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  1. I like the attempt they have made at 3d gauges, I was merely trying to define "somewhat centered."It's too bad Carenado has overlooked this HSI tracking bug. Any of their other aircraft work, like the Bonanza? Thanks for the help.
  2. Would something like the reality-xp flightline T guages work as a replacement? I guess what I mean is instrument parallax that they try to build into the 3d model. I don't have LinkVor=1 in the file. What does it fall under?Thanks![GNS430]Popup=15431[GTX327]AutoStandBy=OnAutoStandByDelay=24VFRCode=1200AltitudeFormat=FLFlightTimerMode=CLEARAcftType=LESS_15500FlightTimer=0.000000CountUpTimer=0.000000CountDnTimer=0.000000CountDnTimerRef=0.000000AutoPowerOn=AltBrightness=-1.000000[GMA340]Brightness=-1.000000[sETTINGS]Dimmer=OffSimpleMouse=OffKeyOnFocus=On
  3. I have this issue with the RXP 430's. The course deviation is always somewhat centered when im going direct to a destination even when I'm miles off course. I have tried changing the HSI out to a different guage like the one in the MS mooney but I'm having no luck with finding the HSI in the panel.cfg. I can swap back to default FSX and use it for ILS and it works fine. Bert can you give some incite on this? I'll be out this weekend so please excuse my response until later.[Vcockpit03]Background_color=0,0,0 size_mm=512,512visible=0pixel_size=1024,1024texture=$Panel_baron_3gauge00=rxpgns!GNS430, 173,72,328,166gauge01=rxpgns!GNS430_2, 173,252,328,166//gauge00=CarenadoG430!GNS430_nc1, 172,68,337,179//gauge01=CarenadoG430!GNS430_nc2, 172,248,337,179gauge02=BB58!Auto_taxi_onoff, 3,170,30,24gauge03=BB58!Bus_Volts, 341,1,168,66gauge04=rxpGNS!GTX327, 172,428,332,82//gauge04=BB58!transponder, 172,428,332,82gauge05=BB58!annunciator_test, 115,171,53,53gauge06=BB58!Trim, 114,226,54,124gauge07=BB58!Flap_lights, 87,266,23,81gauge08=BB58!GEM6, 9,353,159,156//gauge09=BB58!Toggle_Gps, 247,92,189,112gauge10=BB581!fuelflow, 4,4,163,162gauge11=BB583!AirSp, 4,199,28,22gauge12=BB58!Turn_light, 80,170,30,30
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