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Posts posted by razz1

  1. Hi all,

    I just purchased the MAAM DC3 for FSX and I have a few problems that I hope someone can help me with.  For one, the panel pop-up windows are all transparent . For another, I can't figure out how to change views in the VC Panel. What I mean is I can't figure out to view the cabin interior or other views around the aircraft. And last but not least how can I delete the yokes?  :unsure:


    Any help would be greatly appreciated

    and thanks in advance.

      Jim R.


  2. Hi, I.M.


    I don't have any scenery add-ons and you already know my system specs.

    As I mentioned, I have the default ini from Ed Truthan's site. I'm usingf Service1 with max_lod=15.


    AMD Radeon HD 7450.0

    Target frame rate:31

    Screen resolution: 1920x1080x32


    (no Anti-aliasing)

    Global texture resolution: Very High



    Level of detail radius: Large

    Mesh complexity:83

    Mesh resolution: 5m

    Texture resolution:1m

    Water effects: High 2.x

    Scenery complexity: Dense

    Autogen density: None

    Special effects detail: Medium



    My performance seems good, IOW, images look crisp at 1,900 alt. or so. But my loading usually takes around 15 minutes (or even more sometimes)

    and I already mentioned the uncorrelated tiles. BTW, I could send you a Screenshot, but I'm embarassed to say, :blush: I can't figure out how to add an attachment to my posts.

  3. Okay, I have TileProxy working but I have some observations. To wit -- some flat terrain areas look great; sharp images of houses, trees, etc, and the tiles are seamlessly connected to correlate with each other. But in some areas, the terrain is composed of actual 'tiles' that although clear in themselves do 'not' correlate with each other to form a continuous whole. Is that normal?

  4. Hi Gen60,



    Hi Gen60,

    As you must now realize, I'm no techie, but I have found the Level Mapping in my ini file. :Doh:

    But before I go on, I have the default ini file that Ed Truthan has on his Tileproxy tutorial

    and I'm going to use that to start from scratch. After that, and if you don't mind, I'll post

    again and tell you my results.




  5. Thanks for the reply, gen60.

    Here's the info --



    WIN 7 Home Prem.

    AMD FX-6120

    Six-core Processor


    10.0 GB RAM

    64-bit OS


























    source=Service Example 1

    #source=Service Example 3

    #source=Service Example 4


    menu_sources="Service Example 1|Service Example 2|Service Example 3|Service Example 4"





    #[service Example 1]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://a*.ortho.tiles.virtualearth.net|path=/tiles/a%s.jpeg?g=%v|#quad=0123|balance=0123|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR #3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"





    level_mapping=9,10,11,12,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 more radius HQ (13->14)

    level_mapping=9,10,11,14,14,14,15,16,17,18,19 even more radius in HQ (12,13->14)





    [service Example 3]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://us.maps3.yimg.com|path=/aerial.maps.yimg.com/img?x=%x&y=%y&z=%z&v=%v&t=a|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"








    [service Example 4]



    module_config="conn=20|rate=2.0|verbose=0|server=http://mapcache*.ask.com|path=/sat/%Z/%X/%Y?partner=|balance=1234|useragent=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.0; SLCC1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)"







  6. BINGO! Between the two of you, I've got it working! :Party:


    After I followed Viking's suggestion, I followed Jim's and booted up with F8. And it worked.

    Thanks again guys. And now that I have your ear(s) I would like to know which number is the most detailed files? 17, 15, 14, etc.?


    One more thing, since the landscape is now all 'tiles' do I need to address global texture, scenery complexity, mesh resolution et al? I currently have all of these on low with no autogen density. And I have my Target Frame rate on 30. Is all that okay?






  7. Jim,


    Well, I used the Driver Signature Enforce override program and it 'said' that

    the "tileproxy system" file was signed. Then I rebooted and after having uninstalled FileProxy Beta 8

    with Revo Uninstaller which thoroughly wipes the computer clean of the program, I reinstalled it again with no "unsigned" error panel coming up to interrupt the install.


    So far, so good, but sure enough when I hit "start Tileproxy" the "unsigned' error came up in the DOS sequence followed by the dreaded "press any key.."


    Keep in mind, I had disabled UAC both in the registry "and" the slider along with disabling MS Security Essentials. So like I said, I don't know why it's not working on my system. :Confused:

  8. At the risk of beating a dead horse, I want to mention that although I know a little about manipulating game files, I'm far from a techie :p0310: and so I have no idea what the error messages signify.


    I mean, I followed all the hints, tutorials, fixes, et al, and nothing worked. OTOH, no one else seems to have a problem with using the program so I can't figure out why I am?

    Could it have anything to do with my Internet settings or my 64 bit system? :Thinking:


    FWIW, here are my specs again:


    AMD FX-6120

    Six-Core Processer

    3.50 GHz

    RAM 10.0 GB

    64-bit Operating System




  9. Thanks again Viking, but I'm about to give up. I 'did' do all the steps : "sign a system file, etc."

    and the file is where it supposed to be in system32, and the program tells me it has been succesfully 'signed' but I still get an error message when I run "startproxy".


    proxyUser: Volume listing failed with error: 0x80070005'

    proxyUser: making sure SuperFetch service is not running...

    proxyUser: Connecting to the filter"

    proxyUser: ERROR connecting to filter port: 0x80070002"


    I'm wondering if I should go into 'properties' and edit the file to give me full control?

    That might do it and it would effect just the TP file, right?

  10. Thanks for the info Viking, but unfortunately I still can't get TileProxy to run.


    Here's what I did:

    I pushed the UAC slider all the way down.

    I downloaded the Driver Sig enforcement overrider and ran the program

    which apparently worked since it 'claimed' to have removed the restriction of one file that

    was not digitally signed and the TileProxy install ran though without

    without a hitch.


    But when I ran 'Start TileProxy" I still got error messages.


    My system is:

    AMD FX-6120

    Six-Core Processer

    3.50 GHz

    RAM 10.0 GB

    64-bit Operating System


    Just a thought; could it be the 64 bit OS?

  11. I'm trying to use TileProxy with FSX but when I ran the"Start TileProxy" the four lines read:


    "proxyUser: Volume listing failed with error: 0x80070005'

    "proxyUser: making sure SuperFetch service is not running..."

    "proxyUser: Connecting to the filter"

    "proxyUser: ERROR connecting to filter port: 0x80070002"


    Although FSX started up okay after that, I don't know if the scenery is the FSX default version

    or the TileProxy version.


    Any help is appreciated.



    Jim R.

  12. Thanks for the reply Alex,

    Of course you're right about the 3d models and I don't expect them to show up in TileProxy. I'm perfectly happy 'seeing' top-down scenery and my question was would I see top-down avenues and streets and buildings like hospitals and sport stadiums that I know are there around the New York Area.


    But I think I answered my own question. To wit -- I took a Google Earth screen shot of Brooklyn from 4,000 feet or so and then I took a screen shot of the same view on FSX with MSN Virtual Earth's Brooklyn.


    Although the general outlines are correct, the two views are totally different in content and seem to consist of arbitrary buildings and houses. IOW, if someone wanted to see how Brooklyn looked from FSX TileProxy's point of view, it wouldn't look anything like Google Earth's shot.


    Ok so be it, but I still think TileProxy is a terrific achievement and a great add-on!



  13. Although I am currently using TileProxy I would like to know what are "photo-terrain textures" as opposed to the actual photo-real landscape as seen in Google Earth?


    For instance, I live in the New York Metropolitan area and as a one time P.P. have flown over Brooklyn a number of times, but when I fly over Brooklyn in FSX I don't see any of the ground objects that I know are there; like Coney Island beach, major hospitals, Prospect Park, etc.


    I'm not complaining because I do think the project adds a nice amount of realism to FSX. But if I fly over areas In FSX that I've never been to before I would like to know if I'm seeing some objects that are unique to the area and not just unique 'textures" to that area.


    Thanks for reading,



  14. I installed FSX from retail discs and have been running it for a while now.


    Today I needed to edit my FSK.cfg. to install an add-on program for the sim but I


    found that I don't have a FSX.cfg file.



    I never had reason to access it before and for all I know it was never included in the


    initial installation. Either that, or somewhere along the way, it got deleted. Any ideas


    on how to get it back without reinstalling FSX?


    Thanks for any help,



  15. I installed FSX from retail discs and have been running it for a while now.


    Today I needed to edit my FSK.cfg. to install an add-on program for the sim but I


    found that I don't have a FSX.cfg file.



    I never had reason to access it before and for all I know it was never included in the


    initial installation. Either that, or somewhere along the way, it got deleted. Any ideas


    on how to get it back without reinstalling FSX?


    Thanks for any help,



  16. I installed FSX from retail discs and have been running it for a while now.


    Today I needed to edit my FSK.cfg. to install an add-on program for the sim but I


    found that I don't have a FSX.cfg file.



    I never had reason to access it before and for all I know it was never included in the


    initial installation. Either that, or somewhere along the way, it got deleted. Any ideas


    on how to get it back without reinstalling FSX?


    Thanks for any help,



  17. I installed FSX from retail discs and have been running it for a while now.


    Today I needed to edit my FSK.cfg. to install an add-on program for the sim but I


    found that I don't have a FSX.cfg file.



    I never had reason to access it before and for all I know it was never included in the


    initial installation. Either that, or somewhere along the way, it got deleted. Any ideas


    on how to get it back without reinstalling FSX?


    Thanks for any help,



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