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Posts posted by blackheart2502

  1. Well something happened. I don't have a clue what but the HGS is gone. The control panel in the pedastal is still alive but nothing is being projected onto the combiner glass. Everything else is working and there are no failures listed in the CDU. Anyone else have this happen? Oh by the way this problem is still present even after I uninstalled and reinstalled the NGX. I would hate to uninstall FSX and reinstall it to fix it. I just did that in August before NGX came out and it was a pain. Thanks if anyone can help. Hiram Hunt

  2. Well I think I've had my first maintenance problem. After I pused back from the gate at KTPA yesterday, I started the engines and completed my after start flows and checklist. Then I pused up the power a wee bit to get rolling but the number one engine would not respond to throttle inputs. I tried turning the EEC off then back on. No go. So I shut the engine down and restarted. No go. I thought maybe it was a stuck starter valve but the light was out. The bleeds and gens and hyd's were all set correctly. I checked the failure generator system in the FMC but there weren't any to clear. So I taxied back to the gate shut her down and called it a day. Any ideas what was up? Hiram Hunt

  3. When I flew for Mesa another pilot told me that it was a tap spot to hit if a panel wasn't lighting up. I asked some mechanics and they provided the most plausible explanation I've heard so far. They told me the + signs are stencil alignment marks for when the panels become worn and need repainting. Who knows. I flew jets and turbo props from three manufacturers for 10 years and and looked at little + signs everywhere and never could find out the absoloute truth of their purpose!!! Hiram Hunt

  4. Still nothing? What happened to the paint kit? What happened to the Alaska 75th anniversary paint, Boeing house, and primered unpainted NGX? Some people have done a few paints without the paint kit and they're not any good. Lots of screwy textures. Is the paint kit coming anytime soon? Hiram Hunt

  5. For kicks I set up at KSFO taking off on 10L with the weather set at 100 feet overcast and 1/4 mile visibility. I set up the FMC and radios for the ILS 29 at KOAK. It is a CATIII approved approach and I wanted to try out the HGS hand flown to CAT III minimums. Piece of cake! Once you're established on the approach AP off and keep the little circle in the big circle. I rolled to the end and reset the weather to CAT IIIa minimums of 0 feet ceiling and 700 RVR or 1/8th mile visibility. I set the FMC and radios up for the ILS 28R at KSFO and blasted off. Same drill. The approach and landing were awsome and right on the money using the HGS. The hardest part was taxiing back to the terminal. The buildings just emerge out of the fog as dark blobs. Very FUN!!! Thanks PMDG!!! Hiram Hunt

  6. For some reason when the plane first loads in cold and dark it has .5 psi on the cabin and you can't open the doors. If you fly it and then shut it down and close the doors you can open them again. If you save your cold and dark flight when you come back to it you can open the doors. Somehow that .5 psi got into the cold and dark from PMDG and that's why they won't open. Minor glitch but cool at the same time because it shows you the level of systems detail and interaction. Hiram Hunt

  7. Sick level of detail!!!!! Jamalje I didn't even think about the pressurization!!! I went into the VC turned on the battery, switched to manual pressurization and opened the outflow valve and I opened all the doors. Apparently there was about .5 psi differential and that was enough to keep the doors from opening!!! Wicked!!! Hiram Hunt

  8. Why do I have to have a generator online to open any of the doors in the FS Actions menu of the CDU? None of the doors on the plane are powered. They all open manually. The only thing that requires power are the airstairs. Is this just a sim-ism or is there a problem with my install? Does the FS Actions menu not interface with the plane until the AC power is on? Not a big deal at all just a curiosity. This sim is so deep that I'm having a blast just trying to enjoy all the little subtle interactions. I got the master caution light on my third landing for the over wing exits and immediately went to the manuals to find out that it ocassionally happens on the real jet. The cure didn't work for me though. I tried opening and closing them several times to no avail. So I did what I would do in real life. I called maintenance and went and got a cup of coffee. Great job PMDG. Hiram Hunt

  9. Hey anyone know what section of the manuals the normal checklists are in? I've scanned through both FCOM's and the FCTM and haven't found them. I've been too busy flying around in this masterpiece to go through the manuals in detail and find them. If any of you know the page to look for I'd greatly appreciate it. Hiram Hunt

  10. Dario I know it's not FSX. fps isn't just an FSX or even a game term. Frames per second means how many frames per second a film camera exposes. In computers it really should be called updates per second because it refers to how many times per second the image on the screen is re-drawn or rendered. The original post said that his friend filmed the shot at 700 fps. obviously it was a video he took. If you find a computer that would run FSX at 700 fps you let me know because I want one real bad!!! Hiram Hunt

  11. Southwest -700 Canyon Blue, winglets, no eyebrows, no wi-fi antenna, Honeywell MCP, EFIS/Map, Steel Brakes, HGSIf only the -800/-900 come out first then I'll be in the Alaska -800, winglets, no eyebrows, Collins MCP, PFD/ND, HGS headed for the Gastineau Channel!!!!! PAJN RNAV 28 here I come!!!!Hiram Hunt

  12. Allright first impressions after about an hour of flying with various planes at various times of the day with the ENB HDR mod. The J41 doesn't even look like the same plane. Much more "real". I thought it looked awsome before but now it's off the chain! So far my FPS just sits at 24 which is where I have the FSX limiter set. The Carenado F33 Bonanza is awsome!!! Gonna fly the A2A 377 next and see how it does. I'm going to mess around with a bunch of stuff to see what works. All the ground textures that used to flicker at the default airports are perfect now, all my REX2.0 surface textures showed up, and now all the lights on all the planes that don't have custom lights work and look better than ever. I don't know what this thing does code wise but it's like having a whole new simulator that works. I did try Alt+Enter at night to get a better screenshot and it worked. Then I switched views and everything went nuts. That was at night. I'll try it daytime and see what happens. I can't believe I almost didn't have this for the NGX!!! Bottom line, if you haven't tried this and you don't have some conflicting software reason not to try it, you don't know what you're missing!!!Hiram Hunt

  13. KRNT-KMWH-KBFI for the B1 flight KBFI-KPAE-KBFI for the C1 flight KBFI-KPHX to put the new beauty on the line for SouthwestKPHX-KHOU for the first revenue runIf the -700 isn't in the initial release then I'm probably going to fly the B1 and the C1 in the -800 for Alaska. Delivery flight from KBFI to KSEA, and then the first revenue run up to PAJN to fly the Gastineau channel using the HGS and the EGPWSHiram Hunt

  14. Okay I've unchecked DX 10 in FSX and I've gone back and re-loaded my REX2.0 textures with DX 10 turned off and I'm getting ready to try it out. Is there anything else I need to do first? By the way I just read the huge article on wiki explaining what DX is. What is the advantage of DX10 in FSX? You always see it in the features lists of add-ons that they are DX10 compatible but I've always wondered what that meant and how it was better.Hiram Hunt

  15. Hey I saw the HDR mod on the AOA NGX video today so I went and found it downloaded it and installed it in FSX where they said to but it doesn't work. Does anyone else here have any experience with it? It looks like a must have before release day.Hiram Hunt

  16. Hey Sven I noticed that all the sounds in the cockpit seem a little quiet. I think the narrator just turned the cockpit volume down so it would be easier to hear him in the video. I had to turn my master volume up higher than normal to really hear some of the small switch noises. If you go watch some of the PMDG preview videos you'll notice that all the sounds including all the fans buzzing and stuff are much louder. I think we're going to love it !!!Hiram Hunt

  17. The spoiler auto retract is based off of throttle lever angle. So when clearing the runway after the captain calls for the flaps up he'll usually push one or both of the throttle levers about half way up and pull it right back to idle and the spoilers retract before the engine has time to spool up. Some just push the spoiler lever back to the retracted position. It's really just personal preference how you choose to retract them. Generally you don't want to run the reversers below 80 knots unless you're going off the end of the runway. Above 80 knots the relative wind is keeping any of the fod from reaching the intake. Below that you risk the reverse thrust thowing any debris that might be on the runway far enough forward that the engine which is at high power might ingest.Hiram Hunt

  18. Kyle, noone on this forum has ever criticized PMDG's work, ie... coding, modeling, sound. We all know and acknowledge that they are the best in the business. What we have been critical of and will continue to be critical of is their public relations strategy. PMDG has been very inconsistent in it's communications with its customers. They have said all along that it will be ready when it's ready. That would be fine if they had stuck with that. But instead they wait until the furor reaches a high point and break the silence and say something like "It's almost done, don't make vacation plans, wide beta is planned for Monday, okay now wide Beta will be this Tuesday night late, okay wide beta will be next Monday." Then when those publicly announced targets are missed they go back into silence mode. They could prevent all of this angst by either not saying a word until they release the NGX or being wide open an answering every question that flies their way that doesn't involve proprietary design techniqes. Instead they try to do both. That's a really bad policy. It just makes customers feel like they're being played with. RSR has every right to do everything he's done so far in communicating with the customers. We at the same time have the right to respectfully criticize his communications policies unless and until we are banned from the forum for our opinions.Hiram Hunt

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