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  1. Hi Dan, Thanks for the warm welcome. Yes, RL=> real life. Funny to see that there would be a difference to the answer if I where or where not a 747 pilot. The question was how to change the TRK to HDG. Yes, that is obvious if the MAP mode would show TRK, but in the real aircraft it is HDG not TRK. Even better, nothing changes if you switch between VOR or MAP. Why would you think that most companies would choose for TRK? Having TRK on the ND makes no sense at all. The nose of the AC pointing one direction and your compass (on the ND) pointing an other direction? Everything is made to fly with headings (and as always there are exceptions) and I have never had the need to have track indicated on to of the MAP. The white line (vertical in ND) is your track already. There is no need to have TRK up at all. You write that "usually track up". Well I can't speak for other companies, however I would bett it is actually "usually heading up". In the end it does not matter what a company has set. The company that I fly for has heading up, so that is why I had asked for the option to have heading. Gr Falcas
  2. Hi, Is there a way to change the TRK up to HDG up already in the latest version of the 747-400X? As a RL 747 pilot I was very surprised to see that the default is TRK up. It is also very annoying to fly like this, so that is why I want HDG up. I already did an extensive search on the web and found that with the 737NGX there is an option to select this. But I can’t find it anywhere for the 747. Also very surprised to see that there is no Speedbrake Armed EICAS message. As this is a normal checklist item and can only be done by reading the EICAS message. Someone can help? Or is there still work being done for an update? I have v2.10.0040 installed. Gr Falcas
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