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About fsxsimmer20

  • Birthday 05/12/1998

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  1. Just Captain Simmin'

  2. Hey guys, after looking on Google, i cant find a straight answer. Is it possible to run SLi on a Crossfire motherboard? Here is the link: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=7265659&sku=B450-2425 I am looking at it mainly for Overclocking, but would be nice to be able to get dual nVidia GPU's. Thanks guys :)
  3. Nhancer does not work with me. I have the latest drivers. so yah, cant set that.The filter i don tknow if this has anything to do with it, is at Anisotropic. Resolution is 1280x1024x32. I have 2 screens, i only use one for fsx. Thanks for your help :)
  4. Hey its me again. So i had a 9400gt before, about 15 FPS in the VC of the NGX at CYYZ. So, i get the 460 abd i get the same frames. hardly any gain at all in FPS. However, in any other game, it runs great. (BFBC2 runs at high at 60 frames)Thanks for your help :)
  5. Hey its me again. So i had a 9400gt before, about 15 FPS in the VC of the NGX at CYYZ. So, i get the 460 abd i get the same frames. hardly any gain at all in FPS. However, in any other game, it runs great. (BFBC2 runs at high at 60 frames) Thanks for your help :)
  6. HI guys, im sure your getting sick of me On YouTube, mostly everyone uses EZCA to move outside the ACFT. To me the speed moving seems kinda fast, butwhen i try to simulate that effect, the speed is not very fast (like from hovering from left wing to right wing). Under General Settings, the speed is all maxed. Thanks for the help
  7. Sorry guys :( They all started moving.... Thanks so much for your replies though! Again sorry...
  8. FSX WOAI will not take off.They will just sit there parked. They dont takeoff at all so no ATC action lol. Thanks for the help :)
  9. Yes it could be that, or your PSU could be dieing. Chocking to give your GPU enough, then completely dieing. But yes i i would sure try GPU swithing like even on onboard??
  10. Turn down you cloud detail and/or the cloud draw distance :) good luck!
  11. Ok, i have a Phenom X6 1090T @ 3.2 GHz no OC, 8GB DDR3 RAM and a 9400GT. I am not getting the FPS i am wanting. Is it my GPU thats killing it? I get like 15 FPS at St.Maarten or 10FPS at LFPG. Unlike other people on YouTube, they get like 30+FPS at 3.5GHz and a hell of a lot better GPU. Or do i need to tweak it?Thanks,Ryan
  12. What do you mean?? lol I tried that just now, it did the same thing, but different. It crahsed, but this time when it was loading the AICADs or whatever (that little box that pops up). Ryan
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