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Posts posted by jer029

  1. I recently purchased FSHud to get vectors to ILS.  I'll have to experiment with it further, but I had problems on flight from KMSP to KDLH.  Even though I had it set for Vectors it directed me to an intersection when I was flying VOR to VOR.  This was not sufficient, as I did not have GPS.  Additionally, it got into that crazy micro-vectoring a few degrees back and forth in short periods of time for no good reason.

    I was having CTD and I thought it was from that software, but it might also be related to Navigraph Charts or the F28 Professional that I was flying.  Couldn't say for sure, but I think I'll give FSHud another go.


  2. Question and comment...


    I see that REX has a release for MSFS.  Can anyone tell me how the snow coverage is?

    I like to fly from KMSP to KDLH, and it's frustrating to arrive in Duluth MN mid-winter and find green grass everywhere.  I'm also aware that the default weather fails to match current METAR information.  I've been a user of ActiveSky pre-MSFS, and it was my preferred weather engine over REX, although I owned both.



    It's truly disappointing that the new MSFS doesn't offer the 3rd Party SDK available with FSX.  I believe the reason FSX remained viable and popular for so many years was due to the many 3rd party enhancements that were available and updated...becoming a better simulator with each new technological hardware improvement even though the base simulator went unsupported for years.


    Not sure what you mean deleting all waypoints.  I've had no such problems with p3d v4 and VoxATC's latest release.  Just some of the same problems that plagued the FSX version such as AI planes getting stuck on taxiways.  I also still have blank screen for "recent Coms" window.  "Save a flight" - in P3d v4? 



  4. I'm a bit confused regarding UT2 ai aircraft along with VoxATC in p3d v4.  I have the stock UT2 and had been using voxatc with the bridge to bring in all those wonderful UT2 liveries into Voxatc when I was using FSX.  Now what can I do to get those different real-world planes into Vox without a fps hit from older non- v4 compliant aircraft models?  What are my options?  Is it better to wait a while until somethings is better developed for voxatc traffic integration?





  5. jabloomf1230 - re: my assessment, I wasn't complaining (I think it's a remarkable addon) - I thought the developer wanted such things brought forward.  As I said in my original post, I'm still a fan - and immediately bought the registration number before I even installed it in my new p3d v4 setup.  

    As for flight planning - I think the only reason I ended up with the 'high-flying' arrival route to KMSP was because I was using FSBuild for flight planning and had it set for the CRJ700/900 rather than the B1900D, which I was flying.  I adjusted the cruise altitude but it kept the arrival.  I should have checked that before posting, as I regularly use Foreflight on my ipad for planning and flying, but hadn't studied the arrival chart before posting.  My flight in the CRJ was interrupted with a CTD and I've grounded that aircraft until Aerosoft releases the fix for it.





  6. I agree Rick, and I think it would involve changing the size of a bmp file somewhere like needs to be done in FSX with runway lighting when set to really wide screen (like 3 monitors).  I haven't played around with it or googled a fix for that recently, but might go back and look at those different bmp files in fsx to see if I can figure it out.



  7. Is Vox7.4 the beta ?  

    Regardless, I'm still a big fan of VoxATC.  I've downloaded the p3d v4 version and installed it along with the voxpop voices.  I've just noted some minor issues:

    The Recent Comms window is blank  or empty (no recent comms text is being displayed there).

    Some unusual altitude changes on one of the flights - KDLH to KMSP, Bainy3 Arrival I was on an IFR flight at cruise alt 14000.  I get to the Bainy3 arrival and ATC instructs me to climb to FL240.  Don't know why it did that (does Bainy 3 have such altitude restrictions?), then ATC eventually has me descend to 7500.  Why 7500 on an IFR approach?

    Other than these minor things, VoxATC worked very well and I was vectored down to the ILS and taxied to and from takeoff to parking without problems.  

    I did notice that the taxi instructions seem to be staggered, with the illuminated path also lighting up staggered rather than the entire path to parking or the runway hold line as it has done in past FSX versions.  This version seems to guide me to an intersecting taxiway before giving me further instruction and lighting the path.  This is not a particular problem - just different than previous versions - not sure if this is the intended behavior.









  8. I thought it worked off of the first intersection that matched your current STAR if included in your flight plan - perhaps if you included the shared intersection that matched your approach not including the old one it might bypass old intersections and pick up from there - though not sure about this.




  9. Not sure about MT6 as I use UT2 with VoxATC.  Any 3rd-party traffic add-on would not be seen by VoxATC, however in the case of UT2 the bridge application that VOX offers allows UT2 liveries to be included in the VoxATC traffic setup.  I don't think the scheduling part works with Vox but I see lots of Alaskan Air liveries around Ketchikan when I fly out of there - so I'm pleased to see the various 'real-world' airlines represented.  With the bridge setup Vox does control these aircraft as well - having them hold while you land, etc.

  10. Not sure exactly, but did you run the indexer after making any scenery or aircraft changes, and after initial install?


    what version of VoxATC are you running? and on what sim system?


    Make sure your flight plan is loaded before starting VoxATC, What flight plan?  Did you try altering the flight plan?


    Just some thoughts on possible solutions and ways of narrowing the problem down.


    Lastly - try reinstalling the program.


    You might have to email the developer on otherwise

  11. Just a thought here - although it applies primarily to those FSX users who at some point altered their Uiautomationcore.dll files by deleting or renaming so that they wouldn't have FSX crashes.  I've found that many applications require these - including the new VoxATC setup utilities.  Once Voxatc is installed correctly - the UIautomationcore.dll can again be renamed to prevent fsx crashes.  The dll is only needed to run the various setup utilities, and Vox will run with FSX with these files again disabled.


    Just thought I'd mention it in case you used to use FSX and have those dll's disabled.  If so - make sure both the system and system64 files versions of UIautomationcore.dll are restored during install of Vox (and any other programs that mysteriously have stopped working).

  12. Also note that the panel set up doesn't always work for some addons.  If, after running panel setup and indexer and the other settings as beerwolfe mentioned, you still don't see your Vox window in your instruments view under "views" at the top fsx menu, then you will have to add the vox windows manually.  Best done by finding a default aircraft that the panel did install correctly to and just copying and pasting those panels to you 737ng panel.cfg file - but changing the headers and the windows to match the next available window numbers that will likely be different from the default you are copying from.


    I still think vox is one of the best ATC add-ons available for fsx, and flying without it takes a big chunk of realism out of it.



  13. Rick,


    What simulator are you trying to use it with?


    Have you been able to make any earlier versions work?


    "normal installs" means that you've run both the panel install and indexer right?


    Have you tried different aircraft with it (like some basic fsx default aircraft)?


    I might suggest the following:


    Compare a working version of the main voxatc window panel with the panel configuration file in the problem plane and look for differences that might cause the window to not stay showing (perhaps a conflict in numbering or something).  Although I've not heard of this before - it seems its always either installed or not using the panel installer - or I had to manually install.



  14. Yes...It's my understanding that this might have to do with the layout of runway lines and distance to various connector points like the runway hold-short lines, although I've tried adjusting these in the airport editor and have seen no changes.  I've also had planes taxi out onto the active and just sit there.  I've given up on solving this - perhaps someone else has figured it out.  I just taxi around the 'drunk' pilots and continue with my flight - but it does detract from the realism.

  15. I've given up on P3D since it doesn't play well with my multi-monitor system, but I'll take a wild guess based on the error message you attached.  It appears that it's not finding your FSUIPC application (or you don't have the current one installed and the one that's P3d compatible).  I'd start there - making sure you have FSUIPC installed and working correctly.



  16. What are you running this on FSX or P3D?


    You only need to use UT2 bridge if you have Ultimate Traffic 2 installed.  The bridge allows Vox to use all those aircraft (that's all it uses - not the program or schedules, but it's great having all those real-world liveries).  You do have Ultimate Traffic 2 installed right?


    Otherwise I can't help on this because I'm still running V6.46 on FSX.  I'm interested in the upgrade to 6.49 too, but only if I can run it with the UT2 bridge.  Make sure you've updated the UT2 bridge also (older versions won't work with the newer Vox versions).




  17. To follow a SID/STAR you must have it saved in level-d format and the location defined in the Voxatc setup area.  Then ATC will guide you on the STAR.  In any event it has no knowledge of your FMC's TOD position.  Additionally, you will note on page 80 of the instruction manual:


    No Vectors Approach

    If checked, no vectors will be given by ATC at your destination.  This should be used when the destination airport has mountains or high terrain in the vicinity of its approaches.  VoxATC is not terrain aware and may vector an aircraft into high terrain while vectoring to an approach.



    If I recall - the ATC will gracefully bow out with some instruction and allow you to fly your desired approach.



  18. Since VoxATC uses the windows voice recognition system, it's likely you will have problems with VoxATC if your windows voice recognition has problems.  I do believe that you can try VoxATC for a limited time for free - so you should be able to give it a try to see if it works.  Also, I think Voxatc is set up so that it will "auto-recognize" second or third attempts - so you still might be able to use it - even if it misses now and again.


    If I understand the workings of Vox correctly - it might be worth just giving the limited free trial run a try to see if it's worth the purchase.  It installs and uninstalls easily enough.



  19. Manually install the two voxatc windows (if you want both the past coms and the VOXATC window).  Find a plane that has the voxatc windows successfully installed and copy those two window entries into your plane's panel file.  Make sure you adjust the window ID numbers to match the next consecutive number available for the plane you're installing it to - it rarely matches the one you're copying from.  It's all in plain text in the Panel file of each aircraft so it shouldn't be difficult to replicate in your new plane.  Just to be safe - back up the panel file before changing it.



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