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Posts posted by mgculver

  1. Hi all.


    Can someone give me a link on how to install OZx and Ants Aussie Airports into P3D (v 5.3)? I installed them into the P3D add-on folder however, they don't show in the scenery library.

    I'm sure this has been asked many times but I can't find any links.




    Mike C

  2. Thanks for getting back Bert.

    No, I don't have V4 installed. I just moved to P3D from FSX and Installed V5. It almost appears to be a path error. I installed the Beech Duke and have no problems.

    The only difficulty is with the turbo version.

    Would it be possible for you to send me your config folder and maybe I can figure out the problem by comparing your files to mine.




  3. Hi all.

    In installing the Real Air Beech Duke Turbo 2 into P3d V5, I get an a couple of errors when I try to save the configuration file. -

    "The Config Panel has encountered and error while trying to modify your RadioLayout.xml file with your chosen settings" and,

    the same error for the RealView.xml file, the "Options.xml" file, and the "Panel.cfg". This last error states the problem is with the chosen GPS setting - "Could not set the specified value"; same happens for the config.ini file.

    The product has been installed in the PD5 directory under simobjects.

    The Configuration has been run under Admin Privileges.

    Does anyone know of a fix for this error?




  4. Hi Guys.

    Is anyone aware of a link to download repaints from aussiex? Seems the site is completely defunct now. There are a couple of repaints for the carenado 210T I'd like to get hold of.



  5. Hi.


    Recently tried to install DX10 Fixer 3.3 however, when I check DX10 Preview, FSX:SE crashes to the desktop right after loading a free flight. I don't believe this is a problem with the Fixer as it ran fine a few years back. I gave up with DX10 due to a texture problem with AMD Video Cards. After hearing they had fixed their drivers, I figured I'd try it again.

    After trying everything short of a reinstall of FSX, I was wondering if anyone else up here has had a similar problem. And possibly, a solution.

    It runs fine in DX9.




  6. Hi Guys.

    AMD video cards (my case ATI 6850) had a problem with DX 10 in FSX where textures would break up and/or flash. I tried DX 10 Fixer (2.11) to no avail so I gave up and reverted back to DS9.

    I'm curious if this issue is addressed in version 3.2 of DX 10 Fixer, or is it still a problem.

    Appreciate any comment before I re-install it and revert back to DX 10.



    Mike C

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