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Posts posted by simon-flight

  1. Hi Guys,

    I really appreciate all the input, looks like I have some reading to do as well.

    Apologies if this is a dumb question, but shouldn't advisory vertical guidance mean the GS needle should move ? otherwise how is it guiding the vertical part of the procedure ?

    Thanks and Regards










  2. Hi Guys,

    Has anyone flown an L/VNAV approach with the Flight1 GTN650 and had the CDI GS needle work ?.

    I've tried many times and always had a red flag. (ILS works fine)


    Strangely, if the autopilot is setup the aircraft pitches down at the correct fix and can fly the approach but just no needle movement.

    Anyone have the same experience ?


    One of the approaches I have been trying  is ENHD RNAV 14 GPS LNAV/VNAV


    Best Regards

    Simon Grant

  3. Hi metalrockerlion,


    Coincidently I had the exact same message the other day.


    I was uninstalling and reinstalling the 777 and as part of the uninstall deleted the PMDG folder from the route FSX directory while totally forgetting this also holds files for the 737.


    A repair of the 737 through the >control panel > programs >uninstall a program sorted me out.


    Maybe not the same circumstances as yourself but I though I would mention it.



    Simon Grant

  4. Hi WarDog,


    As 3-2-1-Now said earlier, just enter the alternate manually.


    Bring up the ALTN page on the FMC, type in your preferred alternate in the scratchpad and then click on one of the LSK's on the left. It should add your alternate in Bold typeface into the list. To remove click on DEL and then the corresponding LSK next to the added alternate.


    As an aside I just tried this at EGSS in the UK. Added EGKK as a manual alternate and uploaded the weather for it. Added EHAM in the Netherlands and it would not load the weather. I'm guessing (without studying the manuals) that there is some criteria that has to be met, maybe distance, that decides which lucky alternates get the weather forecast.


    Hope this helps



    Simon Grant 

  5. Hi all,


    Yesterday I had randomly scanned the panels flicking switches so that I would have to use the checklists correctly at start (please PMDG can we have a random switch start up/failure mode ?) and noticed i had managed to get the undercarriage doors down while still at the gate.


    Does anyone know the sequence of events that could create this in real aircraft, if any ?


    I originally thought it was to do with the hydraulics but i havent managed to re create it yet.



    Simon Grant


    Your post kinda confused me reading it so if what I say below is not what you're asking forgive me.


    If what you're saying is that its not showing a T/D distance.  Well it won't show until you're closer to the T/D point then it will show the distance.



    Yeah I could have worded it better I guess and literally 2 minutes ago the T/D came back. So thanks for taking the time to answer.




  7. Hi Guys,


    On a couple of flights now I have noticed that on the PROG page of the FMC the right hand side line 4 entry is referring to step climb - none as opposed to top of descent and then the distance. FCOM 2 page 11.42.46 mentions this and the conditions that create it but not how to revert it back to T/D.


    Has anyone else come across this and got it to show T/D ?


    The situation I have is that the cruise altitude is FL390, STEP TO is FL410 but not available, OPT FL390 and MAX FL399. I've tried changing and deleting the STEP TO FL410 but nothing alters.


    Thanks and Regards


  8. Thanks for the replies guys.


    I confess it wasnt a properly thought out take off it was more of a "i've just read this in the manual let see what it does" kind of thing.


    But it did make me wonder when a pilot would choose this method over setting an altitude.


    More studying for me and thanks



  9. I don't really understand the question...


    Thrust reduction from TO to CLB usually comes at 1500ft AAL.


    When setting up the CDU/FMC you have the option to have reduced thrust kick in at an altitude AGL or when the aircraft is configured for a particular flap setting.


    Last night I had the thrust reduction occur when the aircraft was at a flaps 1 which then reduced the thrust to below the flaps 1 speed. Obviously not the option I should have chosen for that particular take off.


    So it just got me wondering what circumstances would be needed to use this.




  10. Hi All,


    I'm getting to grips with the engine derates, acceleration heights and reduced thrust combinations that can be entered into the CDU for noise abatement and such.


    But can't quite work out when the reduced thrust at a particular flap setting would be used over an altitude.


    Does anyone know or have experience of this ?



    Simon Grant

  11. Hi,


    I have the same effect and established its to do with whether the aircraft you are flying has the autopilot set up in the pmdg options in the fmc for 'wings level' or 'heading select' after takeoff. If its wings level the lnav light extinguishes the same as the vnav. If its heading select the lnav light stays iluminataed and hdg sel appears in green in the pfd (probably the wrong name ?) with lnav in white below.


    So in a way its livery dependent but can be altered


    Hope this helps,









  12. Hi all,


    This may seem an odd question but I often see on the forums that people only load up certain liveries. Is this purely personal taste or is there anything wrong with having as many as you can get installed ?


    At the moment I tend to grab as many as i can.




  13. Thanks for the interest guys. I have added (I hope) the screen shot this time


    What it shows is the flight plan from the default fsx flightplanner showing a 90 degree heading to the COA VOR. The magenta line in the gps also dispalys the 90 degree course to follow.


    If I have the navigation mode set to GPS then the plane follows the line perfectly showing a 90 degree course and heading (no wind). As soon as I switch to NAV mode (because I just wanted to use the GPS as a moving map) and fly to the VOR using VOR1 (set to 90 degrees) the plane veers of to the right and adjusts its course to fly to the VOR at about 86/87 degrees instead.


    The misallignment is also visible in the FSX map display. As I said earlier I have been flying the heavies for a while and only just got back into GA flying but dont ever recall it doing this.


    So I guess the question is, is this the correct behaviour or is my installation at fault.


    I appreciate the help




  14. Hi Captains,


    Noticed today when flying to a VOR in nav mode that the aircraft was off to the right of the route showing on the GPS. VOR 1 was set correctly to the course defined in the flight plan so i'm assuming the route displayed on the GPS should be exactly the same.


    I understand the plane may fly a corrected heading doe to winds but I'm assuming it should still stay on the route shown


    The strange thing is I have been sim flying for many years but only just noticed this !!!! It maybe because I have been flying the heavies for a ling while and only just got backm into GA flying.


    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated


    The screen shot shows a route from EGMH to the COA VOR on the 90 degree radial in nav mode, default cessna and no wind. You can clearly see the plane off to the right. If I flip the switch to GPS navigation the plane flys to the left to pick up the route.


    Best reagrds


  15. lowlevel, on 26 September 2012 - 03:52 AM, said:

    Simon, if you retract the stair when shutting down the aircraft, how do you intend to get back in it for the next flight? :rolleyes:

    This may be far fetched, but I'd guess... The way operators without airstairs do it? Just call for a set of stairs.


    Even more far fetched, extract them again :-).


    Either way as another poster has suggested, its not a big deal. Its just kind of fulfilling to end a flight shut the aircraft down, put the cat out, shut the door and put the stairs away.

  16. Hello Captains,


    Does anyone know how to retract the airstairs after shutdown and the doors been closed.


    Even after I've added the ground power cart I can't get it to work unless the ground power is switched on within the aircraft. All seems a bit wrong to me.


    Any suggestions ?



  17. Hi,


    I've started regularly flying the Alaska airlines anchorage, juneau, sitka, ketchican, seattle route and was wondering about fuel planning in general for multiple destinations.


    If you fly to a single destination you include the ground time, holding, go arounds, extra and alternate but would you do the same for 'each' of the destinations on a multiple route ?


    I'm guessing that all the alternates would'nt be catered for but the rest would.


    Any experience on this ?



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