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Posts posted by kanoasurf2

  1. I don't know if this will help, but after living with the DLSS blurry effect since the beginning, yesterday, by chance, I got it solved. It may not help everyone but may trigger some thoughts that can lead to a wider fix.

    I was messing with my monitor because depicts very orangy faces when opening pics (so nothing to do with the simulator). A modest 4K 43UN700 3840 x 2160 60MHz.. Cutting the story short (you can always ask), eventually, and I did quite a lot of things, it was reading the monitor specs and learnt that, depending on the settings I chose (monitor options) I could have 3840 x 2160 60MHz 8 bit colour depth and YCbCr 4:2:0 or 4:2:2... don't asked me what the later means...

    So I set up the monitor to be able to use those specifications and went to Nvidia control panel. Under Display > Change resolution > 3. Apply the following settings, I ticked Use Nvidia colour settings. This opens 4 settings to modify and I only changed "output colour format" from RGB to YCbCr 4:2:0 (the others remain Highest (32bits), 8 bcp and limited).

    For start, the colours are now great (no more orangy faces on my pics!) but the blurry displays are gone and there is no difference with TAA. (I tried to make a pic with sniping tool to show but it doesn't capture the sharpness)

    Just my 2 cents



    P.S: I try to put my specs in the signature in a minute. My simulator settings are all at the top, the computer handle it very smooth even at Heathrow with the PMDG, so no fancy tricks, just what I explained above

  2. I know it is an old topic but in case someone find himself/herself in this position, may I recomend AI-Aircraft Editor.NET (now version Note that you need to choose AIAE.NET-Setup.zip (the one above it is the old version) . Although it helps to do a lot of things (I cannot live without it), in particular, the delete of any specific texture and the Fltsim entry is extreamely easy as it renumbers the aircraft.cfg for you. I wanted to share a picture showing how to do it but I realizecd it can't be uploaded.

    I hope this is useful to someone


  3. Is it possible to use custom zoomlevels for an airport and its surroundings, including using different source?

    So far, if I just compile a tile for one given zoomlevel, lets say the standard 16, all is fin. I have dine the same adding custom zoomlevels for the airport an interestling, what I get is the area meant to be covered with the neew zoom levels, it simply comes like a "hole" in the tile. I mean the airport area is showing my default scenery (ORBX in my case) and the rest of the tile is the zoomlevel tile 16...

    Am I missing something here?



  4. I have the same problem , actually in a pretty neat installation, just P3Dv4, active sky v4, Malaga aerosoft v4 and the 737 of course v4, that's all, and guys, is like buying a new upgraded computer, if you have p3dv4 you know what I'm talking about, so easy to adjust for unthinkable results just a couple of months ago...

    ...  this mouse flickering... that I can see has been with PMDG for ages (I recall it well back in the times of fs9, beginning of fsx... I am to believe there was a fix, not sure, but today I join you guys in asking PMDG for a bit of advice on this.


  5. 21 hours ago, scandinavian13 said:

    Did you uninstall prior to re-installing? Are you sure you're downloading the correct product to be updated (looking at the OC telling you to update the FSX version, but downloading and updating the P3D version)?

    Kyle (sorry I click the wrong key and the previous post went uncontrolled)

    The aircraft was installed for the first time in P3D v4 clean installation (the sim) using the exe downloaded yesterday from e-commerce:

    Product Name:      PMDG 737NGX Base Package for Prepar3D

    so nothing to uninstall.

    I tried then the for P3dv3.4 and no I did not uninstall it. However that is irrelevant because for the v4 wasn't the case and the OC shows the same message for both.

    I do not have FSX and as you can see I downloaded the P3D version (in fact the installer asked me about P3D v3 or 4, so is not the FSX installer).

    While you give it a thought, I'll uninstall and reinstall again and see what happens

     Michael, I suppose I'm not included in "guys" am I?

    Thank you

  6. I have downloaded the installer today from my e-commerce, installed to update P3D v3 and installed v4 but the operations Centre keeps saying that there is an update available (for both sims). In fact the version installed seems to be 1.10.6461 instead of the 1.20.8396 as far as OC is concened.

    Am I missing something here?

    Thank you for your advice


  7. Bruce


    I also have them in separate drivers and works beautifully, even power pack, I can still do exactly the same as I was doing when it was only in FSX.


    Thanks for your process.


    I would like to say thank you to Rob as well because even if his method may be a bit more complicated, his effort is to help have produced this very useful thread.



  8. March 2014. That provides even more evidence that I am saying the truth when stating that in about 12 years as a member of this community (a lot more time than the other two members that have reply together) I just post in the PMDG forum, so how I would know. However that mistake gave you a brilliant opportunity to laugh at me and you didn't. I sincerely appreciate it and I apologize for my error.


    Mr Young, although not entirely satisfactory, your reply is good enough, and together with Mr Allensworth's, no offence to others, are the only ones worth considering, thank you. From now on and keeping a low profile as I have been doing for almost 12 years, my respect for you both will continue to be intact, in fact it has increased. 


    I am glad to see that you are still the kind of people I always thought you both were through all the posts I've read from you, and I am really pleased that you react in such a gentleman fashion to an opinion different than yours including an inaccuracy such as the one of the year pointed out. 


    Considering the matter closed from my side


    Kind regards


    P.S.: I have moved Mr Daveo's e-mail from my spam e-mail. I thought you both and Mr Daveo himself might want to know.

  9. What do you mean? Before I got it fixed or after? Anyway, I always test without weather. Using wind to test does not make sense as would hide the problem. If I want to know whether the problem relates to the controls or not, the first thing I have to do is eliminate any other potential causes, and the first one is the wind, and the second any propeller. So I test without weather and with a jet.



  10. Dear Mr Young


    I do not think a verbal warning is a friendly reminder at all. Not in proper English at least. A Verbal warning is simply pure enforcement which can never be consider friendly (regardless the inverted commas). (I am a senior enforcement officer myself by the way)


    Good idea the one about the specs, but applied with inexcusable unfairness and bad manners, at least in my case and by Mr Daveo. 


    The policy seems to have came into force on the 3rd of March and today, only just 10 days later, and bearing in mind that I do only may have post once in any other forum than the PMDG for more than 11 years already (and there is no rule specifying I have to check any other forum) how do you expect me to know?


    A friendly reminder is a message/e-mail asking whether I'm aware of the new rule and if I could ensure I comply with it as soon as possible. You do not deliver it in a verbal warning format at all, never ever.


    What I have received has brought down my opinion of the forum management and of Mr Daveo in particular big time. (Actually, I found his rude e-mail in my spam folder, where it will remain for the time being).


    My signature is now update, just minutes after I received such an unfair and unnecessary verbal warning, and it would have been changed at identical speed with a real friendly reminder. However the later, and considering my immaculate record in the forum since even before Mr Daveo belonged to it, first as Kanoasurf and when something happened after the big hack, as Kanoasurf2,  would have been a fair way to treat me.


    And Mr Young, If where we put our system specs has become more important in this forum than the good manners, politeness and fairness when interacting with each other, please let me know.


    Any way, your forum, your call... my opinion.


    Kind regards

  11. If it helps:


    I unplugged the controls and uninstalled Control manger.


    Plug them back in and used ClrCalib64.exe.


    Run the simulator and all is working (I have to re-assign some of the  buttons like trim, flaps and so on) but is working without the need for further calibration.


    Thanks to all for your help

  12. I thought that after the new installation of both the ngx and 777 with the new update it would be solved... but not.


    I have been using the CH pedals (and yoke) for yeayrs and years. Only recently I started to have the following problem.


    Please see the picture attached. Both aircrafts go off to the right. If I press numpad 5, it centres but in a few seconds goes to the position in the picture and then off to the right again.


    Other aircrafts like Aerosoft 320 does not have the problem but the Quality wings Avro suffers the same (although I barely use them at all). My concern are the PMDG, the ones I fly all the time.


    I calibrated with FSX. Not easy for the peddlas but did it anyway. No success.

    I have calibrated with CH control manager (o whatever is called). No success

    I deleted the "standard.xml" from the users forlder, and the fsx folder (including the root_standard.xml from the setup folder in the fsx folder) pluged the controls again and see... no siccess

    I installed a new FSUIPC. Nothing


    I run out of ideas....


    Any suggestions?


    (Just in case I haven't made it 100% clear: it is not a PMDG fault. I'm posting here just for help and because the PMDG planes are the only ones I'm interested on and because you guys are the most knowledgeable overall :) )

    How can I attaché the picture?

  13. See on the last post from Mr Randazzo before the one announcing the release? The one saying that Tabs had insisted in adding a link that took you to a pdf doc where how to set up ASN files and son on?


    Does anybody know where that pdf is?





  14.  Two things


    1) How could I agree more?

    Normally I don't react to this kind of post...


    Well remember Kyle not everybody is the same or grown up in the same culture or country or language for that matter.

    This is your personal opinion and I have respect for it, but it doesn't mean the whole world see it at the Kyle perspective ;-)


    Every human will react psychological differently and with some understanding for each other... well the world should look so different then...


    Hence maybe some will have relatives or friends on that particular flight, so you see Kyle all is relative with tragedy as is your whole life...


    Does it mean I agree with the request, no I don't,  but I understand where someone is coming from


    We Dutch lost 189 countrymen/women/children and it's one of the biggest aviation accident in our country history besides Tenerife.

    So with respect to tragedy we see it through different eyes... (80 children on that flight)


    Have fun gentlemen


    2) As said above I'm not of the same language... please could someone clarified RTM version meaning?




    I don't think the T7 and NGX are capable of being compared. While being from the same company and developer, they are very different in nearly every way......



    I would agree. As they are two really different planes, (just look at their history) they are no really good to compare them.


    However, from the simulation point of view (how well simulated they are) it is definitively possible. Although I love them both and I fly them both irrespectively any time the conditions allow me to, the 777 wins in two main aspects:


    The simulation rate feature. As a husband and father of small children, it has change my simulation world dramatically. With the NGX I am constrained to small trips of 250-350 miles to try to keep it to around an hour, so you can guess the impact of the T7 simulation rate feature (if you don't, please leave it, this is a fact).


    The facility to import enroute winds into the FMC, beautiful!


    To me these are the two main advantages simulation wise (there may be more, but to me, not of this impact).



  16. Hi


    Very interesting post although as someone has pointed out useless (and I'm suprised it was no closed as it was not signed...) perhaps the nice way you all publish is keeping it open :)


    Very interesting and sometimes peculiar opinions here whether right, accurate or not...


    In my humble opinion, PMDG is the standard to beat in the market, and in terms of consistency, no doubt. Other publishers may get close, even match, several aspects but not the whole PMDG offer. I really hope we'll have more PMDG standards and consistency out there!


    If I'm not wrong, one of the main reasons why PMDG is not into the Airbus business is because Airbus itself. Boing has worked very closely with them facilitating the production of an excepcioanlly accurate simulation. If they have not that info, they will have to "guess" the manufacture details, not always that reliable.


    Both the 737 series and the A32X series are the most flawn aircrafts in history therefore the bigest market potential. If PMDG was confortable with the info the may get to deveolp it, there is no doubt whatsoever they would have done it or scheduled.


    But to match the ngx or 777 standards they need that info from the manufacture.... listen is not the same to draw a ferrari watching it in the street than based in the info that the designer can give you from Maranello... if you know what I meant.


    I'm looking forward for an Airbus at the PMDG standards or above and I would like to think we'll have it, but before we can say it, we have to fly it, don't you think so?




    Antonio Valcarce

  17. smile.png Actually... I can't figure out how an aicraft developed or to be developed by PMDG can't be cool... it may happen, but honestly I can't imagine the case...So Michael, no ofense, but the title of the post says very little... unless you mean that you really would like a 787... different thing altogether that doesn't include any doubts about how cool PMDG products are. ... posting while hanging arround waiting you guess what.... biggrin.pngNail%20Biting.gif I hate when someone break the rules... Mr Randazzo insist that PMDG won't give release dates.... I can, and I am patient for as many years as need it to develope whatever is worth.... but the count down.... is unbearable!!! I would rather wake up one day and ops!!! there it is.... but these ten days are as bad as when I was waiting for my wife to give birth when we went beyond the due day!!!!!biggrin.png
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