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Posts posted by asdf12321

  1. Hello guys. 

    The AI traffic that X-plane generates is displayed perfectly on my moving map, except for one little thing: when I click on a plane to see its details, Pilot2atc always show their route as EDDM to EDDT. I'm guessing this is an x-plane limitation and there is nothing to do short of installing a traffic plugin or addon?

  2. Hello friends.

    Can anyone think of what am I doing wrong so that pilot2atc won't accept my flightplan? I've done tons of flights with pilot2atc without problems, but today it just refuses to accept my flightplan.

    It does seem to validate it (the validate button does turn green as always), but the file button remains white no matter how much I press it.

    Best regards.

    Edit: Upon further investigation, it seems the problem only happens with a particular SID, either assigned by atc or by manually selecting it myself. With all other SIDs, my plan files fine. Could it be corruption with my navdata?

  3. Hello guys.

    I need the input of someone smarter than me. What's the best way of making the TOD calculated by pilot2atc match my FMC's?

    Usually I fiddle with pilot2atc's descent rate value until both TODs match as close as possible. If I can't make them match exactly or am not in the mood to try different values, I often just request an enroute descent.

    Is there a better way? I'd appreciate any advice.

  4. Hello all.I need a huge favor, I'm looking for the names of two addons I saw in youtube videos of recorded FSX flights. Unfortunatelly, they did not specify what addons where in use and I haven't gotten a response from the poster of the video.The first one is an addon that will let you switch radios instanstly with the keyboard. For example, pressing C 1 3 0 8 0 will inmediatelly switch your com1 freq to 130.80, and pressing N 1 0 9 1 0 will switch your nav1 to 109.10. For those of you who have FS Passengers, it has that funcionality, but I don't need the other things it does. Anyone has any ideas of an addon that does just that?The second is an addon that will grade or score your flight at the end depending on what you did or did not do. What I remember about it, is that it uses an fsuipc window to display messages like "-10points: It is consider bad practice to leave the landing light on at the ramp". Anyone knows what im talking about?Crossing my fingers.Thanx for any and all help.Armando.

  5. Hi guys. Almost every time I get an emergency, its an air rage situation. The way I fly, I don't blame them. Hehe. The point is, I got my first sick pax today, and I thought it was really cool. From what I could gather, the FO radios Operations of British Airways in London (do HF radios have that much of a range?) and asks them to patch them through to First Call offices (can other airlines contact speedbird and make such requests?).When that happens, the captain passes along some numbers (the pax's vital signs? Do the FA obtains those?) and based on that, gets a recommendation.

  6. Hello all.Fantastic product. Absolutelly must-have.I must ask, though,do anyone else experience this? When starting fs2crew 1 minute before pushback by using the blue button, the FO starts the engines but fails to do *something* (I wish I knew what!) that enables the avionics. In other words, engines start OK but my EFIS, EADI and other screens show blank data (they are not off, they just not show data), my TCAS is INOP, my A/P doesn't works and so on. I´d have no problem doing whatever needs to be done myself to set, but I have tried to find a switch on the overhead that reads "avionics" or something similar and can't find one. Starting normally from +30, the screens are dark, but during the FO flow he does *something* to turn them on. I which I knew what it was!Regards

  7. OK first and foremost keep in mind I'm a newb so tell me if I'm doing something wrong. Obviously the answer to your questions would vary from flight to flight, but let me use my most recent flight as an example: I was cleared down from my crz lvl to fl240, then to 18000, then to 15000 and was told to do so "when ready". I kept descending without stop and when at about 15000 was told to descend to 11000 in 30 miles or less. I couldn't make it, and was told so by the controller.

  8. Hi guys. I have a newb question that has bothering me since I started using RC:What's the expected descent rate, in RL? I ask because I can rarely comply with instructions like "... I need you level on 30 miles or less", or "cross 20 miles from xxx at yyy...". I have a short time to descend several thousand feet and don't know how to do it other than plummeting down.

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