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Posts posted by anthony31

  1. 3 hours ago, desbean said:

    something fishy going on. no patch yet, when started up MSFS and just got black screen. opened MS store app and it just hung, can't log into the store online either.

    I hope you don't have the same problem I did. Microsoft apps just completely died for me. I first noticed it with the picture viewer (check if that works for you or check if any other microsoft app will run). I got around that by using a 3rd party viewer but then MSFS wouldn't load and then the Store died.

    The rest of my programs all worked fine. It was only the MS apps that wouldn't run.

    The only solution for me was to completely reinstall windows 10. Not even an inline update would work so it had to a clean reinstall. Thank god I have my main MSFS folder on a separate drive.


    Hello All. I have built a new installer for the full version and demo. The full version is on it's way to the retailers so will take a day or two to filter through, I will try to let you know when it's available. The demo is available now.

    Version 1.10 fixes the sounds and throttle issues. It also allows P3D v3 users to install the Winjeel anywhere they like. The installer will write the install path to the registry and the Winjeel will use this to find the sound files.

    There is a patch for users of the full version available from my website so you can start using V110 straight away. You can also download the V110 demo which is the full version only.


    For users of the full version run the V100 installer and then run the V110 patch to the same location.

    For P3D v3 users if you want to install to a different location than the default My Documents run the V100 installer, select Prepar3D v3.x version, change the install path to your desired location (I recommend creating a new folder for this, perhaps something like "P3D aircraft", I also do not recommend putting the Winjeel into the Prepar3D program folder simply for neatness sake). The Winjeel will install to this location, then run the V110 patch and point it to the same folder, the installer will run a quick batch file to set the new pathway in P3D. Then run Prepar3D and go flying.

    • Upvote 1

  3. Hi, someone noticed this (?) too :


    Second my problem in demo: I can't operate the power of engine by my throttle (it always is full when I touch it), I can move it only by mouse.

    Is it the feature of demo version? The other my addons work without any problem like this.




    Hello, can you please redownload the patch and run it again. I have just updated the patch to resolve the throttle issue.

    Hi Anthony,


    I appreciate the effort you're putting into this release!  I purchased the Winjeel last night, without checking out the demo, so there was one item that caught me unawares:


    You're using the LM P3D v3 recommendations for adding 'addons', which uses a P3D folder in "My Documents" for installation of the aircraft. I was caught off guard by this, since I generally try and keep things off of my 'C' drive altogether.  Is it possible to move this folder elsewhere? Or provide installation options for installing to a different location?


    What I've been doing for freeware aircraft, as well as for some payware, is to follow the same installation method as RealAir used for their Legacy - the aircraft is installed to a folder outside of the main P3D folder structure, and entries are added to the appropriate P3D .cfg files for the aircraft and effects and such. Works well, and stays neat and tidy. I was also under the impression that they were following a recommendation from LM...


    I guess my overall concern is that if all addon developers followed that particular LM recommendation for installation of addons, putting them in My Documents.... yikes... that's far, far more that my SSD C: drive has room for!!


    Other than that, kudos, it seems like a really great aircraft!

    Hi Jimmy


    Please read the Pilot's Handbook PDF page 27.


    You may install the Winjeel to a different location but you will have to manually add that location to the P3D add-on.cfg.


    For example, this is add-on.cfg that P3D writes:



    PATH=C:\Users\<user name>\Documents\Prepar3D v3 Add-ons\Ants Winjeel




    EDIT: I will look into adding automatic updating of the install location when I update the full installers.


    EDIT 2: I am working on a new installer which will allow the user to select any install location for the P3Dv3 version. At the moment I have the Winjeel in my G: drive and I've got the sounds working. Hopefully I will get this complete today (tomorrow I have an appointment so I won't be getting much done then).

  4. Greeting AVSIM.


    Sorry about the problems with the Winjeel sounds. I think I have tracked down the problem (I had poorly coded the pathways to the wav files which meant they weren't loading) and have created patches for the demo version and the full pay version.


    The patches (version 1.02) are available directly from my website here:



    I will make full installers tomorrow after I have done some more testing to make sure everything works properly.

    • Upvote 2

  5. I'm just trying to think of a way now to link this topic to anything that is related to aviation.... :lol:

    James May has a pilots license and I think Hammond has a helicopter license? Is that enough to make it aviation related?


    I've kind of lost interest in top gear as it has descended into just a collection of heavily scripted "stunts" which were just becoming more and more absurd and less and less funny (Hammond taking a bite out of the visor during a dull trip across the Ukraine?).


    The ratings in Australia at least just kept on getting lower and lower with each new season.


    I'm sure the 3 of them will show up on some other broadcaster soon though but they will probably never be able to recapture the good times.

  6. Apparently the video of this skydiver in western Australia was uploaded to youtube yesterday.


    He was a trainee and had an epileptic seizure shortly after ju!ping out of a perfectly good working airplane. His instructor grabbed him and pulled the chute. He did have an automatic system which would have deployed the chute but the instructor thought he'd best try to deploy the chute ASAP.


    This ABC news link has the video and full story.



  7. As per Ryan's reply to your earlier post in this thread about PMDG:




    I am wondering if FSX:SE is using the MS locations by default if there is no existing FSX:MS installation. But if there is an existing installation you get an option to do a side by side install which creates new FSX:SE locations.


    Sounds like this could be a bit of a headache inducing setup.


    Can't really check anything myself as I have only 4GB on my internet left for this month so will have to wait a few days before I can even download FSX:SE.

  8. I believe Bill has installed it onto his dev machine and he has said elsewhere that he only has FSX Steam Edition on that machine. Perhaps FSX Steam Edition (Let's call it FSX:SE?) defaults to the MS locations if there is no existing MS FSX install (let's call that FSX:MS?). If the FSX:SE installer finds an existing install location it creates new entries for a side by side install?


    Am I in the PMDG forum? Is so here is my name as per the PMDG rules


    Anthony Lynch

  9. Let me know how you go Bill. Will save me having to download the whole thing.


    I just purchased it. At that price how can you not even if it is just to have a backup?


    For the stuff I do I imagine it would just be a simple matter of pointing to the installer program to the proper new location for FSX steam (where ever that is). But for stuff that auto updates scenery.cfg or makes other changes to the inner workings (like ORBX stuff) this would be a problem I imagine. Or for the Flight1 installers, that may be a problem too.

  10. You can try flightsimstore but as they will have to ship from Australia that may add to the cost. Another Australian computer store ebgames (pretty big company) is selling fax for 18 bucks. Don't know if they ship to outside Australia or if they do how much it costs.




    I've already got 2 copies of fsx. Original and gold. But maybe I should buy up a bunch of cheap copies from ebgames and start selling them on eBay?

  11. You will need the following tools (assuming you insist on sticking with sketchup for modelling rather than use a proper program such as Blender or GMAX):


    1. Sketchup (for making the model mesh).

    2. Photoshop (or other paint program) for creating the textures. Which you apply to the mesh using Sketchup.

    3. A DDS converter (to convert the BMP format graphics from photoshop into DDS for use in FSX, there is a plugin from nvidia for photoshop that will do this or you can use the excellent DXTBMP program).

    4. Model Converter X (to take the sketchup models and convert them into MDL format. This program can also be used to convert MDLs into FS9 style ground polygons for ground markings)

    5. A library creator (to take the MDLs and create a library BGL so you can use them in FSX)

    6. A object placer program (to position the models within FSX. Instant Scenery is payware but is the best)

    7. The FSX SDK (this needs to be installed. Ensure you have the latest versions updated, see fsdeveloper wiki for instructions). If you are making photoreal scenery then you will need to use resample program which is contained in the SDK. There are also a few other tools in the SDK that you may find yourself using (eg the autogen annotator program)

    8. An airport editor program (ADE is the best).


    All these programs can be found for free except for Instant Scenery.


    First thing you should do is create a simple hangar, texture it and then place it into FSX. Once you've got that task mastered you can continue on from there.


    Make no mistake, there is a heck of a lot to learn when it comes to scenery design and it can involve a crap load of steps. But if you start simple you can learn each step as you go and with a bit of hard work and dedication you can make a working airport.

  12. Hi all


    So I got GTA 5 for my xbox one a few days ago (hadn't played it on the xbox 360 of PS3 as I didn't own those consoles) and one of the first things I did was check out the airplanes (because the preview screenshots looked really great). I don't know what game developers use to take screenshots but my games never look as good as those preview screenshots.


    Well, all I can say is FSX doesn't have anything to worry about. Or FS2004. Or FS2002.


    One of the features of GTA 5 is the new first person view which means you can fly planes/drive vehicles in the first person VC mode. The good news is the airspeed, altitude, attitude indicator, VSI all seem to actually work. The bad news is there is some terrible texture mapping (in one of the aircraft I flew the airspeed indicator markings were stretched and distorted badly) and the modelling is very primitive. Gauges appeared to have only 12 edge faces which made them terribly blocky. You can move your view around the cockpit but the range is limited to left/right and a limited range up and down.


    So far I have checked out the stunt plane (available from the GA airfield in the centre of the map), the crop duster (used a cheat code to spawn it) and a light twin (someone pulled up to GA airfield in this just as I was arriving from a flight in the crop duster so I thought I would "borrow" it).


    As for the flight dynamics. I was bouncing all over the sky. Impossible to fly in a straight line. I don't know whether this means I have to build up the skill level of my character to make him a better flyer, my controller is acting up or if it was just a very windy day.


    On a positive note the scenery is pretty spectacular. It almost looks photoreal. There is almost no tiling in the scenery that I can see. So far I have only found 4 airports. One main GA with the stunt plane, one hidden short strip, the main international (where I was told to leave the airspace) and one military (where I got 4 wanted stars and had everyone looking for me, hit the deck and got the hell out of there real quick).


    One last thing. It's funny how wrong this big games makers get airports. Another game I got recently is the open world driving game Forza Horizon 2. This has an airport (for doing drags) where the hangars are way too close to the runway. Not to mention the PAPI light placed behind one of the hangars thus making it invisible to any pilot approaching.

  13. That might be tricky information to find as it probably comes under the "commercial in confidence" line. Airports probably wouldn't like all their airline clients knowing what rates they are all paying as otherwise one airline might ask why they are paying more than another.


    Have you tried googling "airline gate fees"? I found an interesting pdf about Miami airports fees and charges on the first page




    or this one from sw florida international:


  14. I'd imagine that the engineers would have developed systems/procedures which constantly monitor the rocket and that if there was an abnormal condition it would require a self destruct action.


    For example, if the velocity was below a certain rate after a certain time then this may require a self destruct, no questions asked, no second guessing, no hang on, let's see wait and see if it sorts itself out.


    They probably do simulated launches so they can practice a whole range of failures and how best to respond before things really go pear shaped.

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