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  1. Thanks for your replys. I kind of figured PMDG would not respond but I was just curious. They make such in depth & beautiful simulations I just cant wait to see DC6 for P3D. I wish Xplane was not so troublesome for me. P3D v3.3 has been rock solid for me so I will stick with that & wait for 747 & DC6. As you all know PMDG products are worth the wait & price! Thanks Mark
  2. Just wondering how the DC6 for XPlane has sold compared to PMDG products for FSX & P3D. Is there a large amount of XPlane users compared to FSX & P3D? Have you sold enough for XPlane to make it worthwhile to develop more products or would it have been wiser to stick with FSX & P3D? I've used all 3 & always found XPlane to be troublesome setting up controls & long load times occasionally. I try to like it but always end up removing it from my computer. I use only P3D now, very stable & smooth (V3.3) no memmory issues, it just works... Thanks Mark
  3. Just a note on what has helped me. Every time I went to fsx menus while 737NGX was active I would get corrupted graphics upon my return. I removed all my Creative Labs software, enabled onboard sound & have not had a problem since (except for getting the right combo of settings to get my toe brakes working!).Hope this helps...Mark TormaASUS P6T DeluxeI7 920 3.6ghz12gb ramGTX580
  4. Just wondering if anyone else has this issue. When I load either MD 11 or 737NGX & go flying, everything works fine until I go to the menu bar & open anything (maps, settings, weather - anything) when I go back to my flight, the graphics are corrupted, missing aircraft pieces or panel pieces or sometimes just a black screen. The only thing that works after that is exiting FSX and even the desktop FSX menu is corrupted so I have to use task manager to stop FSX.ThanksMark Core I7 920 oc to 3.6GTX580300gb raptor dedicated to fsxOCZ Vertex 2 ssd boot driveWin 7 pro 64
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