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Posts posted by prilete

  1. Is that THE Efrain Ruiz? :D


    How are ya man!? Long time no see!


    To answer your question... all signs point to YES!


    The trick is you need to rename the exe to FSX.exe I think. I'm going to be trying this very soon and I'll let you know.


    An added benefit is I heard you can keep the framerates set to unlimited in P3D and the tiles load like they did in FS9.


    Chris Hannigan


    Estoy interesado como instalar el Tileproxy en el P3D

    ESTOY interesado como instalar el Tileproxy en el p3d

  2. In English:

    "Someone can explain me that means different numbers changes that occur from time to time in "map_version" at:"


    I believe that the map_version number changes whenever there is an update to the satellite imagery for a map service (i.e. Bing).  This could be for imagery anywhere in the world.  Here is a link to the latest map_versions.  It looks like only the Bing (Service 1) map_version changes.



    John G.


    Muchas gracias John G. por lo que dices creo que es una actualización de cierta parte del mapa y no una actualización global.



  3. Alguien me puede explicar que significa los diferentes cambios de numeros que se producen cada cierto tiempo en " map_version" en:



    Virtual Earth / Microsoft Bing Maps

    [servicio Ejemplo 1]
    cache_folder = C: \ Archivos de programa (x86) \ Microsoft Games \ TileProxyServicesCache \ cache.service1
    network_module = libnettile
    (Compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1;. NET CLR 2.0.50727;. NET CLR 3.0.04506;. NET CLR 1.1.4322) "
    min_level = 9
    max_level = 19
    map_version = 1484
    level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19
    # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 más radio HQ (13 -> 14)
    # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 aún más radio en HQ (12,13 -> 14)
    color_hack = Sí
    color_level = 13
    bulk_extend = 50


    Si veis va pasando de  952................hasta hoy cuyo valor es de 1484.




    The changes above need to be made in your ProxyUser.ini file.

    Change the line

    and change the line
    These lines are about halfway down in the ProxyUser.ini file.
    If you want the Marbella airport, you can get it either by downloading my "French Alps Airports".  Marbella is listed as LEMX and is one of the 15 airports in that package.  Here is the link:
    Note: Marbella (LEMX) is a "phantom" airport.  It does not really exist.  It is placed in an open field/olive grove near the Guadalmina North Golf Course.
    or, you can just download the two files I will try to PM you and add them to your Addon scenery\Scenery folder.


    thank you very much Jonh

  5. The only changes I would suggest are:

    cache_bytes_limit= 0


    cache_tiles_limit= 0


    How does max_lod=17 work (30cm/pixel)?  Does that put a heavy load on your PC?  What is your PC configuration?

    Have you tried the Marbella airport yet?  :>)




    Hola John, si haces el favor dime donde hago el cambio de:


    cache_bytes_limit= 0


    cache_tiles_limit= 0




    Donde esta el aeropuerto de Marbella ?, me puedes decir las siglas?

    Mi PC  es de las siguentes caracteristicas:

    Equipo:      Tipo de equipo                                    ACPI x64-based PC      Sistema operativo                                 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate      Service Pack del SO                               Service Pack 1      Internet Explorer                                 10.0.9200.16618      DirectX                                           DirectX 11.0      Nombre del equipo                                 PC-1-PC      Nombre de usuario                                 PC-1      Dominio de inicio de sesión                       PC-1-PC      Fecha / Hora                                      2013-07-03 / 00:29    Placa base:      Tipo de CPU                                       QuadCore Intel Core i7-3770K, 3700 MHz (37 x 100)      Nombre de la placa base                           Gigabyte GA-Z77X-UP4 TH  (1 PCI, 3 PCI-E x1, 3 PCI-E x16, 1 mSATA, 4 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Video, Gigabit LAN, Thunderbolt)      Chipset de la placa base                          Intel Panther Point Z77, Intel Ivy Bridge      Memoria del sistema                               12243 MB  (DDR3 SDRAM)      DIMM1: Kingston HyperX KHX1600C9D3/4GX            4 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM  (11-11-11-28 @ 800 MHz)  (10-10-10-27 @ 761 MHz)  (9-9-9-24 @ 685 MHz)  (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz)  (7-7-7-19 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-16 @ 457 MHz)      DIMM2: Kingston 9905403-183.A00LF                 2 GB DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM  (9-9-9-24 @ 666 MHz)  (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz)  (7-7-7-20 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-17 @ 457 MHz)      DIMM3: Kingston HyperX KHX1600C9D3/4GX            4 GB DDR3-1600 DDR3 SDRAM  (11-11-11-28 @ 800 MHz)  (10-10-10-27 @ 761 MHz)  (9-9-9-24 @ 685 MHz)  (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz)  (7-7-7-19 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-16 @ 457 MHz)      DIMM4: Kingston 9905403-183.A00LF                 2 GB DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM  (9-9-9-24 @ 666 MHz)  (8-8-8-22 @ 609 MHz)  (7-7-7-20 @ 533 MHz)  (6-6-6-17 @ 457 MHz)      Tipo de BIOS                                      AMI (08/31/2012)      Puerto de comunicación                            Puerto de comunicaciones (COM1)    Pantalla:      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (1 GB)      Aceleradora 3D                                    AMD Radeon HD 7850 (Pitcairn)      Monitor                                           HP w2558hc (HDMI)  [25.5" LCD]  (CZQ843052Y)    Multimedia:      Adaptador de audio                                ATI Radeon HDMI @ AMD Cape Verde/Pitcairn/Heathrow/Chelsea/Venus - High Definition Audio Controller      Adaptador de audio                                Creative SB X-Fi Fatality XtremeGamer Sound Card      Adaptador de audio                                Realtek ALC892 @ Intel Panther Point PCH - High Definition Audio Controller [C-1]

    Las barras de configuración las tengo todas al máximo.


    Ves alguna posibilad de mejora?

  6. Os indico mi "proxy.ini", el cual me funciona muy bien, por si os sirve a alguno de vosotros.


    [service Example 0] Este sirve para Noruega (Norway)......fiordos espectaculares


    [service Example 1] Este sirve para España y otros paises europeos (Spain) .........Madrid, Salamanca ect


    [service Example 3] Este sirve para Estados Unidos (EE.UU)..........  Cañon del Colorado, Niagara


    Os pido que si veis alguna forma de mejorarlo me lo digaís



    # Start a line with # to comment it out.

    # Turn your text editor's Word Wrapping OFF for editing this document.


    # Read the manual for help with configuration. Do not contact the

    # author about the configuration for particular services. Thank you.





    # Enable or disable worldwide photographic scenery coverage (Yes/True/On to enable)



    # Write a logfile to disk.  In recommend to only turn this on for debugging purposes.

    # When using FSX RTM or FS 2004, the logfile may grow VERY fast and affect performance.



    # If you have concerns about possible copyright violations by caching JPEG and BMP tiles

    # on your hard drive, this switch is the solution. By enabling diskless mode, Tileproxy

    # will not store a single tile on your hard drive. Expect higher network usage though.

    # Note that offline mode will depend on tiles being available in the cache.



    # Offline Mode - No network access will occur (Yes/True/On to enable)



    # Resolution limiter: 17 = 30cm/pixel, 16 = 60cm/pixel, 15 = 1.1m/pixel, 14 = 2.3m/pixel, 13 = 4.75m/pixel

    # Lower resolutions load faster, but are visually less appealing. The 30cm resolution may only be feasible

    # if you have at least 2GB of system memory.



    # The following two settings allow you to tune Tileproxy to not preload specific LOD levels. This can

    # be used in conjunction with third party scenery products like "FS Altitude" that provides data only

    # up to a specific resolution. If you place this scenery higher than Tileproxy's world folders in the

    # scenery library then it will have precedence over Tileproxy for the specific LOD levels that it

    # contains. You can then instruct Tileproxy to not preload these low resolution LOD circles because

    # they are not needed anyway.


    # Lowest LOD ring to automatically preload tiles for. Must not be lower than 8.



    # Lowest LOD ring to automatically preload tiles for. Must not be higher than 17.



    # The maximum number of tile contexts that Tileproxy will send to the filter driver. A context

    # is essentially a very fast buffer for graphics data sitting in kernel memory that delivers

    # data right into FSX. Each tile context can hold an entire LOD 8...15 tile. Higher values

    # mean more use of your precious kernel memory though. The maximum number is 512. Lower if

    # you run out of RAM during flight and the PC starts to use the paging file a lot.



    # Generate Water Mask. This brings back shader-rendered water and allows

    # for the use of planes with floats (Goose, Beaver, etc...). If you turn this

    # option off, you get the Tileproxy behavior of Beta 5 and earlier versions.



    # Recommendation: FSX users: Use water_blending=on, water_smoothing=off

    #                            to get soft land/water transitions


    #                 FS9 users: Use water_blending=off, water_smoothing=on

    #                            to get hard land/water transitions which

    #                            Tileproxy tries to match pixel-exact against coast-lines


    #                 Combining water_smoothing and water_blending is discouraged.

    #                 It's slow and gives weird results.


    # Use blending techniques to create a soft land/water transition with some

    # transparency effect near the shoreline. Compatible with FSX only.



    # The distance in meters that you want land/water blending to extend from the

    # shore line. Larger values require more processing. Large values are now possible,

    # useful values are up to 2000 meters. Very high values may be detrimental to water

    # mask resolution. Loading speed however remains mostly unaffected by this setting.



    # The rate at which terrain is blended into the water color. 1.0 means a linear

    # blending, values > 1.0 blend faster. Values < 1.0 blend slower. This works

    # similarly to a Gamma Curve. An exponent of 2 gives a quadratic blend function,

    # an exponent of 0.5 results in a square root behavior.



    # The minimal and maximal transparency of the water. The lower you choose the min value,

    # the more reflective the deep water will be. The higher the max value is chosen, the less

    # reflective the water will be directly at the shore line. The reflectiveness transitions

    # linearly from max to min throughout the distance given by blend_distance from the shore.

    # Allowed values are between 0 and 1, and alpha_min should be smaller than alpha_max or

    # things may look weird.

    # The following alpha_min values will not give you any dithering artifacts on all-water tiles,

    # so the use of these is recommended. It is multiples of 16/239 (rounded up slighty)

    # 0.0700, 0.1339, 0.2009, 0.2678, 0.3348, 0.4017, 0.4687

    # 0.5356, 0.6026, 0.6695, 0.7365, 0.8034, 0.8703, 0.9373




    # The water color in hexadecimal RGB notation. Prefix with #. This should be blue

    # or greenish blue or some shades of brown, depending on your preference.

    # Values of #000000 are discouraged when using water blending - it will result

    # in weird behavior at the shorelines.



    # Try to smooth land/water boundaries by trying to match the water mask to the image content.

    # This is a a somewhat experimental algorithm.



    # The decision threshold for water/land when water_smoothing is enabled. 0 means everything

    # will be turned to land, 1 means everything turns to water. Chose some value inbetween.



    # Maximum number of bytes allocated to BMP graphics tiles in RAM at any time (0 for unlimited)

    # The value below states 100 MB.



    # Maximum number of BMP tiles to cache in RAM at any time (0 for no limit).



    # The currently active service is configured here. Only ONE active source please.

    # The other source statements should be commented out.

    #source=Service Example 0

    #source=Service Example 1

    source=Service Example 3

    #source=Service Example 4


    # The sources you want to be able to switch from the GUI menu.

    # Separate the list entries with | and enclose in quotes. Make sure the

    # names specified here are valid services which are defined below.

    # You may want to rename the services according to your preference,

    # but make sure you replace all occurences of the strings.

    menu_sources="Service Example 1|Service Example 3|Service Example 4"


    # Experimental API Hooking section. Disable if you see strange crashes and effects.

    # Currently we only have the DirectX 9 hook. More hooks are planned.



    # The DirectX 9 hook enables the moving map overlay. More features are planned.



    # A flag whether to show the moving map overlay initially or not.



    # Dimensions and overlay colors of the moving map. Positions are percentages of the screen.

    # Width and Height refer to the full 512x512 pixel texture used for the map. To get a round

    # map circle, the ratio of width and height should match your screen's aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3)

    # Radius is given in the map texture's pixels where one pixel represents a LOD 15 tile. A

    # radius of 0 disables the round stencil and shows the entire 512x512 texture. Color is given

    # in a hexadecimal ARGB notation. 










    # Here begin the service specific configurations



    # This is new when you specify captcha_module


    # On encountering HTTP 302 redirects the captcha module will send Internet Explorer's cookies

    # stored for the specified service domain to the web server. It will also display whatever web

    # page the service redirects you to. This could be a page requiring you to enter a so-called

    # captcha. After entering the captcha correctly, the resulting session cookie will be stored as

    # a permanent cookie (expiration 1 day) in your IE Cookies folder and sent to the service on

    # subsequent requests. You will then be able to use the service as long as you wish, given that

    # you correctly enter the captcha dialog which may nag you once every 20 minutes or so.

    # Explaining the captcha_config arguments:


    # cookiedomain from captcha_config specifies the domain name for which cookies are stored.

    # This might be the service name plus a top level domain like ".com"


    # cookieurl specifies a HTTP url from which an identifying cookie will be retrieved first, if

    # no existing identifying cookie is found. This may be required sometimes to make the captcha

    # dialog appear in the first place. This could be the service's front page URL (e.g. a search

    # engine)


    [service Example 0]

    ### Norwegian Service ###  1-24-10



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://ts1*.webatlas.no|path=/qt_1881/%s.png?s=%v|quad=0123|balance=0123456|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"









    [service Example 1]













    [service Example 3]


    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://us.maps3.yimg.com|path=/aerial.maps.yimg.com/img?x=%x&y=%y&z=%z&v=%v&t=a|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"









    [service Example 4]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://mapcache*.figurethisoutyourself|path=/sat/%Z/%X/%Y?partner=|balance=1234|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"








  7. When to use




  8. Hi prilete,

    I understand the language barrier.  I do not speak a word of Spanish, but I can understand anything written in Spanish by using the Google Translate feature.  Here is the link for English-to-Spanish:


    Hopefully, you can cut-and-paste any English text you find in any AVSIM post that I recommended you read and let Google translate them into Spanish...  Here is the Google Spanish translation of what I just wrote above.

    Good luck,

    John G.



    Hola prilete,


    Entiendo que la barrera del idioma. Yo no hablaba una palabra de español, pero puedo entender cualquier cosa escrita en español utilizando la función de Google Translate. Aquí está el enlace para Inglés a español:




    Con suerte, usted puede cortar y pegar cualquier texto en Inglés que se encuentra en cualquier puesto AVSIM que me recomienda leer y dejar que Google traducirlos al español ... Aquí está la traducción de Google españoles de lo que acabo de escribir arriba.


    Buena suerte,


    John G.

    Hola John, quisiera pedirte que si localizases la forma de instalar TP en Windows 8 me lo explicases.

    El motivo de querer instalarlo en Windows 8, es que he visto que la calidad de imagen en Windows 8 es mucho mejor a Windows 7.

  9. From your previous posts, I assume you have been running Windows 7.  If you are "upgrading" to Windows 8, I suggest you read the following post (and all of the replies - particularly reply #4):



    I am running Win 7 and have no experience with win 8.  However, from the posts above, the dseo13b.exe utility to correct for unsigned drivers which works for Win 7/TileProxy will work for Win 8/TileProxy also.  Dseo13b.exe can be downloaded from the following link:



    Good luck,

    John G.


    Again thank you very much, sec? N see is quite
    difficult to implement the TP in Windows 8.
    Also my English is very bad and it is
    difficult to understand the steps.

  10. English translation: (I don't speak Spanish - sorry)

    "Thank you very much, what you do not understand what I say.

    If you please do me the change in the 1 and 3 servivio I write here?."


    Here are the changes I would recommend:

    I would have left the English text in your ProxyUser.ini file because most people will give you information based on the English version.

    Just check that you have also changed the following lines (approximately at line 130) in your Proxyuser.ini file:


    # The currently active service is configured here. Only ONE active source please.

    # The other source statements should be commented out.

    #source=Service Example 0

    source=Servicio del Ejemplo 1

    #source=Servicio del Ejemplo 3


    Here are the changes I would suggest for your "Service1" (you renamed it "Servicio del Ejemplo 1"):


    [servicio del Ejemplo 1]

    cache_folder = E: \ Tileproxy \ cache \ cache.service1

    network_module = libnettile

    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://a*.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.net|path=/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=%v|quad=0123|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"



    map_version = 1180


    ## your original >>> level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

    # Level_mapping 9,10,11,12,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 = m s de radio HQ (13 -> 14)?

    # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 radio nm s en HQ (12,13 -> 14)


    color_level = 13

    bulk_extend = 50



    Here are the changes I would suggest for your "Service3" (you renamed it "Servicio del Ejemplo 3"):


    [servicio del Ejemplo 3]

    cache_folder = E: \ Tileproxy \ cache \ cache.service3

    network_module = libnettile

    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://us.maps3.yimg.com|path=/aerial.maps.yimg.com/img?x=%x&y=%y&z=%z&v=%v&t=a|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"










    Note: level_mapping above 17 generally produces no TileProxy tiles in the cache folders.  There are no images available for Service1 or Service3 at levels 18 and 19.  This can best be checked using the TileProxy utility program "Manage Service Caches"  Go to the Start button and then the TileProxy folder to find this utility.  It was installed with TileProxy.


    I also looked at another post you did and, if you are flying FSX/Tileproxy near Marbella, Spain, I believe Service1 is much better than Service3 - so I would not even use Service3 (Servicio del Ejemplo 3).  Just leave Servicio del Ejemplo 1 as the active service as shown above.

    I checked this with http://www.flashearth.com/




    Good luck and have fun with FSX/TileProxy...


    Thank you very much for the reply
    I'm surprised the photos of Marbella, for I
    live here.

  11. OK, that connection speed is not the problem then - that's a good thing.  Your Proxyuser.ini file looks OK (for Service1).  You might try using Service3 to see if you get any better resolution images.  Your Proxyuser.ini Service3 data is incomplete.  I posted mine for Service1 and Service3 below:


    [service Example 1]

    cache_folder=E:\Microsoft Games\cache.service1


    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://a*.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.net|path=/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=%v|quad=0123|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"










    [service Example 3]

    cache_folder=E:\Microsoft Games\cache.service3


    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://us.maps3.yimg.com|path=/aerial.maps.yimg.com/img?x=%x&y=%y&z=%z&v=%v&t=a|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"









    NOTE: I used word wrap so you can see the whole "module_config=..." line (shows as 2 lines above).  Also you will have to change the "cache_folder= E:\"... to match your cache folders.


    Another hint for selecting which service to use (i.e. Service1 or Service3) is to use the Flash Earth mapping tool: http://www.flashearth.com/


    If you post your exact FSX latitude/longitude, I'll double-check on the tile resolution you can expect.  It may just be that the area you are flying in has poor resolution with one or both mapping services.


    Finally, I note that you are using levels 9-19.  I find that anything over level 17 tiles don't even exist in any USA or Europe location I fly over, so there is no need to try to download level 18 or level 19 tiles.  You can easily check this by using the TileProxy utility "Manage Service Caches" which was installed with TileProxy.


    Good luck,


    Muchas gracias, no te lo entendido Lo Que dices yo.

    Si haces el favor hazme El Cambio En El servivio 1 y el 3 Que Te Escribo aqu?.


    [servicio del Ejemplo 1]

    cache_folder = E: \ Tileproxy \ cache \ cache.service1

    network_module = libnettile

    (Compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1;. NET CLR 2.0.50727;. NET CLR 3.0.04506;. NET CLR 1.1.4322) "

    min_level = 9

    max_level = 19

    map_version = 1180

    level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

    # Level_mapping 9,10,11,12,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 = m s de radio HQ (13 -> 14)?

    ? # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 radio nm s en HQ (12,13 -> 14)

    color_hack = S?

    color_level = 13

    bulk_extend = 50


    [servicio del Ejemplo 3]

    cache_folder = E: \ Tileproxy \ cache \ cache.service3

    network_module = libnettile

    (Compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1;. NET CLR 2.0.50727;. NET CLR 3.0.04506;. NET CLR 1.1.4322) "

    min_level = 5

    max_level = 19

    map_version = 1,8

    color_hack = No se

    color_level = 0

    bulk_extend = 50


    Muchas gracias


  12. If you read the TileProxy User Manual it says:

    "To use this software with good performance, your system should meet or exceed these

    recommended system requirements.


    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004 or Flight Simulator X (perferrably SP1 or later)

    A 2 Mbit/s Internet connection or faster."


    If you actually do have a 10Kb/sec download speed - instead of the recommended 2000Kb/sec, you can expect Tileproxy to more or less freeze up on downloading tiles.  Your internet connection cannot keep up with the download speeds required to get any usable images for tileproxy.  It sounds like you have a telephone modem internet connection, and need a cable internet connection to get improved performance - sorry..

    Pardon my connections: 10 Mbps

  13. My connection is 10Kbits/seg Download y 600 bits/seg   Upload



    My Equipo is:

          Tipo de equipo                                    ACPI x64-based PC

          Sistema operativo                                 Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate

          Service Pack del SO                               Service Pack 1

          Internet Explorer                                 10.0.9200.16439

          DirectX                                           DirectX 11.0

          Nombre del equipo                                 PC1-PC

          Nombre de usuario                                 PC1

          Dominio de inicio de sesión                       PC1-PC

          Fecha / Hora                                      2013-01-08 / 09:45


        Placa base:

          Tipo de CPU                                       QuadCore Intel Core i7-920, 2800 MHz (21 x 133)

          Nombre de la placa base                           Gigabyte GA-EX58-UD4  (3 PCI, 1 PCI-E x1, 1 PCI-E x4, 2 PCI-E x16, 6 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)

          Chipset de la placa base                          Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem

          Memoria del sistema                               12288 MB  (DDR3-1333 DDR3 SDRAM)

          Tipo de BIOS                                      Award Modular (03/11/10)

          Puerto de comunicación                            Communications Port (COM1)



          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Adaptador de video                                AMD Radeon HD 7800 Series  (2048 MB)

          Aceleradora 3D                                    AMD Radeon HD 7850 (Pitcairn)

          Monitor                                           HP w2558hc (HDMI)  [25.5" LCD]  (CZQ843052Y)

          Monitor                                           LG L226WTQ (Digital)  [22" LCD]  (1703203664)



          Adaptador de audio                                ATI Radeon HDMI @ AMD Cape Verde/Pitcairn/Heathrow/Chelsea - High Definition Audio Controller

          Adaptador de audio                                Realtek ALC888 @ Intel 82801JB ICH10 - High Definition Audio Controller



          Controlador IDE                                   Controladora estándar PCI IDE de doble canal

          Controlador IDE                                   Intel® ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller

          Controlador de almacenamiento                     JMicron JMB36X Controller

          Unidad de disco                                   ACTIONS HS USB FlashDisk USB Device

          Unidad de disco                                   ACTIONS HS USB FlashDisk USB Device  (1953 MB, USB)


    My file Proxyuser is:


    # Start a line with # to comment it out.

    # Turn your text editor's Word Wrapping OFF for editing this document.


    # Read the manual for help with configuration. Do not contact the

    # author about the configuration for particular services. Thank you.





    # Enable or disable worldwide photographic scenery coverage (Yes/True/On to enable)



    # Write a logfile to disk.  In recommend to only turn this on for debugging purposes.

    # When using FSX RTM or FS 2004, the logfile may grow VERY fast and affect performance.



    # If you have concerns about possible copyright violations by caching JPEG and BMP tiles

    # on your hard drive, this switch is the solution. By enabling diskless mode, Tileproxy

    # will not store a single tile on your hard drive. Expect higher network usage though.

    # Note that offline mode will depend on tiles being available in the cache.



    # Offline Mode - No network access will occur (Yes/True/On to enable)



    # Resolution limiter: 17 = 30cm/pixel, 16 = 60cm/pixel, 15 = 1.1m/pixel, 14 = 2.3m/pixel, 13 = 4.75m/pixel

    # Lower resolutions load faster, but are visually less appealing. The 30cm resolution may only be feasible

    # if you have at least 2GB of system memory.



    # The following two settings allow you to tune Tileproxy to not preload specific LOD levels. This can

    # be used in conjunction with third party scenery products like "FS Altitude" that provides data only

    # up to a specific resolution. If you place this scenery higher than Tileproxy's world folders in the

    # scenery library then it will have precedence over Tileproxy for the specific LOD levels that it

    # contains. You can then instruct Tileproxy to not preload these low resolution LOD circles because

    # they are not needed anyway.


    # Lowest LOD ring to automatically preload tiles for. Must not be lower than 8.



    # Lowest LOD ring to automatically preload tiles for. Must not be higher than 17.



    # The maximum number of tile contexts that Tileproxy will send to the filter driver. A context

    # is essentially a very fast buffer for graphics data sitting in kernel memory that delivers

    # data right into FSX. Each tile context can hold an entire LOD 8...15 tile. Higher values

    # mean more use of your precious kernel memory though. The maximum number is 512. Lower if

    # you run out of RAM during flight and the PC starts to use the paging file a lot.



    # Generate Water Mask. This brings back shader-rendered water and allows

    # for the use of planes with floats (Goose, Beaver, etc...). If you turn this

    # option off, you get the Tileproxy behavior of Beta 5 and earlier versions.



    # Recommendation: FSX users: Use water_blending=on, water_smoothing=off

    #                            to get soft land/water transitions


    #                 FS9 users: Use water_blending=off, water_smoothing=on

    #                            to get hard land/water transitions which

    #                            Tileproxy tries to match pixel-exact against coast-lines


    #                 Combining water_smoothing and water_blending is discouraged.

    #                 It's slow and gives weird results.


    # Use blending techniques to create a soft land/water transition with some

    # transparency effect near the shoreline. Compatible with FSX only.



    # The distance in meters that you want land/water blending to extend from the

    # shore line. Larger values require more processing. Large values are now possible,

    # useful values are up to 2000 meters. Very high values may be detrimental to water

    # mask resolution. Loading speed however remains mostly unaffected by this setting.



    # The rate at which terrain is blended into the water color. 1.0 means a linear

    # blending, values > 1.0 blend faster. Values < 1.0 blend slower. This works

    # similarly to a Gamma Curve. An exponent of 2 gives a quadratic blend function,

    # an exponent of 0.5 results in a square root behavior.



    # The minimal and maximal transparency of the water. The lower you choose the min value,

    # the more reflective the deep water will be. The higher the max value is chosen, the less

    # reflective the water will be directly at the shore line. The reflectiveness transitions

    # linearly from max to min throughout the distance given by blend_distance from the shore.

    # Allowed values are between 0 and 1, and alpha_min should be smaller than alpha_max or

    # things may look weird.

    # The following alpha_min values will not give you any dithering artifacts on all-water tiles,

    # so the use of these is recommended. It is multiples of 16/239 (rounded up slighty)

    # 0.0700, 0.1339, 0.2009, 0.2678, 0.3348, 0.4017, 0.4687

    # 0.5356, 0.6026, 0.6695, 0.7365, 0.8034, 0.8703, 0.9373




    # The water color in hexadecimal RGB notation. Prefix with #. This should be blue

    # or greenish blue or some shades of brown, depending on your preference.

    # Values of #000000 are discouraged when using water blending - it will result

    # in weird behavior at the shorelines.



    # Try to smooth land/water boundaries by trying to match the water mask to the image content.

    # This is a a somewhat experimental algorithm.



    # The decision threshold for water/land when water_smoothing is enabled. 0 means everything

    # will be turned to land, 1 means everything turns to water. Chose some value inbetween.



    # Maximum number of bytes allocated to BMP graphics tiles in RAM at any time (0 for unlimited)

    # The value below states 100 MB.



    # Maximum number of BMP tiles to cache in RAM at any time (0 for no limit).



    # The currently active service is configured here. Only ONE active source please.

    # The other source statements should be commented out.

    #source=Acme Globe Service

    source=Service Example 1

    #source=Service Example 3

    #source=Service Example 4


    # The sources you want to be able to switch from the GUI menu.

    # Separate the list entries with | and enclose in quotes. Make sure the

    # names specified here are valid services which are defined below.

    # You may want to rename the services according to your preference,

    # but make sure you replace all occurences of the strings.

    menu_sources="Service Example 1|Service Example 3|Service Example 4"


    # Experimental API Hooking section. Disable if you see strange crashes and effects.

    # Currently we only have the DirectX 9 hook. More hooks are planned.



    # The DirectX 9 hook enables the moving map overlay. More features are planned.



    # A flag whether to show the moving map overlay initially or not.



    # Dimensions and overlay colors of the moving map. Positions are percentages of the screen.

    # Width and Height refer to the full 512x512 pixel texture used for the map. To get a round

    # map circle, the ratio of width and height should match your screen's aspect ratio (e.g. 4:3)

    # Radius is given in the map texture's pixels where one pixel represents a LOD 15 tile. A

    # radius of 0 disables the round stencil and shows the entire 512x512 texture. Color is given

    # in a hexadecimal ARGB notation.










    # Here begin the service specific configurations



    # This is new when you specify captcha_module


    # On encountering HTTP 302 redirects the captcha module will send Internet Explorer's cookies

    # stored for the specified service domain to the web server. It will also display whatever web

    # page the service redirects you to. This could be a page requiring you to enter a so-called

    # captcha. After entering the captcha correctly, the resulting session cookie will be stored as

    # a permanent cookie (expiration 1 day) in your IE Cookies folder and sent to the service on

    # subsequent requests. You will then be able to use the service as long as you wish, given that

    # you correctly enter the captcha dialog which may nag you once every 20 minutes or so.


    # Explaining the captcha_config arguments:


    # cookiedomain from captcha_config specifies the domain name for which cookies are stored.

    # This might be the service name plus a top level domain like ".com"


    # cookieurl specifies a HTTP url from which an identifying cookie will be retrieved first, if

    # no existing identifying cookie is found. This may be required sometimes to make the captcha

    # dialog appear in the first place. This could be the service's front page URL (e.g. a search

    # engine)


    [Acme Globe Service]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://server*.acmeglobe.com|path=/terraintile?pos=%s&v=%v|quad=ABCD|balance=0123|agent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; The TileProxy Project)"










    [service Example 1]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://a*.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.net|path=/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=%v|quad=0123|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"

    min_level = 9

    max_level = 19

    map_version = 1180

    level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19

    # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,12,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 más radio HQ (13 -> 14)

    # Level_mapping = 9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 radio aún más en HQ (12,13 -> 14)

    color_hack = Sí

    color_level = 13

    bulk_extend = 50


    [service Example 3]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://us.maps3.figurethisoutyourself|path=/aerial.maps.figurethisoutyourself/img?x=%x&y=%y&z=%z&v=%v&t=a|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"








    [service Example 4]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://mapcache*.figurethisoutyourself|path=/sat/%Z/%X/%Y?partner=|balance=1234|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"








    I wanted someone to understand me say if you can improve to get sharper images


  14. [service Example 3]



    (Compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1;. NET CLR 2.0.50727;. NET CLR 3.0.04506;. NET CLR 1.1.4322) "

    min_level = 5

    max_level = 19

    map_version = 1,9

    level_mapping = 5,6,7,8,9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19

    color_hack = No se

    color_level = 0

    bulk_extend = 50


    I you can tell which one is right for Yahoo ^

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