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Posts posted by Danielsen

  1. If I were to divide the number of hours I've flown (or even the number of flights) by the money I've spent it would work out as a very favourable number, definitely by comparison to many other hobbies.


    I agree. Think about how many hours you're spending in your sim. When you buy an airplane for your sim. how many hours do you fly it? Divide that with the price and it really isn't that "expensive" when you think about it. After a while you're down to less than one US dollar per hour  :wink:

  2. Can anyone tell me what the five 747's when for in the auctions?  I was going to bid on them but I could never find out how to connect the the 'chat' channel.  No info on the web site that I could find.  I don't do Facebook or Twitter so I couldn't try them.


    Thank you for the info in advance.


    Ron Oines


    I only heard the last one, and if I remember correctly it went for $140 ;)

  3. It's not nonsense if I've read others post it in reply to others multiple times in topics like these. Don't it against me. 

    Just because a hundred others have said so, doesn't make it more true. It's still nonsense no matter how many replies you've read in topics like these  :wink:

  4. Hey guys. I'm doing a flight from FSIA to OMDB in the NGX, and maybe about 30 min. after passing the Equator from South to North suddenly the airplane started turning to the left away from my track. LNAV was still engaged. I switched to HDG to get it back in track and once again engaged LNAV. Seemed to work, but 5 min. after passing the next waypoint it did a 90 degree left turn for some reason. I haven't touched the IRS's, but the FMC is saying: Scanning DME Fail. But that shouldn't really make the airplane do 360 degree turns or fly 90 degree away from track..

    I have been flying in the NGX for hundreds of hours now and this is a first.. It's not that S-turn thing. I have had that issue as well long time ago, and this didn't look like it was that.

  5. Its funny and annoying hey?! lol


    One thing that really annoys me and its totally unrelated to this topic. I saw one guy say on Facebook... "some people like me are already p****d off"-----Like what?! There might be new livery updates every day but Its still in development or being sanded down, what more could he expect?


    PMDG must be annoyed by such comments, or they're just used to it by now. As it annoys me!




    Haha I know right! We know from the NGX release that it was getting very close once they started posting pictures. It's not like they're just holding it back now until they've shown all the liveries that ships with the release!


    Unfortunately this thread is not helping the cause..  :lol:

    Ohh I know this wont make it go away! Sadly  :lol:


    And just to make it perfectly clear! I have absolutely no problem with anyone using fictional liveries! Many of them are quite well done and beautiful! All I'm saying is stop screaming like teenage girls, ready for a Bieber concert!  :P You'll get your favorite soon enough!


    (And PLEASE PMDG... Make that BA livery and make me look like an idiot now! That would be awesome! Thx!)  B)

  6. I don't care if PMDG makes fictionals to be honest. I'm fine with it. I just don't see them doing it (except that ONE British Airways). There will be hundreds of real and fictionals on the avsim library anyway, so I just don't see why they should bother with anything else than the real ones. That's why it's getting a little stupid to look at the comments on facebook.



    "I want THAT livery!"



    "I want THAT livery!"



    "relax guys.."
    "I want THAT livery!"


  7. Maybe because there are only a handful of operators of the LR compared to other variants.


    Exactly, why I'm 100% sure there will be plenty! of fictional liveries when they release the paintkit! So I don't see why they should bother with creating them. Because if just make one fictional, then 2000 guys will be complaining why they aren't making their favorite livery!

  8. Why do so many of you keep begging for fictional liveries ??

    Tell me WHY that PMDG should create a bunch of fictional liveries for the 777LR ? All I see on these forums and on their facebook page is a whole lot of guys begging to see a BA livery! WHY?!
    Out of all the official PMDG liveries for the NGX I only see one fictional, and that's the BA. They created that because they like BA Virtual and because BA doesn't have NG's! Well.. BA only operate 200ER's and 300ER so I'm very confident PMDG will create liveries for those when they release those.

    I'm sure that when ever they release the paintkit, someone will create a fictional livery for nearly all operators of the 777!
    I understand that you would REALLY love to see your favourite airline be painted on the LR, but I really don't see that happen from an official paint, unless it's a real LR operator.

    In case PMDG actually does create some fictional liveries for the LR, and make me look like an idiot for posting this, then I don't care. All I'm saying is, it's getting VERY tiring to read "Give me this livery" "I want this" and so on. There are some very talented painters out there that can create all the fictional liveries you could ever wish to see!

  9. So I just came to think of Polar flying. I remember that Ryan talked about how they didn't implement that kind of navigation into the systems (or what was it actually?) in the NGX since there's only a very few NG's flying in that region anyway. And of course I had to try it out my self flying over the true north pole and the NGX can't figure out anything from that point  :P
    Anyway, Air Canada flies it's LR over the north pole from Toronto to Hong Kong (as the Just Planes DVD show). Not directly over it all of the time, but sometimes they will. How will the PMDG 777-200LR handle that kind of operations?

  10. The good news about the PMDG 777, however, is that the compared the 737NG, the 777 is a way more modern and automated airplane with much less pilot work load than the 737NG, which is still essentially a 1960's era design, save for the nice glass displays.


    So this makes modelling a Crew Simulation for the PMDG 777 all that much easier  ^_^


    Which is good news for FS2Crew  B)


    GREAT!  B) 


    I was having a little trouble slowing down on approach and final a few nights back. So I called for the landing checklist rather late and only just completed the checklist before minimums. It was like: Landing checklist complete, minimums! landing!!  :P

  11. Frankly I dont know how anyone can fly accurately without a 2D panel or at least the display popups on a second monitor.


    I haven't used the 2D cockpit at all in the NGX. TrackIR helps a lot though for easy looking around while in the VC. The hatswitch is rather slow and inaccurate. But if you don't want to spend money on the TrackIR because it is expensive, you should consider EZdok Camera for use in the Virtual Cockpit. You can create, or import, camera views within the VC. You just assign that 1 will be the main view, 2 will be MCP, 3 FMC, 4 Radio stack and so on or what ever you desire. But all still in the VC. The only thing I use are the display popups when I fly manually for a more accurate display of the flight director. I then re-position the PFD to the lower middle of my screen, so I'm still able to look out the windows, and then the ND to the right of it when it's in APP. That's about as much I use it, and I'm happy that they continue to make the display popups. I understand why 2D is attractive to some, but with TrackIR and Ezdok Camera, or even just EZdok, I don't understand why anyone wouldn't use the VC, unless it's for home builds or a Commodore 64  ^_^

  12. Great news! Good update and gorgeous images! Right now I'm rapidly closing in on 56N40W on my way from Moscow to JFK. I decided to do a non-scheduled flight and departed at 2:13am my local time, to move the virtual me (yes I know.. Forever alone!) to Seattle, to be close by for when I have to do a delivery flight for Emirates to Dubai. Ohh yes, did I mention already, that I am forever alone?! Riiiight... SO! Hmm let's see, arrival in JFK at 1058z or 1158 am my local, so still plenty of time to drool over the pictures! But don't worry. 3/15 was World Sleep Day, so I got up at 2p. I'm excused for the wierd hours!  :rolleyes:

  13. No idea how old you are, but you have a good memory to remember all of those if they've been spread out somewhat ha.

    Jumpseat would be heaven, but I highly doubt that. As they say - you'll never know unless you try!

    Hehe Luke. Not necessarily :P I myself have an account on both http://flightdiary.net/ and http://www.flightmemory.com/ to keep track. Flightdiary has a much better looking map, but lacks a lot of smaller airports. Flightmemory has a very bad looking map, but I still haven't been to a place that wasn't in their database. B)


    And no 777 flights for me yet! :cray:

  14. You don't have to fly step climbs. You don't have to make the steps at exactly the position the FMC says you should either. In real life you would be at the whim of ATC or your oceanic clearance. The FMC may well say STEP NOW, but that doesn't mean it's mandatory. Any virtual fuel you save won't be credited back to you. For me, step climbs are something to plan for and something to do during a long cruise, as I will be present (off and on) through it. But if you don't plan to be at the controls for most of the cruise, you haven't lost anything by not doing the step climbs.


    I certainly wouldn't sit at the controls the whole of a long flight, but as my VA requires an hourly report via ACARS I will be there on a regular basis, at which time I can trigger a step climb if one is due. Having flown long hauls this way, I do find I get more satisfaction from them by doing so. I feel more involved in the flight than I would be if I ignored the cruise phase and let the FMC and AP take care of that.

    As long as these features are not forced upon the hardcore people then they have no leg to stand in regards to complaining. How someone else flies their 777 will have no bearing on how I enjoy my jet.


    I could not agree more! This sounds like how I am going to enjoy it! ^_^

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