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Posts posted by Vargveum

  1. Roland, thanks.

    Little sunday morning update;  I deleted shaders, cfg, reinstalled nvidia driver, reinstalled client, content etc. Finally ended up wiping P3D completely. Just reinstalled this morning but the results were the same with huge stutters and everything default. 

    Finally, in a moment of desperation, I took out the vacuum cleaner and went to work inside the cabinet... And lo and behold... Smooth as butter again and we're back in business as far as I can tell.  

    Feel a little bad for questioning FSL but that install was the only thing that corresponded perfectly with this issue.  

    So there you have it. Just get rid of the dust! :) 

  2. So, I installed the A320 on P3D v4.1 and all of a sudden the sim is lagging every few seconds. Basically unflyable.

    This is regardless of which aircraft I am using and how much I fiddle with the graphics settings. Before I installed FSLabs, the sim was really smooth. I've uninstalled the bus and the spotlights, but the problem persists. Any one else noticed something similar? 




  3. ISA at FL100 is -5C (if based on 2 degrees drop pr 1000 ft).


    If the actual temp at FL100 is 2C, the deviation is actually ISA +7C. 


    The atmosphere at FL100 is 7C warmer than the standard atmosphere. Makes sense?

  4. Just reinstalled following Kyle's steps to a T, and still getting the master caution for fuel and anti-ice when using the NGX SHORT panel state. When using the Before Pushback state from the EHAM-LOWI tutorial, I only got the master caution for the anti-ice.




    Thomas, I loaded the default state, started the APU and shut down the engines, then saved a new state. Now it works! 

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