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Everything posted by gui98

  1. I have the unregistered version of fsuipc but i think i'll buy the registered one so i can use the 737-200 which is, by the way, the better freeware airplane for fsx.Thank you for the helpGuilherme
  2. I've installed the v 1.32 for fsx but neither the artificial horizon nor the airspeed indicator works. The artificial horizon can show rolling but can’t indicate changes in the pitch. It’s like when you don’t align the IRS in the newer planes or align it partially and not all the data necessary for a normal flight is shown, but the -200 series has no IRS! Although I’ve read somewhere (probably the instructions of the v1.31 or v1.32) that one of the packs would fix these bugs, it just doesn’t worked for me. Sorry for any English mistake (I’m Brazilian)Guilherme
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