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Posts posted by NBL5370

  1. I noticed tonight when coming to TOD I did not hear the cabin crew announce that we were descending. However at 8000ft she came on the PA and announced that we were starting our descent. Is there anyway to change this so that at TOD she makes the announcement rather than halfway through the descent.

  2. Would it be possible for PMDG to move the ground power unit back a bit as it is actually in the way of the stairs when loading or unloading on the 777F. Not sure about the passenger version as I always park at a jetway


  3. Just wondering if this is going to be a free upgrade for P3D V4 or there will be a charge for it.

    I notice with RAAS that we will have to buy the new version.

    Most developers are upgrading their products free but if we have to pay then that is fine as I can understand that there is a lot of work involved in this.

  4. I have been flying 747 in P3d v4 for the last week and have noticed that the flaps are not returning correctly. If you have flaps 10 and you push the button for flaps 5 the flaps seem to retract to flaps up however on the console and the flaps position they show as flaps 5 and then when you push your button again you hear the flaps going up but they are already in the up position on the wing.

    Not sure why this is happening as my switches are set to retracting incrementally.

    I  can live with it but just wondering if PMDG are aware of it and if anyone else is having the same thing happen.

  5. i have tried the latest version that is where the 747 has no wheels and no gauges and it kills linda as in the log. I load up fsuipc with the d version and the pmdg is flyable but cannot use vrinsight mcp. As soon as I change the dll back to k the PMDG is not flyable but linda loads but cannot connect to mcp.

  6. Hi Scott

    I have just installed the latest Beta version for Linda and FSUIPC and am not able to load the PMDG 747 no wheels no gauges and click points.

    This is what FSUIPC Log says

    <LOG DELETED - please do not post long logs in forum - email as per fault report post - logs contain your EMAIL ADDRESS>

    If I install FSUIPC G version PMDG loads but lInda doesn't so not sure if it is a problem with me or there is still a problem.

  7. 5 minutes ago, DennisB. said:

    Prepar3D v4      I can't get instruments or gear with FSUIPC5 installed whether FSUIPC5 is registered or unregistered.  Doesn't matter if I load PMDG 747 first or load a default aircraft first.    I can (works great) without FSUIPC5 installed.  Doesn't matter if I load PMDG 747 directly or load a default aircraft first.


    I also have Prepar3D v3.4.14.18870    FSUIPC registered. 


    Also have FSX  with FSUIPC registered. 


    All three sims are on the same drive.

    Yes mine has just done the same with the new updates of FSUIPC 5k and also with the Linda Version 3.0.0 (653) beta.

    Everything loads till I change to PMDG and then it Says LUA: "D:\Lockhead Martin\Prepar3D v4\Modules\linda/system/intit.lua": killed

    Looks like will have to go back to the last Dll of fsuipc

  8. I had the same problem where my altitude seemed to rise and fall by about 1000ft. The engines were erratic and if I touched the throttles the engines would either increase or decrease. I turned all A/P VNAV LNAV and autothrottles off and then re-engaged everything as well as making sure that my joystick throttle was in the idle position. This seemed to settle everything down as long as I did not touch the throttles.

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