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Posts posted by daveroverts

  1. Since I installed the Windows 10 Creators Update, I am having the same problem!

    The first thing I did was restoring back to the Anniversary update, same problem. Later I tried to reinstall SimConnect, same problem.

    When I spawn the NGX at FlyTampa EHAM, I am able to use the ChasePlane camera presets and use my Hat switch to move around, but some time after the 20 seconds initialisation, CP and FSUIPC freezes (I can't use my flight controls). If I tried to change presets, the only thing that changes is the zoom of that specific preset. Just like @MarkW reported, I could not use any of the menu items.

    In one test flight, I was able to depart with everything working, but at some point, the problem happened again, and my Autopilot just froze while I was in a turn/climb, I could still dail in speed/heading/altitude, but the AP/FD didn't change.

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