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Everything posted by dickbist

  1. can anyone tell me why my fps is only 6 to 15 on a quad core high end pc . xp operating sys. sliders set 3/4 and no weather.i have everything set up as per operating manual [ i get 35-45 fps on level-d 767] dick b
  2. Bryan, yes i am using xp. i was able to download from ms. speech sdk 51.exe but what folder do i unzip it to thank you . dick
  3. The Speech Recognition tab in my control panel does not match Step 1 (Speech Recognition Engine Setup in your Tutorial Flight. The only options available to me are Text to Speech with a voice selection of Microsoft Sam and Voice Speed.I have downloaded from your website SAP but this does not resolve the issue. I would appreciate any other suggestions you may have in regard to this problem.Dick B.
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