch, for elaborate scenarios like handling failures as per QRH SOPs, here is how to go about it.

    In MCE UI go to <Command> tab and click <Voxscript> button.

    In "Scripts overview" panel, click <New> and type your custom speech command you'd like to use to trigget that flow (it can be anything you want).

    The new flow will be lsied. Select it and click <Edit>

    In "script properties" panel, up to you whether the flow is going to be executed silently (verbose option disabled) or aloud.

    Click <Edit script commands".

    Now all you have to do is add speech commands in succession.

    click <Command> button and you should see a list box. Expand it and you'll find hunfreds of speech commands that apply to that plane.

    It's just a matter of selecting one from the list, insert it and click <Add> button to add it to a flow. If the command isn't listed, you may need to type it.

    If you need the FO to utter something in-between 2 commands, use the <Notify> button to add a statement.

    If you need the FO to pause for a certain amount of seconds or until you tell him to resume, use the <Pause> button.

    If you need to trigger some audio, add a sound using the <Sound> button.

    Don't forget to save after adding commands.

    If you'd like to have more than one way to trigger that same flow, select it and click <Clone Script> then type the alternative sentence and a duplicate flow will be created which is triggered with the one you just typed.

    That's really all there is to it.

    Once you trigger a flow verbally, you could

    cancel it with "cancel (the) flow" "abort (the) flow"

    Temporarily pause it with "pause (the) flow"  "suspend (the) flow"

    Resume it with "resume (the) flow"

    There are other variations like "carry on with the flow", "continue with the flo"... I just listed some. (the) is optional in the sentence.

    No need to insert small pauses lower than 3 seconds. A delay of 2 seconds is always inserted between 2 successive commands.


  11. 4 hours ago, delfin8896 said:

    I have now gone into more detail and discovered that MCE sometimes does not pass the commands to PFE. The FSUIPC console window was open and I could see that sometimes these hotkey commands were simply not being registered by FSUIPC. In addition, the Caps Lock button for muting no longer works.

    If MCE interface was edited recently, one can never rule out the possibility something having been been broken in the process.

    It hasn't been touched for at least a year.

    Since it's working when you transmit yourself, the same process is used to send the Hotkeys when the Fo transmits.

    When it comes to Hotkeys, keep in mind, they only work when the flight simulator window has the keyboard focus.

    If you installed a new add-on recently, make sure it's not periodically setting the focus on itself.

    Edit: There is also the possibility some other addon that uses FSUIPC and relies on Hotkeys, has already registered those keys with FSUIPC making them unavailable for PF3.


  12. On 4/22/2024 at 2:15 PM, threexgreen said:

    Also, in the PMDG 737 MCE won't properly accept a fuel figure. When I request refueling via GSX and MCE asks for the amount, I reply with something like "15,000 pounds", but MCE converts that into kilos/tons and puts that into the FMC which obviously doesn't work when pounds are used. When I give MCE a metric value it doesn't do anything.

    Mechanic has built-in awareness regarding Metric vs Imperial.

    There is an SDK "WeightInKg" variable which MCE looks at.

    Unfortunately, at least in the most recent version of the plane, the variable returns "3" irrespective of the seting in CDU, therefore mechanic will always see it in "Metric". And that's why he's converting.

    Maybe worth adding an option in mce.ini for user to declare preference there as a workaround..

    • Upvote 1

  13. 3 hours ago, delfin8896 said:

    Hello Gerald,

    MCE is no longer able to communicate with PF3 if I advise the FO to do so. I can hear the FO speaking but PF3 is not reacting. If I answer myself, PF3 is reacting correctly. This is with the latest v 3.7.8.

    You need to enable the MCE-PF3 interfacing. It's done via the "PF3_MCE.ini" file present in PF3 installation folder.

    Set "Active=1".

    After that PF3 will generate a "Clearance.log" in its \Logs\ folder which MCE uses to give the FO awareness so he can know when a reply is due etc..

    Although rare, some call-signs might confuse the FO.

    For instance, when he gets aware a new ATC message has been logged, anything that starts with your call-sign will be listened and reacted to. Other messages are ignored.

    Can't recall, there is an option in PF3 where the call-sign might be preceded with some prefix. Don't use that option.

  14. 6 hours ago, scmtech said:

    A "fsdt-msfs-bridge.wasm" file is present in my GSX community folder "\Packages\Community\fsdreamteam-gsx-pro\modules".

    MCE is installed at: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Multi Crew Experience"


    In "General" tab of MCE UI, click <More options> button

    In "Advanced options" panel, click <View config> button.

    mce.ini config file will open in Notepad. Ensure....



    Should work as long as GSX is always your preferred ground services. I mean, no need for automatic switching based on detection.

  15. On 4/21/2024 at 10:10 PM, scmtech said:

    Yes, GSX is up to date - version 2.9.8. GSX is working when I use the GSX menus in the sim. Yep, aircraft also has power via battery and APU or GPU depending on the state of the flow.

    Before MCE automatically switches to GSX mode, it checks...

    1 - A folder named "fsdreamteam-gsx-pro" is present inside \Community\ folder and has a wasm file named "fsdt-msfs-bridge.wasm" is present inside \Modules\ subfolder. Perhaps you renamed your GSX folder in \Community\ folder.

    2 - It then fires the key combination to trigger GSX window.

    3 - Waits a bit to check if process "Couatl64_MSFS.exe" is running.

    Only when those conditions are met will the switch happen.

    I assume you have MCE installed to default folder.



  16. On 4/22/2024 at 1:03 PM, threexgreen said:

    Apparently Microsoft is dropping the current speech recognition in W11, replacing that with a new software called Voice Access.

    Will this affect MCE?


    Thanks for the heads-up.

    We're on same boat as Pilot2Atc. Right now MCE is working fine in Windows 11 and I don't see Microsoft deliberately breaking apps (they tend to ensure compatibility for as long as possible).

    Did a little research and it appears they are just moving away from the usual speech bar which gets all apps to share the same speech recognizer instance to a model where each app designed for "speech access" will accept speech natively.

    Probably because telemetry is showing them hardly anyone uses Cortana or even bothers to start the built-in speech recognizer.

    By the way, this is why MCE creates an exclusive instance of the speech engine, rather than the shared one. The latter would cause mayhem as any speech could be interpreted as a command to open "Microsoft Notepad", "open browser", Windows menu selection etc..  very disruptive.

    Also, MCE uses the "Command & Control" feature of the speech engine which performs very well, as opposed to "full dictation" which is known to be unreliable.

    These days, all PCs have tons of RAM installed, so it's easy to grant each application its own instance of the speech engine.

    They are pushing the new feature and now considering previous interface as legacy, which means, maybe beyond Window 12 (or later), some apps may need to adapt so they can drop the older interface.

    In any case, if we have to adapt 4 years down the line, so be it.


    • Like 2

  17. On 4/18/2024 at 11:42 PM, Fighter Guy said:


    I've been attempting to download the latest MCE version on the downloads page, but the link appears to be inactive. Has something changed?  When I click the link no download is started. This is the first time I've had this problem. 

    Thanks for the support,


    Tony J


    You can get it from this link: Link removed

    Links on website will be re-activated as soon as possible.


  18. On 4/7/2024 at 11:03 AM, Burge said:

    Hi all

    gsx refuels aircraft to what simbrief pulls in that cool, how can i stop my mech from asking how much fuel you need in tons, in the adv ops i have mech on push that all.

    i have asked him to leave but at end of script when i get handed over to gsx he keeps saying how much fuel do you need in tons







    In latest patch (V3.0.7.8) mechanic behavior has changed in regard to this.

    From now on, when GSX fuel truck arrives, he'll take note of the current fuel load.

    Then waits for about 90 seconds and re-checks the fule quantity.

    If it has increased by at least 300 kilos, he'll assume refuelking is done by other means (GSX or other).

    If not, he'll start prompting for the fuel to load so MCE can do it.

    Not sure if 90 seconds is adequate.

  19. On 3/24/2023 at 4:38 PM, Muskoka said:

    Just to bring closure to this thread I'm responding back. This is a vanilla install of Windows 11. UAC, security, folder permissions have not been touched, so things should just work.

    I'm going to just move on and look into using something else.

    Which MCE version are you on?

    In more recent versions, when MCE is unable to create the flight plan in \My Documnts\ folder, it will write it to C drive as last resort.

    If you are on V3.0.7.0 or higher, use the patch found here and manually add/replace files.

    Then generate a new log and check whether you can see a "Simbrief_fpln.dat" in C:\ drive.


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