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Posts posted by Kerlix

  1. Knowing this group, this could turn into a real-life "Where's Waldo?". One simple post and and I can suddenly see #rsrandazzospotting blowing up on twitt3er and the forums.


    Lay low, Robert, lay low...




    For a free lifetime membership to the PMDG RL simulators, I can offer my assistance as personal security...

  2. If your fuel remaining is less than what you set for your reserve during preflight, you'll get that message.


    It's not a bug. Technically (I believe) IRL, you'd be forced to divert to your alternate when that message appears.

  3. I didn't watch the whole thing, but something about his bugged speed and/or AP settings seems off. In fact, his A/T isn't armed during takeoff. I don't own the 737-series AOA lessons so I'm not sure why.


    But if you look closely, his speed bug is slightly inside the "stall warning/stall imminent" zone on the speed tape. That's why he's getting the flashing "A" on the MCP.


    I may be wrong, but I'm pretty sure that if that's happening, then it's a configuration issue on your end. Now, that may be done on purpose (Although I don't know why someone would do that) or it may just be an error/oversight.

  4. Shocking pictures?


    What exactly does that mean? Frame by frame? Random snapshots (not snapchat, for people that may (sadly) be confused)?


    In my experience, I won't be able to view an FSX replay after long flights. I don't know why. I've just assumed it's due to memory or something else that's broken in FSX. Basically, it will just snap to the very end of the "replay" and be paused, as if the replay took place (but never did).



    I have W7 as well. Unfortunately, without an explaining the meaning of "shocking pictures", I don't think anybody will be able to help/provide a solution.

  5. It appears that it incorporated the wind data and used that to determine the correct VAPP. Maintain that speed until the flare. In a perfect world, you'd bleed off down to 148kts and touch down at that speed.



    VREF+5 is really just a guide, not a rule for approaches. It can, and does, change depending on different variables such as wind.

  6. TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=124 ????????? :o


    Shouldn't that be


    TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=1024 ^_^



    Yep. I'm seeing TEXTURE_MAX_LOAD=128 in the last screenshot he/she/they provided.





    Change that to 1024 and report back.

  7. Well, that's where it should be. And how it should be spelled.


    Make sure you don't have 2 different fsx.cfg's. For one reason or another I have two. <~Not really going to go into "why" I have two. Different file types....


    Anyways, if you (for some reason) have 2 and you only edit the one FSX doesn't use, then it won't do anything for you. I only thought of this because of the my unique setup.


    Outside of that, I'm not really sure what to tell you. What kind of specs are you working with?

  8. Such a profound rebuttal, Darren....


    The poise, the wit, the elegance.....





    As far as the SP goes, I'd rather wait for a service pack that will fix most (if not all) of the major issues as well as a plethora of small, tiny minor ones then get dozens of service packs that never really seem to bring the product closer to perfection. I'll refrain from naming specific devs, but use your imagination.....

  9. seesaw-teeter-totter.jpg




    It's all about balance. The ground is lava and if either side touches it, FSX blows up. If an addon is more resource intensive, then disable or turn down another addon. As far as addon scenery/airports, I personally don't care how good the roads/taxiways/runways/buildings look from 30k+ feet up.

  10. First, regarding the arrogant comment:


    Hi, I'm Kyle. Have we met?


    Haha. I haven't been on the forums in almost 3 months. But I'm glad to see you're still here, making friends. It makes me smile.


    Going back to the OT,


    I'm just glad the -300ER is coming along nicely. I'm also glad that a multitude of fixes/revisions are coming along for the -200LR.


    I don't really understand why people whine and cry so much. We should all be happy that such a quality product is being created and offered to us. It basically comes down to "shut up or put up". Incase somebody needs me to hold their hand and draw that out in crayon.......Be grateful that you have the option of flying the T7. If you think this version of it isn't "complete" enough for you, I doubt you'll find happiness at "any other company" releasing the T7. If either of the first 2 points manage to elude you, then maybe you should try creating your own version - the version that comes with everything your heart desires. In that case, I wish you the best of luck...

  11. I'm not a user of P3D (yet) or Win8, but I was following this thread (at work, bored and wanting to go home. Is it 5 yet?) and I'm glad that you got your issues sorted. Seems that every simmer, on whatever platform they prefer, always has hiccups. The bright side of this is the community built around simming in general. That really shown through here. Even with the problems, the anger, frustration - when it comes down to it, we've all been there and (almost) everyone is willing to help almost endlessly to get a fellow enthusiast back into the skies.


    And yes, sometimes a nap and a couple beers and "cool down" time can really help. I've been guilty myself of not allowing that and it just makes things worse. You get tunnel vision and focus on that one REALLY annoying thing until it drives you into an axe-wielding maniac mindset. 


    Anyways, I know this really had nothing to do with the issue at hand. I was just proud of the community I'm part of after reading through this. That is all.


    Is it 5 yet?.........




    I'm already a proud owner of the Q400. I do have one question though. I know it's been brought up a lot so I apologize if I cause some eyes to roll.


    It's related to the FDE system you use. I know that it basically handles the FDE outside of FSX so you have more control/options/better simulation. However, this (here's the part where I put on my flak jacket and helmet) causes a "disconnect" between weather inside FSX and how it effects the aircraft. From my understanding, the Q400 basically (very basic) is almost in "slew" mode and the external FDE basically tells the plane where to go and what to do. 


    Has there been a workaround/fix for this issue? If so, how did you do it? And if it's not implemented, but something you're focused on, how do you plan to incorporate it? Being FSX, I know there's a ton of limitations placed on devs because MS had no idea that people like you would ever attempt or even be able to accomplish what you've done. I just seem to get a "flying on rails" type of experience. OPUS DHM helps out, but I never really notice any real buffeting in nasty flying conditions.


    Please don't take offense. I love the plane and plan to upgrade when available. It's just something I've always been curious about. I guess because the external FDE is such a unique aspect of the aircraft. I just don't understand it is all.



    Personally i think anyone who invests in this program needs to have a long hard think about how they spend their hard earned cash.

    ProAtc is so far from being usable as a 'Pro' ATC product. It has some nice features but its almost at beta level of development not a polished complete and ready to use product.



    Not sure if you were knocking me, or the developer or both. Either way, I get what you're saying and it makes sense.



    I just had a simple question. Which I think I found a workaround for. I bought it  based on the features I thought were going to be included. Obviously, works needs to be done all-around.



    Other than online ATC, what would you recommend? Keep in mind in using WIN7 x64. I'd like SID/STAR capabilities, etc. Any recommendations?

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