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Mike Nowinski

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Posts posted by Mike Nowinski

  1. On 1/9/2020 at 7:36 AM, mjahn said:

    Mike, did you click the displayed numbers (i.e, not the knobs)?


    No, I kept trying to use the knobs like the Comm1 radio does.

    However, after seeing CharlieArons post I was able to find the very small clickable areas for both whole and decimal freqs and they worked.  While it does work, it is very difficult to pinpoint the clickable areas. especially when the plane is bouncing around.




  2. Charlie,

    Thanks for contacting Manfred.  I DL'd his two files, copied the xml file as instructed replacing the original and mod'ed the aircraft.cfg file.  Not good news though...It didn't work.

    Looking at the [Radios} section mod, I'm not sure why in the Comm2 line,that the "Standby Freq" option is turned off.  I would have thought it needed to be "On".  I tried all possible switch settings and still couldn't change the freqs etc.

    Have you tried the changes?



  3. Using FSX/Accel. I have installed the latest versions for this aircraft, including latest sound file by Doug Dawson. 

    I am unable to turn on the Comm 2 radio due to not having any hotspots for either on/off or tuning.  The Comm1 radio works fine.  I've even tried various radio toggle sithces on left side of pilot seat.

    Does anyone else have this problem, and perhaps a fix?


    Thanks and Happy New Year.

  4. So far, no luck with KMTH.  I thought perhaps I had some conflicting 3rd party files for the airport, or even any airport near by, but couldn't find any.  Did the next best thing and disabled ALL of my 3rd party airports...no joy.

  5. I'm using a MADCATZ FLY 5 Joystick.  It has dual throttle controls that are bound together by a controllable locking button.  Right now the throttles are calibrated for the "Idle" position to be at the detent.


    I understand what you are saying about the gates, but a bit confused because I thought the manual said to move the throttles to the Grd Fine position for the reversers to activate.


    Thanks for your reply.


    What are you using to control the throttles? The power levers have 2 separate "gates" for ground fine and reverse, if you use the default "reverse" setting with key F2, they will go into reverse together.

  6. So far, I have not found a way to make the reversers engage simultaneously.  I can only pull one throttle lever back at a time.  This causes the aircraft to pull quickly and strongly to one side or the other depending on which throttle lever I pull first.


    Is there a way to move both throttle levers to the "Ground Fine" position simultaneously? 






  7. A fix was released to FTX Central 3 this morning.  It has fixed the issue with the Vector files being re sequenced incorrectly.  Sadly,however, this did not fix the "trees on the taxiways and aprons issue for KMCO.  I double checked the scenery.cfg file before starting FSX and the Vector Files were correctly sequenced.

  8. During recent landing at Orlando Intl. (KMCO) I noticed another issue with trees scattered over taxiways and aprons...NOTE:  not on the runways.  I've enclosed a snapshot below.


    I'm always acutely  aware of add-on scenery that I install and insured to the best of my ability to make sure there was nothing that would react with the airport at KMCO.  Just to make sure that nothing was interfering with the area, I went as far as to disable ALL of my addon files and folders leaving nothing but ORBX and default files active.  Unfortunately, I still have the same problem.


    I have FTX Central installed and checked the libray insertion points for any discrepancies.  The Setting Tool lists my files  in the following order.


    All FTX files

    All OpenLC files

    OZx files (2)

    Default FSX Scenery Files

    All xxxx Base files

    ORBX Vector AEC file

    Default Terrrain

    Default Scenery


    Any help appreciated.










  9. i understand about engine torque and how it requires rudder input on takeoff to correct, but the 350i seems to have an excess of torque compared to other twin engine aircraft such as the Carenado B200.  Has anyone else noticed this?  Is there any way to adjust this in the aircraft.cfg file?


    Also, I'm not sure if this excess torque is responsible,, but when I use the 350i as an AI aircraft, it veers to the right on a 45 deg angle on takeoff roll.


    Thanks for any input you might have.

  10. Gregg,


    Thank you sir.  That's what I do.  Place the B200 at an airport and set the sime time to "Nighttime".


    Here's a pic from outside looking at nose with landing lights on.




    Here's a shot from inside the cockpit.  Almost nothing and should be alot, lot more light.



    Hope the image links work...regardless, there is almost no light reflected on the ground.




  11. Follow-up on this issue, but with FSX (SP2/Acel) for the FSX/P3D Carenado B200.


    The landing/taxi light objects appear when looking at the nose gear from outside the aircraft.  Both landing and taxi lights are there and cast a minimal amount of light on the ground.  However, when in the cockpit, there is absolutely no illumination whatsoever on the ground where you can see over the nose.  I've compared the Carenado 208B and what a big difference....it lights up the ground in front beautifully.  Just not the B200 FSX/P3D.


    Any solutions for this yet?




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