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  1. Don't get me wrong, but what i meant was about all the very negative posts. MS flight gave a lot of expetations but if they gave this info right away there would be no discusions on this scale. For now i do like to fly flight because i think it has good flight dynamics and so on(low flying) but i am not waiting for a game to develop in a maybe sim . But i am also more atracted to the old style setup like FS9 and FSX. I am seriously looking at prepar3d right now because all the 3 party developers are aiming on that right now also you can use a lot of old stuff that is compatible. And last but not least it is affordable now. My regards,. Jan
  2. Thanks to everyone involved in this interview, this sheds a lot of light on this hot topic. If this information was given a lot sooner the rant about MS flight was a lot less i think. I have beta tested it and i must say that i was pleasantly surprised how it worked and felt and i hope that they progress in a positive way. I hope that they will prove to all the nay-sayers that they where wrong because it has a lot of potential. p.s i also want track-ir My regards, Jan
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