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About aaronrash

  • Birthday 07/30/1989

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  1. Yeah flightaware can act funny sometimes. One time it claimed a flight from london to houston was 20 minutes.
  2. Okay somehow this 777 flew 11,518 miles. how s this possible? http://flightaware.com/live/flight/UAE215 Boeing 777-300ER (twin-jet) (B77W – photos) Speed Filed: 444 kts (graph) Altitude (graph) Distance Direct: 8,335 sm Planned: 8,393 sm Flown: 11,518 sm Route GEG FMG J7 REYES V107 FIM SADDE6 Maybe a flightaware glitch?
  3. Yes that as well, and I doubt those flights are very empty
  4. Hello everyone, I haven't been on the forum in a while, the 777 is looking awesome! I'm confused about the range of the 777 though... For instance, I live here in Houston and Emirates flys a 777-300ER from Houston to Dubai nonstop. The maximum range for a 777-300ER is 7,930 nmi. If you look on flightaware: http://flightaware.com/live/flight/UAE212 its a 8,300 nmi flight. So what am I missing here? Do some airlines mod their 777's with extra fuel space for extremely long range flights or something? It's clearly out of the 777's range. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boeing_777
  5. Ahh! Yea that's it Civa your the man! thanks
  6. I Haven't been on this forum in such a long time but I'm trying to find a link rsrandazzo posted a while back. It was a update to all the navagation data in FSX, it corrected some points that were off by miles. I can't find anything about this anywhere because I forget what it was called but it was a major FSX update and I wish I could remember what it was. If anybody here knows what I'm talking about help me out!
  7. how do people know how many hours they have?
  8. Hey Teofilo,Here's my specsi7-950 (not overclocked)Nvidia GTS 25012GB RAMI've spent over a year tweaking a million things in FSX to get it to run smooth. Personally I think it's the worst ever designed program with so many limitations but I still Love it. I hope flight will be better
  9. Hey Johannes,Thanks! The 757 I used in the video was the quality wings 757 with the AA livery. But the rest is the PMDG 737 NGX!
  10. Thanks,I used FS Recorder EZCA After Effects and edited in Sony VegasAaron
  11. Hey Bill thanks!The first song is "Time" from the Inception soundtrack and the second song is titled "Vegas" from the hitman blood money gameCheers!Aaron
  12. That is correct, the window is actually a picture I took while I was on my last flight just for this purpose. I thought... Hmm it would be cool to use this in FSX. Everything was made using FSX and After Effects. Lens flare's, rack focus, dirt, grime etc... In my next vid I plan on motion tracking some cloud shadows... Should be fun
  13. Hey gents,Thank you so much for the positive feedback! I'm glad you guys like it!
  14. Short film for all you NGX lovers out there I just made. Check it out
  15. As far as passengers not noticing steep descents is not true. I fly 4 to 5 times a month on commercial airliners and I can tell when we are in a steep decent even if I'm watching a movie or listing to music, you have the feeling of leaning forward like your diving into the earth and this usually never happens sure enough on my last flight from KJFK to KIAH It happened and it was uncomfortable the other passengers seemed to notice as well. Sure enough I got on flight aware after the flight and saw that we hit a 3,900 fpm descent for a minute or so but I definitely noticed. If you look at flight on flight aware for 737's the most VS they usually get is 2,800. But certainly not 6500!
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