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  1. What start up setting like cold and dark etc us the Apu all ready running so just the engines are left to start. Many thanks Rob
  2. Insufficient air pressure keeps coming up what do I do please can't start engines because of it. Rob lambert
  3. Can't start engines keep saying insufficient air pressure where am I going wrong what should I be doing using sop2. Many thanks Rob lambert
  4. Rlambert93


    Just got it loving it but can anybody point me in right direction for 777 set up as to where to get a preset one for download. Many thanks Rob
  5. Yeah that's looks to be the trick to get it working thanks for that Regards Rob
  6. Have these errors on start up after pushback to start engine can anyone help as am currently stuck on the apron blocking people. Regards Rob
  7. Thanks for that I will try it. Rob
  8. Any ideas guys
  9. Does anyone know if this will work with the pmdg 777-200 or if it is possible to get it to work. I already have it and can't seem to get it work with this plane. Regards Rob
  10. +1 be a cool repaint.
  11. Anyone know what this problem is pmdg 777 going crazy right now. Altitude speed flickering like crazy and my map going absolutely crazy Trk hdg changing like crazy. Can't follow map but auto pilot working ok. Rob
  12. Thanks guys some good scenery and ideas to look at and download hope people keep this thread live with more ideas. Many thanks Rob
  13. Yeah that's what I mean. Rob
  14. Does anyone know of any good scenery that's free that a 777 can get into and out off. Don't mind a challenge as it can be a bit more fun. Many thanks Rob
  15. Yeah working fine now thanks for the help all. Rob
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