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Posts posted by Frank_Kunath

  1. 12 minutes ago, Tabs said:


    You did not purchase a P3Dv4 version of the 600/700, you purchased a P3Dv3 version - there is no such thing as the v4 version until it's actually released. Robert's pinned post in the general forum very clearly states that these dates we gave are estimates that can and will change as the actual situation changes. You've been a customer for a long time and honestly you should know how this works by now after all our releases over the years - software development is inherently variable and we don't like giving hard dates for exactly the reason that you're witnessing right now. Trust me, we want things released more than you do - we don't hold something back just to upset customers.

    Ryan, that was no reproach. Just a information...nothing more, take your time ...don´t worry ;-) I know PMDG release quality...all fine.

  2. 4 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:

    Clearly we meant yesterday, and that was the aim.

    This is also why we usually avoid providing hard dates on things. People badger us for dates. When we provide them, people badger us when they slip a bit.  The date slipped so that we could clean up the activation issue on the 800/900, so that it didn't get pushed into the 600/700.

    If the common complaint is that we don't give enough information, one might consider the reasoning behind this approach, specifically related to the reactions we get when we do, on the rare occasion, provide this info.

    Kyle, I understand your reasoning, but please understand mine. I bought a product which should be released on purchase on 16/07. I paid the money on time ... but did not receive the product.

  3. RAR words:

    PMDG 777-300ER Expansion:

    This product requires a Prepar3D v4 hot-fix from Lockheed Martin be released in order to enter testing.

    This product will enter testing within hours of Lockheed Martin publishing the hotfix.

    The current expectation is to release this product during the week of 26JUN, concurrent with Lockheed Martin updating Prepar3D v4.


  4. ..on search to BBJ...


    He Guys,

    is it possible to change the Aircraft cfg so the result is a longer range for the BBJ?

    for the PMDG 737 FS9 there was that this would be possible for the NGX?

    only one would have to pay higher fuel values ​​and change the weight ( MTOW )right?

    Hope anybody can help....to fly the BBJ :wub:

    Thank you because while.

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