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Posts posted by Tui737

  1. I'm looking forward to it. I'm no PC buff but if 64 bit brings fluid smooth flight that would be a great starting point. One thing that really disappoints & probably won't be addressed is the speed at which clouds pass the aircraft in flight. Years ago there was a military sim which had the clouds blasting by like it does in a real aircraft, it was so much more dynamic, so much more fun.

  2. Hi


    I get this issue & found that no matter how careful I am in getting the number correct it fails. However, if you copy & paste the number it works every time. I've noticed this with other software venders too. Hope that helps you out.

  3. Release Hold! I'm sorry to all at PMDG-I've decided to hold my money for another few days or so. I was going to tease you with pictures or little glimpses of my money, I wanted you to see just a sneak peek of my credit card, I wanted you to notice the incredible detailing on it. I've been working flat out putting the notes together & it would have been easy to let you have months ago but no, I want to uphold my firm commitment to quality so that when you get your hands on it you will appreciate just how much work as gone into it!


    I'm planning on releasing it some time this week, subject to the usual constraints & providing my wife doesn't bend the car or stick another nail through the plumbing. I can't say for sure which day it will be but I feel confident that you will be spending it by the weekend.


    I'll keep you updated.  

  4. I have had no issues with Opus weather & I only use the NGX. I have all FSUIPC weather off (registered version). One thing to do though is you must have no weather updates in AS2012.

    My sequence for a flight are:- Load Flight sim commander & use its weather download to see winds at departure & arrival. Then I plan route & save to PMDG from flight sim commander. Next I load AS2012 & load textures to suit wx report. Make sure weather updates in AS2012 are deactivated. Then I load Opus & finally FSX & the NGX.

    I have not had one issue with winds at altitude or departure & destination.

  5. Hi Ron

    Owen's reply will clear the dicontinuity. Go to the legs page on your CDU (FMC) use next page to sroll down, once you find a discontinuity it can be cleared by placing the next fix in it's place-ie click on the next fix, this may be on next page then go back to the dicontinuity & click the left button where the 0000 appear-this will put the fix you just selected into this spot & the dicontinuity will disappear. hope this helps.

  6. Drew


    This may be of no help but a friend of mine had something similar happen & he resolved it just by ticking the DX10 preview in FSX. I'm no expert but thought it might be worth a try whilst you wait for more knowledgeable members to help.

  7. Hi

    There are many ways to become an airline pilot. The industry has changed over the years & continues to change as the demand for pilots changes acoording to growth & the airline economy & World trade.


    In the UK there was a time when nearly all the pilots were ex-military. Demand for pilots grew as a result of low cost holiday companies & greater number of business travelers increased & the airlines moved towards the civilian pilot as a way to fill the demand.


    In my younger days, the route for most was to build hours usually by becoming a flight instructor until you had around 500-700hrs flying time by which time the airlines would show an interest. Sometimes, an airline would sponsor the course or qurantee a position once qualified.


    Then there came a shift towards flying colleges. You sat an entrance exam, paid your money & left with a CPL/ATPL. Many UK students went overseas to places like Florida where a CPL/ATPL courses were much cheaper & the weather almost assured that the course would complete to a dead line. This used to mean taking another course back in the UK as most airlines did not accept FAA courses. This has been overcome nowadays because many USA flying schools & colleges are run by or for the UK student.


    Another way is to go to college & gain your CPL, leaving with around 200hrs & getting a job as a bush pilot. This is a tough way to do it but many have & are doing it this way as I write.


    I'm not up to date on how things are right now but one piece of advice I would give is to wright to different operators & ask how they recruit pilots. Show particular interest in their company & keep all replies- these are useful in future interviews & shows your long term interest in their company, it might give you the edge over other applicants.


    I'm sure you will get many replies to your post & I hope that your desire to be an airline pilot is realised.


    Best wishes.

  8. Has anyone seen a none flight sim person try Flight? I have, they were fed up with it in minutes, gameplay is too slow compared to racing games etc & although Flight is basic to most flight simmers the learning curve is too long & boring to keep their attention.


    I agreed in principle to buying add ons as you go, after all that's what I done for years with fs95, fs9 & fsx. I also agree that Microsoft should get a bigger slice of the add on sales but come on Microsoft this approach was doomed from the outset. Flying is a specialist subject. FSX on my machine has cost me many hundreds of pounds in software alone & many thousands of pounds in hardware.


    We needed-no need, a new flight sim built from the ground up but we need the developers there too. Most would have supported some form of licence to sell their wares I'm sure. This is a good opportunity lost & a sad day for flight simmers.


    Has anyone seen a none flight sim person try Flight? I have, they were fed up with it in minutes, gameplay is too slow compared to racing games etc & although Flight is basic to most flight simmers the learning curve is too long & boring to keep their attention.


    I agreed in principle to buying add ons as you go, after all that's what I done for years with fs95, fs9 & fsx. I also agree that Microsoft should get a bigger slice of the add on sales but come on Microsoft this approach was doomed from the outset. Flying is a specialist subject. FSX on my machine has cost me many hundreds of pounds in software alone & many thousands of pounds in hardware.


    We needed-no need, a new flight sim built from the ground up but we need the developers there too. Most would have supported some form of licence to sell their wares I'm sure. This is a good opportunity lost & a sad day for flight simmers.

  9. Hello BertAdjust using the knob on the altimeter. In real life ATC will give you QFE height aboveAirfield QNH local barometric Pressure & then if you climb above transitionAltitude which can be different for different airports you would be using standard 29.92 or (10.13)So in the NGX you set transition for departure & arrival which could be 6000ft so whenYou climb above 6000ft you hit the standard button or manually insert29.92 (1013) & from this point on you are using Flught Levels. Your example would be FL 70 but FSX would notSee you at FL70 because it's default transition is 18000ft or FL180 so it would keep telling you toclimb or descend to get you on what it thinks is correct height. Imagine your eyes at sea level & you saw a plane at 10000ft above the water as that plane moved over the land it's height would be less if the land rose as in most cases, hence why theere are different pressure settings . The plan is above transition allaircraft with standard set will be able to judge their height with other aircraft & ATC can give avoidance instructions. So, to use the NGX with ATC in FSX you would have to use transition altitude if 18000ft then you should find all is well. Not accurate but at least you should be able to complete a flight.

  10. Hello BertFSX ATC is very basic to say the leaset. It defaults to 18000ft for transition altitude which is not common in Europe. It has no SIDS or STARS as such so when you build A flight plan using the planner it will give you some basic options.Having said that you can construct a plan in the map mode & then enter the waypoints into the CDU but on approach ATC in FSX will Turn you off your approach route & use it's own until it sets you up to intercept the ILS.In the tutorials that Ryan uses he does not use ATC at all so that people get used to setting up the FMC with the CDU & are able to complete a take off with a SID & a landing with a STAR & transition.To get away with height when using ATC in FSX you must use the barametric setting that ATC give you. There are other ATC software that you can use like VOX or Vatsim but the latter is more complex but is very close to the real thing.So, use the tutorials without ATC then when you feel happy with that hand build your flight plan in the FSX planner & copy that into the FMC. Good weather programs like Active Sky 2012 or REX give you the oportunity to load your flight plans into the software which gives you the weather for departure & arrival together with the ability to align A1 traffic to active runways etc. Once you feel happy with that have a look at the other options for ATC.

  11. I do trust you but you picture shows Engine bleeds on which is correct but your power panel is on APU which is off. I used to fly the 200 series of this type & ac gen should be on gen meaning generators (engines) so that the aircraft systems like YD are powered by more than just the battery.

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