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  1. Sorry guys I have confused people with the USB thing I mean USB memory - that is called Readyboost and it uses USB storage to speed up the computer. It doesn't work that well however
  2. Thanks alot thats made me alot clearer on what to do, any programme I can install to turn of any unnecessary background processes?
  3. I have just found my other Win 7 which is a 64 bit and I have a 2gb USB stick to increase my ramwouldnt disabling scenery from say ASIA or China where I dont fly increase my frames?
  4. is it true that if you disable some country scenery you never use it will increase your frames?
  5. ok, thanks for your honesty much appreciated
  6. Sorry for my bad computer knowledge, what is GPU?
  7. as you mention that my dad installed a memoery stick of 4gb in the USB slot - will try the PMDG if it doesnt work will have to wait for a new computer :(
  8. ok will try it, I will just have to find the money first :( I have the money on the side for the PMDG
  9. So what would you say would make the difference then?The processor the Ram or the operating system?
  10. get Been waiting for this addon for 3 years and plus I get good FPS with UK2000 Scenery and Vatsim just wondering what sort of performance I would
  11. I am a bit concerned about the 737NGX running on my computer, I had bad experience with iFly 737 with the frames in the cockpit and I think that maybe my computer specs aren't powerful enough for something like the PMDG 737NGX and that maybe I would be wasting my time.My specs are;Processor: Intel® Core™2 CPU 6600 @ 2.40GHZ 2.39 GHZInstalled memory (RAM) 2.00GBSystem Type: 32-Bit operating systemI am running Windows 7 32Bit I aslo get 28FPS dead on with FSX (I make a target fps on my options) Hope you guys can help Dewi Madden
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