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Daniel choen

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Posts posted by Daniel choen

  1. # Copyright © 1993-2009 Microsoft Corp.


    # This is a sample HOSTS file used by Microsoft TCP/IP for Windows.


    # This file contains the mappings of IP addresses to host names. Each

    # entry should be kept on an individual line. The IP address should

    # be placed in the first column followed by the corresponding host name.

    # The IP address and the host name should be separated by at least one

    # space.


    # Additionally, comments (such as these) may be inserted on individual

    # lines or following the machine name denoted by a '#' symbol.


    # For example:


    #     rhino.acme.com          # source server

    #     x.acme.com              # x client host


    # localhost name resolution is handled within DNS itself.

    #       localhost

    # ::1             localhost www.precisionmanuals.com









    Thanks Kyle!

  2. Hey fellows,

    H ere is the thing. I haven't been flying the sim lately, came after long period, I can't find the pmdg operational center. and for some weird reason I just can't go into PMDG downloads's section. It says something with timed out and too long. can someone help me get it externally? or how do I just get to that section? cheers.

  3. talking proff:

    autoland is not related to the category of your ILS , autoland is a capability of your autopilot system to land the a/c on ILS ; whether you see your runway or not.

    talking of ILS CAT : categories of ILS approaches are related to the "Reliability of the both Aircraft and Ground Systems" , not precision of them.so both are gonna take you on the same path.


    These systems are going to be separated at here :

    i.e. you're on a ILS CAT I approach , you're stabilized at minimum. You see the runway , you (Manual or Auto , doesn't matter)

    2nd ex : you're on an ILS CAT IIIA approach , at DH you see the runway,you execute autoland , you don't : you execute Auto flight managed go-around


    so: you might autoland with both ILS CAT I , II or III but there's a limitation on CAT II that below a certain RVR (usually 350m) you have to use autoland or HUD , only for CAT II ILS APP

    So every ILS approach can autoland if the aircraft is capable of? Cheers.

  4. Hello, first of all I want to note that I have my PPL, so you can speak "aviation" to me☺.

    I have done many ILS, RNAV, VOR DME approaches with piper Seminole, Diamond, C172 etc etc... And still I have this myth in my head remembering someone use to tell me there's ILS approaches without Autoland. So my question basically is, how do I know if the ILS has autoland. I know it depends on the aircraft too, if it able to autoland or not. But are there ILS approaches that aren't autoland? Cheers.

  5. Hey

    So, I transfered the download link using usb and external memory. Uninstalled my current version and installed via the link that I transered. Does that install the sp1d? Or did I miss something? Cheers!

  6. Ok, been a week or so since last posted, Tried many various things, didn't work. the weird thing is that I can go to my page via my laptop including to the download page which I can't go using my desk computer. is there any chance I can download the update using my laptop and transfer to my desk computer? I just don't have the time/ skills to figure this thing out. I really hope for a quick/ easy solution but I couldn't do it. BTW I checked my windows firewall and didn't find anything suspicious. If that helps I googled "can't go to pmdg website" and found few other members having the same problem. cheers.

  7. Hey kyle, just got in the site using my cellphone, connected to my home Wi-Fi. I can't even go to avsim now using my desk computer absolutely not sure why. But anyways do you think it's a windows thing? Not sure where to start with because it's the first time I am facing that problem and I haven't done anything new. Cheers.

    EDIT: I can now go to avsim site using my computer but still cannot log in, when I lress on the log in/register I get this webpage isn't available err connection timed out. Btw I did not find any inbound or outbound rules for connection with the site. Thanks

  8. So you're going to this page:



    ...and your login information is not working? Are you sure you have the right email that you used to purchase the aircraft? The right password (if you forgot the password, note that there's a Forgot Password function below the login window)?


    If you can't get to the page in the link, then something is blocking our site between your computer and the site.

    Exactly Kyle, I can't go to that page unfortunately, need to figure that out now I guess. cheers.

  9. Can you be more specific about "doesn't work?"


    Can't log into the site?

    Can't find your order?

    Can't see a link at the bottom of your order?

    Can't log in to the log in page from service update page, can't go to the original link to the download page from the email and cannot go to PMDG store from the main page. if you need more info I am right here. cheers.


    This usually means that someone is going to the Service Updates page and not paying full attention to what is written:

    "You will need to log-in to your eCommerce account and redownload the 737 installer from your View previous orders page or from your original purchase email. "


    The underlined part is what most people seem to miss, and in so doing, try to return to the Service Updates page (which is outside of the log-in area), which puts them in an endless loop.

    1. Log in
    2. Find your original order
    3. Download the installer from your original order page
    4. While it's downloading uninstall the existing version
    5. Install the downloaded version when it's done


    Hey Kyle, just tried that, didn't work either, I can't find the email too. cheers.

    Edit: just found the email, tried to link from there and it didn't work too.

  11. Hey folks,

    I am really debating on this one, I love the 777 200LR, but the 300ER just seems more heavy, which I like a lot. I have no time to do long flights at all since I am flying real life too. usually very short flight with the aerologic livery and routes.is it really that fun to fly it? cheers.

  12. Have you started by setting it up using these settings?



    Even if the settings are different, there have to be similarities and you can work from there. Remember that everyone's machine is different and will react differently to the settings. You'll need to do a little footwork on your end to find out which one works best.

    I guess it's inevitable after all. will need to dig in a bit. cheers.

  13. Hey champs,

    I am going to ask you guys how should I set the new nvidia inspector, since it doesn't have all the things like the old one or older, more then that I recently Updated my nvidia card. really want to fly PMDG's plane nice and smooth since it is my main IFR training airplanes.

    Thanks you and have a great day guys.

  14. Simple answer is: yes


    Well, let me help you Daniel.


    - I was a passioned guy flying PMDG airplanes in FSX and och.. what have I learned a lot of it! But I moved from FSX to X-Plane 10 since X-Plane is not a dead project and 'not' limited since it is 64 bits, compared to the 32 bit FSX. As a result of this, X-Plane is able to introduce more opportunities and is just way more complex and advanced for the user but also for delopers. This results in a higher quality simming experience. Furthermore, X-Plane runs way more better on a computer than FSX. It used all your hardware and you are able to configure it more easily. Next to that, and thats why I love and now stick with X-Plane: whole Europe in photoreal is available (for free!) in high quality. And don't ask me why but it's true: photorealistic scenery in X-Plane looks and feels way more realistic than the same photorealistic scenery in FSX. Within FSX it looks great, but still like a cartoon sim. PMDG is just too good and beautiful for FSX  :lol:  When we fly PMDG in X-Plane well ..... :wub:


    The only problem for now is that we are in a 'transition period'. X-Plane 10 is going to catch up FSX completely in the near future, I am sure of that. It's just waiting for two critical items:

    1) Uber-Quality aircraft such as PMDG

    2) Uber-Quality airports



    1) There are already some great quality aircraft. The only items they often lack is: uber-quality cockpit textures and enhanced sounds. If PMDG made 100 buttons, you will get 100 different button sounds for example. This depth in sound quality lacks a bit in X-Plane. BUT, it's coming.

    2) There are some high quality airports already available for X-Plane but not that many. The biggest advantage of airports in X-Plane compared to FSX is the advanced technology such as HDR lightnings. 


    I hope I have helped you a bit.




    Well, I am not trying to start up a screenshot forum here but let me try to show what we (X-Plane users) mean with our X-Plane feeling. Now, imagine you are flying here with PMDG. What do you tink?   B) 


    Note: screenshot has not been edited. What you see is what you are able to get. With an easy plugin, you are able to tune the colors in X-Plane to satisfy your eyes.





    Hey Steven, appreciate your help, what's in that picture? HD mesh europe the one that is for free? doesn't the flight model of the aircraft has to do with the developer like PMDG? I mean many people says that the flight model of Xplane is more real, but doesn't it the developer work? cheers.

  15. Hello guys,

    I am finding myself in a very bizarre spot, on the one hand I have never thought I would be so interest in X-plane, on the other hand I cannot leave my fsx and here is why:

    I mainly fly vatsim for practicing real world procedures, IFR procedures, PMDG suites my needs very good, it has those fully working precisely systems, very good sounds etc etc...

    I must say I haven't flown a 737 yet, just smaller ones, but heard some things from people like X-plane really does make you feel as if you're landing in a crosswind, or in clouds, in turbulence etc.

    things like that are very important for me, now I know how it feels to land in a cross wind and I know how it feels in fsx, I have never tried X-plane so I have no clue how it feels there.

    I suppose that's the best forum to post that question because you guys know a thing or two B) .

    I am not interested in investing money or time on X-plane if it doesn't really worth it. should we (I) really consider moving to X-plane?

    appreciate any thought of you guys. cheers.

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