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Posts posted by Tyrion

  1. Hey,

    Just wanted to check in anyone else has experienced this:

    When using the "match speed" command, I've had the copilot's speed input runaway every time I've tried it so far.
    The copilot starts adjusting the MCP speed in the correct direction, slows down as he's getting close, and then suddenly continues full speed to the stop...

    Using SOP1.

    Will check later if this is repeatable, but it happened 3 times in a single flight today.

  2. Hey,

    Best thing to do is contact PMDG through their support system.


    They're pretty good at responding in a timely fashion there. Issues with activations and licences are topics only they can help you with.
    That being said, they made no problem of it when I ran out of activations for one of their products a couple of years back.

    The Windows question depends on what you're planning to do for a new PC. If you're buidling one from scratch (or reused parts) then yes, you'll probably need to buy a retail copy if you don't have a valid license for Windows 10 anymore.

  3. Definitely not what I was expecting PMDG to announce. Although truthfully, I had no clue or suspicion or idea whatsoever.

    I'm not entirely sure this will be a product for me. But there were some interesting features mentioned in the presentation.
    I'll be very interested in hearing more about this product as news is released.

    Kyle, from reading this forum, I know you've got a tough skin. But I just wanted to say: Don't let the haters get you down.
    No product will ever appeal to everybody. And disappointed people are usually the most vocal.
    Whether this Global Flight Operations turns out to be my cup of tea or not, I do appreciate the huge amount of work that goes into something like this.

  4. Got a response from Carenado support on this one.

    Apparently, it's as simple as running the "F1GTN750F50.exe" program located in the aircraft installation folder (\SimObjects\Airplanes\Carenado F50).

    How amazingly customer friendly of them, to never mention something like this in the documentation that comes with this product.

  5. I can't get the Flight1 GTN 750 to show in the Fokker 50.
    The clickspot doesn't work (although the tooltip shows), and there's nothing I can find in the documentation or any of the 2D panels.

    I've tried with it enabled or disabled in the GTN config program. In the former case, the GTN 750 works as a 2D panel (and the FMC flightplan doesn't), but it's still not showing in the VC.

    Anybody any insights as to how I could get this fixed? Any help would be appreciated.


  6. On 9/15/2017 at 4:30 AM, 744 driver said:


    Here is the update that I deleted:

    2017-09 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4038788)

    Just ran into this problem today, affecting only the 747v3 and DC-6, and only in 32 bit sims, P3Dv4 was fine.

    Removing this windows update seems to have did it, working again now!

    I'll see about the other fix mentioned in this topic, but not right now. :happy:

  7. The J41 wasn't an aircraft I expected to like at first... But I fell in love with her, hard.

    So much so, that I really, really considered blowing up a perfectly fine and fully kitted out FSX:SE install and reverting back to the old boxed version, just for this single aircraft.

    Really missing this nifty little thing. But I do understand that there are technical limitations that may impact the feasibility of updating this product.
    So I'll just keep my fingers crossed and hope the roadblocks are small enough not to keep this from happening.

    And I do hope you'll forgive me for not managing to stay silent when a topics as this one come up. :blush:

  8. Thanks for the replies everyone!


    Would it be fair to say that it will in the long run? Continued support of older products that are not yet replaced by newer versions would strengthen confidence in the company that provides it and thus achieve higher sales with future products?


    Your plea is very well put by the way.




    Yes, you are most likely right in saying that continued support strengthens confidence in a company. That being said, I think a reputation for quality sells more products than continued support for old products. I also think that in the end, it's a matter of return on investment: developer time and effort (and thus money) being spend on a product that's past much of its shelf life, or on new products which have their entire shelf life (and thus revenue) yet to come.


    Now I know I'm arguing against my own initial wish here... But it's how I see things. Also, I don't have any internal knowledge of PMDG or any other company for that matter. This is just my reasoning, which may be right or wrong. :wink: (Still wishing for that J41 update I wished for in my initial post though  :wink: )

  9. First of all, I want to say I'm not really asking for an official response here. Just putting my thoughts out there.


    That being said, I just went through the arduous process of setting up a new PC, and installing all my flight simulator software.

    One of the pieces of software being installed being the PMDG Jetstream 41.


    Having installed FSX:SE instead of the disk version, got me thinking about what might be the future of the J41.


    It was the first PMDG aircraft I ever flew, the aircraft on which I learned to do some semi-realistic fuel planning, the first add-on for which I got FS2Crew... And I still love it dearly. But it isn't available for P3D. It has a (admittedly minor) issue in FSX:SE. And it still has some issues that were going to be fixed in the never released SP2.

    But even with all that, it's a small propliner which keeps me entertained, and has given me hours and hours of enjoyment.


    Thinking about all that made me decide to throw my thoughts out there.


    I would love for the J41 to have a sustained future... Official support for FSX:SE, a version for P3D, the legacy issues being fixed. Maybe even some general improvements being made.

    In short, I'd love to see a small patch being created... Or that SP2 appearing after all... Or maybe even a PMDG J41 V2... I can dream, can't I? :wink:


    Now, before anyone answers, I'm aware of the economic realities of these ideas.
    No company can survive by just keeping old projects alive which no longer bring in money. And service packs don't bring in money, certainly not for an old project.

    PMDG is most definitely a company which I'd prefer to see survive and thrive.


    I hope I can voice this opinion without this topic resulting in demands being made or a bunch of name-calling...




    • Upvote 2

  10. Thanks for the update Robert!

    My first reaction to the NGX SP2 information was disappointment.

    But then I thought a bit more about it:

    - The NGX is, in it's current state, an amazing product.

    - We're comparing it to the 777, which is quite a bit newer.


    So, my current opinion:

    1) I would LOVE (yes, all caps!) a free SP2 for the NGX.

    2) If the price is right, and the added functionality is worth it, I'd be willing to pay a small fee for an updated NGX.

    3) But even if it doesn't come, I still love my NGX as it is now! :wub:


    In the end, the NGX is amazing. The problem is that the 777 is even better, and we all want to the NGX raised to that level. Dear PMDG, this is a luxury problem that is entirely of you own making. :P


    Apart from my going on on the NGX, looking forward to the 747... Keep it up!

  11. You can assign a spoiler axis in FSX without any problem. But be sure to look under axis, not buttons... Big difference.


    At one point in the past I had my X-52 Pro slider assigned for the spoilers/speedbrakes because I needed finer control than on/off for gliders. So I'm sure it works perfectly without the need for FSUIPC.


    Also note that both the NGX and 777 have a clickspot on the pedestal for the spoilers 50% position. Just click where the lever should be in that position.


    Hope this helps...

  12. So with sp1 we still can't feed the right engine off the left tank with the left engine off and the APU running?


    Yes you can... I had no problems with feeding the right engine of the left tank with the APU running.


    It's just when I added fuel jettison in the mix, that I got results which I didn't expect. (But that may be more to do with a lack of knowledge on my part than anything else)

  13. Thanks for the input Rob! Indeed, landing the aircraft at MLW with about 3000kg imbalance proved to be no problem.

    Handling the thrust asymmetry was much more of a handful. ^_^


    Still wondering about this situation, but I'll live. :P

  14. Hello,


    First of all, yes, I used the search function on this forum, and yes, I searched through both FCOM's, the FCTM and the QRH.

    That said, I still don't have an answer for the following situation:


    Tonight, I was testing the 777 (using the freighter version).

    I was all set up for a long flight at high load, but ran into a (programmed...) severe engine failure shortly after liftoff.


    My first priority was to keep flying the aircraft. No particular problem, despite the alarms and sudden loss of thrust on the left side.

    Once I got everything under control, I went through the appropriate checklist on the ECL. So far, so good.


    Now, my plan was to land back at my departure airport, but to do so, I had to jettison about 80000kgs of fuel. I entered a hold over the sea to do just that.

    The problem I ran into here, is that with only one engine operating, dumping fuel caused a quickly escalating fuel imbalance,

    and no matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to stabilize.


    By the time the center tank was empty, the imbalance had reached about 3500kg. Roughly what could be expected without cross feeding. I kept the fuel jettison going for a while to see whether the auto jettison function would turn off the right jettison pump when the right main tank (the less full one) reached jettison goal/2 (which it didn't). No idea whether it should stop here though, it was just an idea I had while flying so I tested it.


    a couple of notes:

    1) fuel jettison with 2 engines running seemed to be working perfectly fine in a previous test flight.

    2) cross feed also worked perfectly when fuel wasn't being jettisoned.


    As it was, I manually stopped the fuel jettison a bit early, and then kept flying in the hold while cross feeding to  reduce the imbalance a bit, before landing.


    Anyway, what I'm looking for:

    What would be the correct procedure in this case? What went/did I do wrong?


    Feel free to reply with references to the correct sections in the manuals... I didn't find what I was looking for so far...


    Thanks in advance...

  15. Nice rant Kyle... I actually found it very informative as well. :P


    Personally, I've been surprised by the accuracy I get out of PFPX, in combination with both the NGX and T7.


    But then again, I considered it common sense to match the numbers. If both the planner and the FMC ask for something called a 'cost index' or a 'Gross Weight' they should probably, just probably, be about the same in both applications. B)

    And using the same weather source both for flight plan predictions, and flying the actual flight, couldn't hurt either. :P

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