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Status Updates posted by tmmchale

  1. same ol' situation.

  2. shitting hell its december.

  3. Shopping = DONE!

  4. someone in knaresborough bring me some fooooooood :(


  6. stupid question, i know what you lot are like :P

  7. teaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa time

  8. thank you guys! Anyone from york be at monteys tonighy for a right good ###### up!!

  9. this is a retweet

  10. this is my 4th day in Wakefield, its kinda like rehab cos i havent left the house, but a rehab where you get shitfaced everynight...

  11. vooooooooodddddddkkkkkkkkaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. #nothingfunnerthanbeinganalcoholic

  12. waaaah lightning so amazing!

  13. wearing shorts for the first time since i was like, 8 =S hahaaa

  14. went for a curry last night after the funeral do and apparently fell asleep at the table...?! Hahaa awkward.

  15. what the ######s up with robert eberts face?

  16. when I get me private pilots license in October, i'm massively tempted to move to canada to fly float planes... good to build me hours!

  17. Why the bellend am I awake?!

  18. wish i was in Vegas...

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