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Posts posted by harmen_r

  1. So, the most realistic experience you can get is to choose a ramp or a parking spot near a terminal? Or maybe GA parking?If you have for example a chart of a specific airport, is there any way you can see where the prop parking places are located, or the non jetway ones?Harmen

  2. Hi BryanI did another flight today, and nothing happend, it was perfect - the CO is a great asset:-). So, I do not know what is causing this behaviour: when the V/S is going crazy I can not set it back manually using the pedestal wheel? But I saw something in the manual about V/S runaways: turn voice of and on, maybe it is related to this? Next time I encounter the problem I gonna try that solution.I have not tried it without the voice commands.Btw when the V/S is stuck and I call a different V/S setting, the green bar appears with the correct sentence, so the voice recognition is working fine I believe.Thanks for your help Bryan.P.s. from the 8 unfinished flights there were 5 fatal errors, that has nothing to do with this product; it is a PMDG thing I read.

  3. Hi,I have flown 12 flights till now, and I only managed to complete 4 flights without strange events.My English is not very good, but nevertheless I gonna try to explane my problems.Ok, the majority of the problems accur during the approach fase of my flights. I think the errors (I still hope it is my own fault) I encounter are AP related: for example I set the ALT to 2500ft, V/S to minus 1500 and arm the ASEL button. The problem I encountered a few hours back was a typical one: I was descending from FL8000 to FL2500 (the AP was set correctly), but the aircraft continued to descent, I then checked the ASEL button, but it was off; I know for sure I put it on? Then I tried to counter the problem by changing the V/S to plus 1000, gave the instruction 'AP on' and then everything goes crazy: V/S going through the ceiling (9900ft up), flight director is acting weird. The weirdest thing was that I could not set the V/S down manualy it stays at 9900ft, so is the flight director? I uploaded a picture.I would appreciate the help guys.Harmen

  4. Hi,First of all my knowledge of SIDS and STARS is very limited.Yesterday I was trying to create a FP from KATL to KCLT, in order to do this I used the latest Navigraph NDAC and AIRAC files.Why do the names of the NDAC and AIRAC SIDS not match? For example: on the KATL NDAC charts you have - to name a few - DAWGS 4, DOOLY 4 and JOGOR 3, but the correspondant AIRAC SIDS are named differently: DAWGS 5, DOOLY 5 and JOGOR4, is this a problem?Ok, then for example I choose RW 8R, DAWGS 5 and for my transition SPA. But the waypoints of the SID (HD 092, RO079, RONII, IGEBE) in the FMC, are nowhere to be found on the NDAC charts from Navigraph; so what am I doing wrong?Thanks in advance,Harmen

  5. Brian,I Tried a little bit more now, and I getting the hang of it:-). But this is very hardcore in comparison with the planes I was flying the last couple of weeks.It is like you said in your reply: read the manual!! I just missed some parts. But it is working now:-).Man I have a lot of respect for you: not just for the wonderful product, but also for all the stupid complaints by some - like me - people, who are not patient enough! Sorry.Thank you very much. If I have more questions in the future I let you know;-).HarmenP.s. I am from the Netherlands.

  6. Hi simmers,First of all I have a really hard time with the plane and the voice controls... Spending hours and hours trying to handle both products, for a casual gamer like me this is a real challenge!I have lots of problems flying this plane by using voice commands... To name one: when I pronounce 'auto pilot on', the aircraft starts climbing with 6000ft/m and eventually going into a stall??I really like the plane and the use - if I manage in the future - of the voice commands. But after 10 hours triall and error I want to fly my EMB195 again...Thanks in advance,Harmen

  7. Thank you very much, I was looking for it the last hour haha.I have another question: I have my plane powered up, the engines are running. But, I do not have enough power to taxi, my rpm wont get past 22%?This is the first time I am using such a complicated plane; a real challenge:).

  8. Hi Henrik,Thanks for your reply.Ok, so the second time you answer - via keyboard - the atc, you hear a computer voice sending your message to the control tower, just like the default atc? Thanks in advance,Harmen.P.s. how is the PMDG J41?

  9. Hi,Maybe this is a strange thing to ask, but, I gonna ask anyway: is it possible to use VOXatc without the voice recognision; can you use the program just like the default atc or RC4, with key assingments?Thanks,Harmen

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