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Posts posted by krazyk

  1. You need to enable 'Developer Mode'. It's available in the Settings (General) menu, under it's own heading.

    Once enabled, you'll notice a tool bar available at the top. Click on 'Windows' and then  'Aircraft Selector'.

    It's the only way I've found where you can change the aircraft while already in a session without having to go back to the main menu. In your case, I'd suggest just selecting a different aircraft and then selecting your original aircraft again to see the changes.

    Hope that works.

    • Like 2
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  2. I enjoy flying GA in the real world but I mostly avoided it in sim (unless a bunch of friends decided to fly too). However, with the new sim, I think I'll make it a point to do a lot more GA until the big boys start releasing the airliners.

    Assuming the airliners will take quite a while to be truly native to the new sim, I have my GA sightseeing / educational tour ready, thanks to FlightLoc.

  3. 55 minutes ago, simbol said:

    I will be publishing new "textures sets" in the future which would make the strobes to be angled away from fuselage, this way people can select the ones they like. But based on the feedback and what I have seen my customer do, the majority of people will continue to use the current strobes and for this reason I haven't make this a really high priority. 

    Only quoting a portion of your response as I don't want to extend the length of my post.

    Thank you for responding and providing information for my query.

    It's appreciated that you've provided the option to configure the overall brightness. Angled illumination will be very interesting as that's further towards simulating the real world counterparts.

    I look forward to reading more about your product before making an informed decision.

    • Like 1

  4. 30 minutes ago, jimcarrel said:

    if your asking will it support 4.5, then the answer is yes it will, but it's no longer ASP4, it's ASP3D (sorry if I mis-interpreted th question)

    I'm afraid you might have misunderstood.

    1 hour ago, CaptainNick said:

    So is the beta then part of an installed asp4 or will it be a stand alone deal? I noticed they updated the installer for 4 with a 5.3 updated version. I had uninstalled active sky in anticipation of it being a new client to download after I nixed 4.5 on my system.

    It seems like an all new executable.

    Excerpt from their dedicated page: "We hope to have this Open Beta ready to start in the next 24 hours. ASP4 licensees may participate in the OPEN BETA, which will be available for download momentarily from our downloads page. When posted, please download, install, run, and use the “New User? Register for an account!” link on the login page to create your ASP3D account using your ASP4 license key and order ID. "

  5. I have the 525A working just fine in v5. Downloaded the latest installer (v1.1) from their website and then applied the v5 patch linked above and also available on their website. No issues.

    Sure you're on the most recent version of the installer? If it's a VC texture then it must be a part of the 'Texture.Common' folder in your SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado 525A Citation CJ2. I have 79 items in there, you?

  6. This is some of the best news I've heard so far, this year. I don't generally do 'Day 1' purchases but I don't think I will be able to restrict myself once this shows up in the marketplace.

    Reading that the CTD bug with the B717 is fixed, I am excited to purchase it to offer my support for the dev team, once it's released for P3Dv5.

    Thank you, TFDi!

  7. 13 hours ago, andyjohnston.net said:

    That would mean people couldn't use for example the 747 unless they had someone with them.  People would have to coordinate with others just to have a time they could run the program etc etc. 

    I think you've misunderstood what I said.

    There are currently no issues flying the MJC Q400, Leonardo Softhouse MD80 series or the Aerosoft Airbus in P3D yet all 3 of them offer shared-cockpit functionality to various degrees and all three of their real counterparts require a minimum 2 man crew. Does that make them unusable in the sim if you don't have a crew member? No.

    Standardizing it and making it part of the base sim means the user doesn't get 3 different versions (specifically in the above scenario) of shared-cockpit functionality. In addition, some of the most well known developers in the community will be able to implement this base functionality without jumping through hoops as they do currently or making excuses for not doing it. It makes it easier on them to implement it and more immersive for us as customers without going through the arduous process of setting everything up 1:1. Win-win.

  8. I'd like to see if they are truly going about the sim in a way that almost nobody else has till date - having a proper crew to fly aircraft that demand it i.e, shared cockpit.

    On the very few occassions where I've been fortunate enough to have a friend in the pit alongside me in an addon that fully supports it, you soon forget that the scenery isn't all that great or the AI is all over the place or the METAR said something else. Having someone in the aircraft with you, interacting with it in real time while you can see them doing it, that's immersion.

    Have the feature natively so lazy developers don't have an excuse to not do it for their product.

    The above in VR would be a dream come true.

  9. 6 hours ago, skelsey said:

    this is a headwind component of of 18 kt (M = headwind, P = tailwind).

    D'oh! What a silly mistake.
    Thank you for correcting me and thank you for the exhaustive explanation of each item. Learned quite a few things from your response.

  10. Not familiar with LIDO or BAW FP but I'll take a stab at it:
    52.1 ZFW (Revised ZFW after receiving final load sheet here) 0835 ATA (Actual Time of Arrival here) TNKS (Fuel remaining in tanks here)
    57.0 TOW (Revised take off weight if ZFW revised here) 0725 ATD (Actual time of Departure here) USED (Fuel used here)
    55.3 LAW (Landing Weight) 0110 TOT (Time on Target here) LEFT (Fuel remaining here)
    11.3 PL (Revised payload here) HOLD W A (ATC Flight Plan Change) ACH FL (Flight level during hold)

    TRIM (Stabilizer trim setting) MIN COST VAR SPD FP (Minimum Cost Variable Speed Flight Plan)

    TUF/ LFOT (IATA/ICAO Alternate airport) FL230 (Flown at FL230) M18 (Wind component, tailwind in your case so -18) 192NM (Distance to planned alternate)
    PLAN REM - Estimated fuel quantity at arrival
    TOT RES - Total Reserve Fuel (Alternate + Reserves)
    TTLT (Total Time) - Total flight time or 'block time'
    TRM - Initial Magnetic Track when leaving waypoint
    REQ - Estimated fuel on board over waypoint
    TIM - Flying time from last waypoint

    Hope this helps.

    • Like 1

  11. 24 minutes ago, Avidean said:

    Yeah, I like that post. salient point about other developers who's products are as good or better than PMDG offering. Personally, I think it's all about Boeing and in Particular the 737 and the 747. If FSL or Majestic had done either of those they would be just as good or even better than the PMDG versions. I regret not going the iFly route.

    I'll agree with you to an extent but what I was thinking about when writing my earlier post was basically the FSL addon and how it manages to make the aircraft seem alive, not to mention the deep integrations with other products such as GSX, ACARS networks, online networks, etc.
    When I fly the FSL, I can almost lead myself to believe that I'm actually flying the real thing, even though I went with Boeings as my training route in the real world. It's partially why I believe FSL are clearly ahead of the game when it comes to innovation, something that used to be synonymous with PMDG addons once upon a time.

    While the PMDG Boeings do tend to feel sterile, I don't think it is an inherent feature of the product they are trying to simulate. Can you imagine how much more immersive the NGX would be if their sound engine was like FSL or if they had complete GSX integration or if any PMDG product had environmental effects like FSL does?

    Anyway, let me not deviate from the subject of the thread anymore.

  12. The NGX packages are no longer visible on their site so I'm unsure how much they cost for P3Dv4 but I'm guessing the base package was around the same price as what they've quoted for the FS2020 version.
    This update for the base package is $100. Assuming the previous base package was around $140, are the updates in this new release really worth paying around 70% of the original cost again to use on the same platform?
    From what I read about the NG3, it is also being built on the NGX code so how much of the NG3 will be recycled from the NGX for FS2020 and is that why they are willing to offer you credit towards your FS2020 purchase? If so, why is the base pricing still so high for something that is clearly being branded as an entertainment platform by Microsoft?

    I understand that part of the investment today will be realised when the FS2020 version of the product comes out but for a company that likes to project itself as very business aware, this is a highly demanding ask of their customers to blindly put faith in a product that has yet to be released for a platform that we know very little about. PMDG might have additional information but I, as a consumer, don't.

    PMDG makes some great products, sure, but they have long since been dethroned by better developers like Majestic Simulations, Flight Sim Labs and Leonardo Simulations, to name a few. These other developers operate under the same 'high end developer' umbrella but manage to serve the community with a far more immersive experience, something PMDG is lacking severely.

    In my opinion, PMDG is not worth the cover price anymore when someone like FSL or Majestic offers you so much more immersion. So I am not going to purchase this update marketed as an upgrade at the current price.

    • Upvote 7

  13. If I understand you correctly, you want the aircraft exterior but no panel inside?

    If so, that should be easily doable. Depending on what kind of aircraft add-on you're trying to achieve this with, the following steps should largely be universal:

    Browse to your add-on in SimObjects\Airplanes, there should be at least (1) model folder in there. If more, then they'll usually be called model.xx (xx being whatever the developer decided to call that particular variant).

    Inside this model folder, there should be a file with either a prefix or suffix called 'VC'. For example, the Quality Wings 787-8 folder has a model.RR sub-directory with 3 files inside, one of them is called 'QW788_VC_P3D.mdl'. This is what tells the sim what inside panel to use.
    In the same folder, there should also be a text file called 'model.txt'. If you open that, you'll see there is one entry for 'normal' and one for 'interior'. The former controls the exterior model, while the latter contains the virtual cockpit or VC. The latter is what you need to change.

    You could simply remove whatever is after 'interior=' or a safer method (in case you want to go back to the default state) would be to add (2) // as a prefix to 'interior=...'. With that the final look of the entries should look like below:


  14. 6 hours ago, TalonMX said:

    Note: Just watched the video. There was too much scene switching I had to start over and pauses everywhere to see what was actually being talked about. It was like the creator was trying to keep up with the beat of the music at the beginning and it was moving to fast to actually enjoy what was being demonstrated. I still plan to purchase it based on the free version. 

    I agree. I wasn't able to tell if the features of this product allow individual AI aircraft to have unique effects.
    Older aircraft used different materials in their lighting compared to newer more efficient technology. Would we be able to see these in sim?

    For example, on some of the FZ 737 fleet, their exterior lights still employ the old Halogen style beam design lights while the newer ones come with high quality LED versions. Would the product allow both to be turned on and used in sim at the same time on AI or will it be a 'one effect - set for all' type of a deal?

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