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Nuno Pinto

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Posts posted by Nuno Pinto

  1. 8 hours ago, DavidP said:

    Very strange appointment - would have thought he wouldn't the best fit for any PR team.

    Fixed that for you.


    Now seriously, it probably uses some type or the same type of DRM protection from the 737, it's probably affected by that too. It won't release prior to them fixing that and whatever is the additional stuff they're working on. I mysef don't care, i am waiting for the MD-11 release, i find it FAR more interesting than a 773.

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  2. This is what i think about MSFS currently:

    - The realism went up 1000x from my previous simulators P3D/FSX. The clouds and lighting made a world of difference.

    - Scenery is like never i've seen before in a simulator and it's all over the world.

    - The aircraft are SO much better than previous models, again in P3D or FSX. I did try X-Plane (11) but it just never caught my eye.

    - It makes much better use of hardware and current technologies thus providing a smooth experience.


    But it also has some annoyances:

    - The ready to fly button. Duh, if i wasn't i would't "be here" would i?

    - The UI looks great with the mod i am using, but it's _SO_ unresponsive and slow-ish it hurts

    - Each update brings us new splash/loading screens with stuff i don't care about. Standard loading screens are fine thank you.

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  3. I must be the only one who doesn't have a single issue with their airports?

    But then again, i fine tune my simulator, i don't just set everything to ULTRA. I carefully check every single setting to see what i really need visually and what really makes an impact visually. I even downgraded my 4070 to a 4060, made a tiny SFF PC and make good use of FG and DLSS and get 80-90fps in EGLL with the A310 or A306. Zero stuttering, perfect landings without any issues, etc.

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  4. 19 minutes ago, SierraHotel said:

    This sentence is familier, I've seen it before every iteration of Microsoft Flight Simmulator for the last forty years.

    Indeed. And i am not one of those who "resist", but things are so good nowadays that i will only move when i am probably "forced to" unlike i did with FS9 => FSX where it was actualyl a relief seeing such a major upgrade in graphics and therefore sim usability / much better experience.

    If something really nice comes up for the 2024 version and it doesn't support the current version, that will almost surely make me buy it.

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  5. 36 minutes ago, cianpars said:

    I think the inproved coding and likely performance gains will convince most of us to buy MSFS 2004 irrespective of anything else that is new.


    I will have to analyze. I hand-picked my hardware for my needs, getting over 100fps everywhere and on very complex airports around 80, so i see no reason to get more. FG and DLSS are very good nowadays and seeing my PC use ~160W while flying is a pleasure in itself.

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  6. 3 minutes ago, lwt1971 said:

    As for FBW vs iniBuilds, I say use both.. both are absolutely great for their price of $0 🙂 , and the ini A320 (like the A310) is unprecedented for its level of fidelity being in the sim's default fleet.

    All in all this is what is more important. We have unprecedented quality in our default & $0 addons nowadays. Back in FS9 it was CTRL-E and push the word not allowed thing into the sky. Great time to be alive!

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  7. 39 minutes ago, Tuskin38 said:


    Nope. They did the job they were asked to do. 

    This isn't a point of view, it's fact. It's not half-baked.

    You may not like it, but that doesn't make it half-baked.

    Thanks for agreeing with me. You just said what i said: Point of view. Anyway, way off topic already.

    39 minutes ago, jcomm said:

    Yep, you're probably right ... As a glider pilot I am yet to find a decent glider simulation... and these are the only aircraft types I fly IRL. IMO MSFS and XP are not good at all...reproducing glider flying and yet some of my colleagues like XP... Condor is more unanimous among the RW glider pilots, but GA and it's specifics is soooo difficult to model in a desktop flight simulator anyway....

    I am way past the "infinite search for a perfect simulation" anyway. I try to enjoy the most i can from the addons i can get, and i have the advantage of not being an actual pilot, so my enjoyment is probably better than their own, knowing exactly how the real thing operates - They spend more time in car simulators than with flight simulators anyway lol.

  8. 12 minutes ago, jcomm said:

    This opinion is actually shared with some RW professional Airbus pilots (portuguese) I know and use the Fenix, the FBW, the "new" Inibuilds v2 and also the FSLabs CEOs in P3D... They're almost all unanimous in their critics regarding the "flight dynamics" of the Fenix.


    The two guys i know (one now on the 330s, so no contact with the 320s lately) don't even touch the FBW, they call it a "toy". The Fenix on the other hand, they claim it is the one which feels more like the real thing and they really nailed the landing with this last iteration.

    I guess each pilot will have their own opinion on this.

  9. 1 hour ago, Tuskin38 said:

    That is not what semi-finished means 

    They never planned for it to match the A300.

    If they promised it would have a feature but never delivered on it, than yeah that would be unfinished.

    But they’ve done everything they were asked to do by Microsoft. So it’s finished.

    That depends on the point of view. To me, it's half-baked as the 320NEO will be, independently of what was promised. This is not the point, we're discussing whether the FBW is a better choice overall than the IniBuilds version and on the long run i believe it will be.

    Promised or not, the status doesn't lie: Unfinished, and won't get any new features 99.99% for sure along with the 310. Does this make them unflyable or bad? No, but again that's not the point.

    • Like 1

  10. 8 minutes ago, Tuskin38 said:

    How is the A310 semi finished?

    The ini A320N will get P&W engines sometime in the future. I personally wouldn’t expect them until after 2024 releases since that’s Asobo’s Focus right now.

    It's not as polished as the A300, and the EFB could use a nice update as well. It's missing the P&W engines, no freighter, the MCDU isn't as feature-rich as the A300 as well... Semi-finished.

  11. On 5/23/2024 at 6:39 PM, BrammyH said:

    Also, since it's not a contracted MS airplane, it will see updates faster. The A20n will be like the a310: Ini won't make any changes that's not in their contract with MSFS.

    This is the key. I much prefer the IniBuilds A320, with independent MCDUs, better model, better cockpit overall but since it is bound to MS for updates, it'll end up a semi-finished product like the 310 which is really really sad.

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  12. For the first time ever, MSFS deleted all community folder and content. This happened after switching from the BETA channel to the regular releases channel and after already started the sim 2 or 3 times yesterday. Today i started it, it wanted an update and i instantly knew what it had done when i looked at the size and it said "126GB".

    This thing still has a _LOT_ of bugs and some of them are a REAL REAL pain in the rear. Fortunately i have everything i install somewhere else and handled by Addons Linker, the only real hassle is reinstalling all this nonsense all over again. Thanks MS.

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