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  1. Good day all I got the strangest of problems that popped up doing a flight today So i did a flight from KSFO-YMML on the PMDG 777-300er My trip distance was supposed to be 7,858 miles based on the flight plan i got but when i entered it into the FMC i get a distance of 6,957, that is about a 900 mile difference and i am real confused I did the math adding up the legs and the 6,957 number was right here is the flight plan i used GNNRR3 CINNY DCT 30N129W DCT 25N132W DCT 21N135W DCT 16N140W DCT 08N150W DCT 00N160W DCT WOOBY B581 NN DCT TANIL A579 UPSAD DCT ABARB DCT RIKNI DCT OMLAV Q15 WOL H65 RAZZI Q29 LIZZI DCT any help with this would be great thanks 13ifs40
  2. well that is great but it does not answer my question basically is there any controls on the market that can do it, the sidewinder control stick use to but is there any out there now that can now like the Thrustmaster TCA Yoke PACK Boeing Edition or the Logitech Saitek Pro Flight Yoke\ thanks 13ifs40
  3. Ok so i have a strange question. Are there any controller devices that you can feel the landing in flight sim, and i am talking any flight sim Right now i am using a Logitech joystick and i don't feel the plane land, i hear it but that is it i got some Christmas money from the wife and i am looking to upgrade but only if the device can feel the landing any help would be great. 13ifs40
  4. Good afternoon all So i am wondering if there are any good Force-feed back joysticks or yokes out on the market i could get? Now i do remember the sidewinder was around a long time ago and i thought i saw that on Amazon but would they even be a good buy now? Any help from everyone and all would be greatly appreciated. happy holidays and thanks 13ifs40
  5. Good Morning all I am looking for some good scenery for KSFO for Prepar3d V5 both pay and free Any and all suggestions are welcome and helpful thanks in advance for your help 13ifs40
  6. Hello Thanks for the response I have no other EWR scenery in the game except for what came with the game. I will contact DD and see what they have to say thanks Ian Snow
  7. Hello all So i was wondering if anyone out there could help me with a question. I just got KEWR from Drzewiecki Design and there are alot of the gates missing in both Terminal B and C as an option to use when going into the airport scenery from the route menu Is there a way to add them or am I just stuck with what I got as the choices. Thanks all in advance for your help Ian Snow
  8. Thanks Jabblewok for the answer i am still on the fence about getting this and am taking a wait and see approach while I read and research the pros and cons Ian Snow
  9. Good morning The subject matter says it all If I get the sim do I have to do the update or can I keep it as is and update when and if I want to Thanks to everyone in advance for your help. Ian Snow
  10. Good Morning Thanks FluffyFlops for your help this is a great help Ian Snow
  11. I am planning on doing a sim flight from EDDF-KSFO and i was wondering how i would enter the flight plan for the United flight 59 that happened today? Based on what i can see there is not alot of waypoints he hits on this trip any help and suggestions would be greatly appreciated Ian Snow
  12. Thanks for all your help this weekend when i am off i will get the program and try it out Ian Snow
  13. HI Guys Sorry to sound like the Moron of the month,but that made me more lost So what i am trying to say is when i land at X airport and taxi to the gate, i try and pick up the marshaller, he is not there so i am parking blind. if by some miracle the marshaller is there and i can see the two numbers that show either left or right of the center line and the count down to stop, i taxi into the gate unfortunately when the number hits zero to stop i have parked to far forward and in the process squashed my marshaller like a bug
  14. Hi David Yes when i go into the parking section i hit control Y to exit like the directions say and my aircraft ends up with its nose completely in the terminal. So it basically has no effect on what i did and i am back to square one Ian Snow
  15. I posted this in the Fsdreamteam forum and got no reply so i am wondering if you folks out there could help me I was wondering if anyone can help me with a couple of questions? I know all the heavy parking positions are incorrect, so i have tried to correct them but i am having a problem when i enter the editor i can correct the marshall position no problem, but when i try to correct the 777-200 or 777-300 i end up with the plane back in the same position which is with the nose in the terminal. I follow the editor and it seems correct but when i exit using the Y key the plane moves back to where it started at 2nd question is do i have to adjust every single parking position or is there a way to do it only once and it fills in at every heavy parking spot at every airport? Thanks for your help in advance Ian Snow
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