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Posts posted by Shane_Strong

  1. Hey Guys thanks for the reply's as you may not have noticed I am a provider for LiveATC for my area.  I do fly online with others, but this is for just listening, with the above program I mentioned I could tune the live atc channel from my cockpit and just listen to what was going on that channel.  as I use  MSFS live traffic I think it would be cool tuning to that freq as I fly. I will message the designer of the program see if he is going to update it. again thanks for all the suggestions and your time.


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  2. I checked CYUL traffic and all aircraft are designated as C-130, interestingly ADS-B radar picks up ground vehicles there as well, wonder if that may be causing the issue. Lots to learn about this program and lots of changes coming up to my AI folders with changes to the aircraft.cfg's.  Hopefully it will make a difference in the livery matching arena.




    I found what the issue was with CYUL, running PSXseecontraffic v5.1 - ParkProsGenerator.exe caused the "parked" airport aircraft to be filled with invalid files, doing the above fix should clear the errors.  I have not run the ParkProsGenerator.exe this time around and airports are less cluttered with aircraft from the wrong continent.


    Hi Robert, what was the above fix for CYUL I am having the same problem with it


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