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Posts posted by PerWel

  1. Approach light strobes does not work anymore. I did in the past or if I recall it from box FSX. 

    Anyone knows anything about this? I have asked in the STEAM forum but no reply at all.

    Does anyone have the "running rabbit" working in FSX:SE?

    I've checked with ADE and there are approach lights set that should have running strobes, just tested MALSR but no strobes.

    /Per W


  2. You will not gain much with a bigger graphic card with FSX/FSX:SE. I went from a 960 GTX 2Gb to a 1060 GTX 6Gb because of X-Plane. And when I tried FSX:SE I did not see any
    change in performance. Only thing was that I could turn up things in nvidia inspector. No more FPS.

    It is CPU bound. If you thinking of changing plattform check out X-plane, there you gain hot graphic cards.
    I did it on a boring weekend and I'm stuck with it now. First of all no other flightsim today can beat it's aerodynamics. As close to reality as possible. Just surf around and check videos and forums about it. If you know about the famous youtube star Captain K he have moved to X-Plane because it is outstanding as he says. I did not like the versions before 11, the scenery looked crazy but now from ver 11 it is based on Openstreet maps and the default is very good. Lots of freeware scenery/airports and many have very high quality. Almost level with payware and you can create airports like that yourself for free. Or fix some. It is also developed whole time, adding more stuff whole time. One of the latest things in aerodynamics is Downforce over wings.

    One of first things I bought was IXEG 737 Classic(300) and it is at PMDG level and quality. But because of the superb aerodynamics it took me a lot of practice to fly the approach by hand
    and do a nice flare. I just did not work to handle the plane as I did with PMDG 737, especially the flare. You are really flying. It is a true 64 bit using the GPU for the graphic work. And a lot of
    things are totally dynamic, eg. change time of day minute by minute or hour by hour with a button in middle of the flight, cool. Night lightning is just WOW, check it.

    Give it a try. There is a free demo version, limited area. And if you buy it just enter the code to activate it.
    I have long time ago put P3D aside. It is just FSX with another name and far to expensive.

    I have no relationship to Laminar and X-Plane, I just happen to love it and think that it is the next generation of flightsim. Still have some minor flaws but are getting better whole time, only
    month between upgrades.

  3. These strobes have vanished, all other strobes are working. Beacon, strobes on aircrafts. But not approach lights with strobes. Or Running Rabbit as some call it.

    Anyone know about this and how to fix it. Already checked with ADE and they are defined. It is a freeware ESSA Arlanda Sweden. Tested other airports and it does not work.

    FSX:SE Win7 64 Ultimate i5 16Gb mem nVidia 1060 6Gb drive 388.31




  4. 22 hours ago, WebMaximus said:

    Tried assigning spoilers using P3D but for whatever reason that made the lever in the v/c very jittery so I went back to FSUIPC. Of course I first unassigned it in FSUIPC.

    Did find an option in FSUIPC though called 'Filter' which I checked to see if that will make any difference. According to the manual it can sometimes help these kind of issues so well shall see.

    If this doesn't work I'll just use a button/key instead and learn to live with it. Always lots of compromises within this hobby.

    Mine is solid stable no matter where I set it. No jitter at all. Must be your yoke/stick that have problems.

  5. I have Saitek Yoke with a quadrant + Rudders and have set the one lever for Spoilers in FSX:SE setup. I do not use FSUIPC for joysticks.

    I only pull it back a little to arm and it always works as it should. Sound is only played once and

    the lever in vc is moved all way back. FS2Crew also confirms that speedbrakes applied.

    Last flight yesterday and it worked this way and have always done.

  6. 4 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    You can email me a screenshot. (admin @ pilot2atc.com)  If you want it to show in the forum, you must upload it to a 3rd party site and put a link in.  If you search AVSIM it has a post that describes the process in detail.

    The only thing I can think of that might cause the buttons to be black instead of Control Grey is if you have a custom Windows Theme active.  Nothing in Pilot2ATC would do that.


    Just sent you a email

  7. 4 hours ago, Dave-Pilot2ATC said:

    You can email me a screenshot. (admin @ pilot2atc.com)  If you want it to show in the forum, you must upload it to a 3rd party site and put a link in.  If you search AVSIM it has a post that describes the process in detail.

    The only thing I can think of that might cause the buttons to be black instead of Control Grey is if you have a custom Windows Theme active.  Nothing in Pilot2ATC would do that.


    I do not have any custom theme. Only some blue color desktop. Buttons in the other windows looks ok. I'll check how to put in pictures.

  8. Works now. I think I know what the problem was. My Call sign and Flight/Tail Number. I had:

    Call Sign: Beach
    Flight/Tail No: 31

    As a programmer I have read Stacktraces like this before and I saw that RespondToPilot() called get_callsign() and last when it crashed was
    in Substring(). Substring picks out text from "startindex" and "length" number of characters. So I changed Flight/Tail Number to:
    BA31 and now it works. So it looks like it is removing letters like my BA and use the rest because now text ATC window says

    Beach 31 now without BA. But it worked in Grammar Help with only "31" in Tail number!?

    Feels like a little bug or maybe some info in the manual on how Flight/Tail numbers should look like.

  9. Windows 7 64 Ultimate, X-plane 11.05. P2A test license.

    I am trying P2A and have setup and microphone that works ok in the Grammar Helper. It understands what I am saying.

    But after filing a plane things do not work.

    If I press Say It "Beach 31 ready to copy" a voice is saying it but no reply from ATC. Text comes back in Green. Nothing happens at all but....

    If I speak the same phrase "Beach 31 ready to copy" this error shows up...

    See the end of this message for details on invoking
    just-in-time (JIT) debugging instead of this dialog box.

    ************** Exception Text **************
    System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: StartIndex cannot be less than zero.
    Parameter name: startIndex
       at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
       at P2A_2016.CallSign.get_CallSign()
       at P2A_2016.ATCFlt.get_CallSign()
       at P2A_2016.Controller.RespondToPilot(SpeechInteraction SI)
       at P2A_2016.ATCListener.HandleRecognizedSpeech(Boolean SpeechEmulated)
       at P2A_2016.ATCListener.a(Object A_0, RecognizeCompletedEventArgs A_1)
       at System.Speech.Recognition.SpeechRecognitionEngine.RecognizeCompletedProxy(Object sender, RecognizeCompletedEventArgs e)


    What is wrong? Something in Windows?

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