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Posts posted by UAL1063

  1. Bryan,

    I've used MSFS now FSX for 25 years, so you can imagine how much I have tied up in addons. I'm very happy with FSX enhanced with the addons I've purchased, so there is no way at this point I am going to migrate to P3D. I use all your products for PMDG and a few others. I really hate to hear there is not a version for the -8, and I sincerely hope that changes at some point in the future.

    I mess with my panel.cfg all the time so I don't mind that work if there's a way for you to produce a 32 bit version.


    Gus White


  2. I have used the gauges for many years on all kinds of aircraft with no problems. Recently I purchased the PMDG 747-8 which has a built-in EFB. My problem was that the EFBs on the side panels where there but would not display anything - they were dark. Through a process of elimination I discovered that the RCB GH was somehow in conflict with the -8 EFB display. I removed RCB GH and everything works great in the -8. Any clues about this? I really would like to use the GH on this new aircraft.


    Gus White


  3. As you can see in the pic (click link below), the FSX logo bleeds through the PMDG 747-8 EFB. I also have the bleed-through problem in the PMDG 777, but not in the NGX or any other aircraft. I uninstalled and reinstalled the 747-8 and it temporarily fixed the problem, but it returned. The EFB opened in a 2D window displays just fine.

    I've used Steve's DX10 Fixer to no avail. Interestingly this problem does not occur with DX9, but DX9 causes OOMs with this bird so I need to use DX10.

    Has anyone else had this problem? Does anyone have any ideas?

    CLICK HERE FOR PIC:  https://www.dropbox.com/s/s5o5jqs1tj6rfzz/Picture1.png?dl=0  

    Gus White


  4. UPDATE: I followed the suggestions in the "DX10 How To" PDF file by Adam Banks (http://www.sim-outhouse.com/sohforums/showthread.php/88271-DX10-quot-How-to-quot-Guide-a-new-home!) with no changes in this bleed-through problem, but I did improve frame-rate a little. I am still looking for a solution. I know DX10 in FSX is a trial, but Steve's DX10 Fixer should help, but I have not found out how.

    Is this a shader problem? The "How To" manual suggested there might be a need to return to original shaders. I haven't tried that ... might do so later today.

    Again, this is a problem only in my PMDG T7 and 747-8. Any thoughts?

    Augustine White

  5. I have this strange texture bleed-through on my EFB (747-8). But the problem does not occur when the EFB is opened in a 2d window. (see photos). This also occurs in my T7 with the panels where an EFB might go. I have noticed it is associated with DX10 because when I turn that off I do not have the problem.

    Anyone have ideas or solutions?

    Augustine White 




  6. Ed,


    I have WIN10 Pro and MCE works partially. The copilot thinks I am already airborne while I'm on the ground, or that my engines are not started when ready for takeoff. The only thing I can get him to do is to work some dials, i.e. speed, heading, radios, etc., and I have no interface with the ground crew (AES/GSX).


    I learned a couple of days ago that on my system FSX is more stable with "Preview DirectX 10" checked, for whatever that's worth.


    Hope we can figure out MCE with WIN10.


    Gus White


  7. A few weeks ago I was waiting for a flight at SEATAC to DFW, hoping I could catch an earlier flight than I booked. I saw a man in an AA airlines uniform at the desk, so I went to inquire. He informed me that he was a pilot and didn't know anything about schedules, but he could answer any questions I had about flying.


    Now, honestly, at this point what is a flight-simmer going to do? I asked, "Are you flying the 738 at the gate." He said yes. I said, "I think I can fly your plane." He looked at me and asked, "Oh, are you retired from Boeing?" Ouch! He noticed the gray hair.


    Well, I had to be honest so I told him about my long-term interest in MS Flight Simulation, and about my recent experience with the new PMDG T7 and how accurately modeled the aircraft is. I said, "Truthfully, I think I could climb in a real T7 and crank it up." He looked at me, smiled and said, "Well, it is the easiest aircraft in the fleet to start ... you know, almost one button start." Ouch again!


    All I could do at this point was to say, "Have a nice flight, captain.", and walk away. As I turned I heard him say, "All I wanted to do was find a quiet place with a company computer, but that didn't work out so well, did it?" Sorry, captain.


    I think this is known as "Getting put in your place."  :blush:  


    Gus White


  8. I've been a simmer since the beginning and have flown all the birds (1477 hours with UVAL). I now mostly fly the LVLD 767, PMDG747, and QW757 (I'll be flying the 737NGX when I get home next week smile.png ). Last summer my son arranged for me to have 3 hours in a 757 full simulator at the United Airlines simulator facility in Denver (great experience!!). We did takeoffs, touch and go's (some ILS, some visual), and full stop landings at SFO. The instructor was impressed with my level of familiarity with flight dynamics, controls, and instruments. I flew for 3 hours without incident ... smooth landings. BUT I suspect flying a real bird full of people would be terrifying and mentally disabling. Ian is correct in suggesting the first thing to do is make sure the aircraft is stable, then call for a training captain and let him fly the plane through you - it would be arrogant and dangerous to do otherwise. In that critical situation I would want a pro telling me what to do next so nothing was omitted. We all believe we could land the plane, but hopefully common sense would tell us we need a major dose of help to do so.

  9. You are correct ... the log shows "stop" immediately after "runway entry procedure". I have no clue where that is coming from. To my knowledge I am not saying anything or pushing any buttons until "takeoff". I'll try again.

    Hi,Please look at Appendix A in the manual.The speech recognition system is somehow hearing the 'trigger word' for RTO mode, which is "Stop".If it hears "Stop", it will put FS2Crew into Rejected Takeoff Mode.Please check your CVR log (link is the manual) to see if the system is somehow hearing a "Stop" voice command.Cheers,

  10. OK, FO set autobrakes to RTO (should they stay there for T/O? I noticed the FO turns them to Off later in Initial Climb). After Runway Entry Proceedure, the Mode went to Takeoff, but then immediately jumped to Reject T/O. I could not scroll backward through the modes, but I scrolled forward through all the modes until it return to Takeoff, then everything worked except the cabin announcements which had jumped to the landing announcement.

    The FO usually does that at +25 in the Pre-flight.I'll give a run-through to check if it is missing that proceedure, or if I manually changed the setting.
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