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Posts posted by padolamap

  1. There configurations within reshade that if it produces a knock on the fps, to determine which recommend going activating a time, for example Gaussian effect has a strong impact not only so those who modify or alter colors

  2. Hi padolamap


    In the P3D Forums here at Avsim the is another section called P3D Tips and Tricks.


    Have a look in there for a Topic called Bloom Adjustments by Rob Ainscough. Read through the posting. It explains what adjustments you can make here. I find these adjustments make a big difference for me.


    Important - read carefully what you are about to do and make backups.


    It is all a compromise though, however it is worth the adjustment. Hope this gives you what you want.


    Michael M

    thanks michaelray

  3. Problema ReShade (creo): Con La Esperanza De que ALGUNOS de ustedes gurús podria ayudarme. Él Instalado Reshade con la distribution maestra párrafo P3Dv2.5 y por Defecto en la DX9 dll - Creo Que él Seleccionado DX10 / 11 Pero Vuelto un DX9. En El Arranque de P3Dv2 veo el texto de Confirmar las cosas de sombreado this sucediendo, Pero No veo Ninguna Diferencia Determinada a la Normalidad - Es Que Porque Tengo Que change ALGUNOS AJUSTES, o ES Porque va un switch to DX9 las Cosas?


    ¿Que hago DESPUÉS?




    The reshade just do nothing, you select what type of modification you want to make and make changes in the values it brings to each application according to the result you want to obtain, the master effect brings nothing default but if you select each item untouched its variables will see what effect

  4. Anyone have recommendations for daytime settings?  Really I've just set vibrance and curves to 0.35 and have been impressed. I suppose I generally think simpler is better, but I do see some stunning screenshots out there and naturally wonder if there's anything else I could be tweaking.

    further extend the range of curves to put the darkest screen and play LIFTGAMMAGAIN values, especially the values of GAMMA and the GAIN lower percentage as these will put very bright white and saturate, for the part GAMMA increases fear and sees sinh choosing which color to enhance it or decrease it. let my settings


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