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Robert McDonald

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Article Comments posted by Robert McDonald

  1. On 7/28/2020 at 2:38 AM, RickBrown said:

    No doubt I'll buy it at some point in the next few years.

    I'll give it time to mature and for all the hype to die down and the real would usage to be seen.

    I thank all of you that buy it straight away, you're the heroes that'll iron everything out for the rest of us.

    I salute you!

    My concern is the usual one. Spec required. I've just rebuilt my PC and it's now pretty well up-to-date and very usable for all of my needs (FSX has nearly every slider over to the right, lol!), but it only just meets the minimum spec. I know, it's the same with every release of MSFS, but just for once I was hoping mere mortals, like most of us users, were going to get something we could buy and enjoy straight away. 

    Maybe this will be the case, but as I said earlier, I'll wait for real world usage from you heroes.

    BTW, this is pretty much copy/paste from every MSFS that's ever been released!

    Have fun,



    Ref Price.

    On the fence. Seems reasonable for all reasons already been given.

    I wonder, if I buy the basic will I then be able to "Upgrade" to the other versions as a DLC at a later date if I wish too?

    MS says you will have the ability to upgrade, but it may not be for the actual cost difference between the levels - implication is buy the higher level up front to get the absolute best price.  FYI there will be a lot of add-on upgrades available both from MS/Asobo as well as 3rd party developers.

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  2. On 7/30/2020 at 12:04 PM, Otrman said:

    I am very interested in the new MS Flight Simulator.  I began flight simulation about a year ago and used Xp11, including Vulkan, to learn to fly.  Although I have flown a number of aircraft on Xp11, including the P51, Corsair, and the F18, Cessna G1000, and the Cirrus SF20 G1000, I like the Cirrus best as it it a single jet capable of 250 cruising and as little of 100 when I slow down to get a closer look.  I do sightseeing, low and slow, using AP and GPS coordinates to set up my sightseeing adventures.

    I like Xp11 a lot, but desire better FPS performance and the highest level of detail possible.  Have seen the MS trailer and am intrigued by the notion of downloading scenery on the fly as XP11 seems to choke the CPU during rendering.  Also I have already accumulated 500GB in custom scenery and that only includes NJ, and part of NY.

    I am running 3 screens giving me about 150 degrees of view.  Does the forthcoming MS simulator do that?  I have a robust computer.

    Maingear, Intel i9 8 cores 500 auto turbo, NVIDIA 2080 TI, 2 1 TB SSD Drives, 32GB memory, 3 32" Acer Predator G-Sync Monitors running at 2K, 1 27" Monitor HDMI (Checklists, Etc.) , Honeycomb Alpha, 2 Logitech Throttle Assemblies.

    I will go with the premier edition and my internet connection runs a 200mbs for download so I am hopeful that the CPU demand will be less than Xp11 which has to render on the fly?.

    Can I get a PDF manual now so I can get prepare for installation and setup?

    Does the package include a hard copy manual?

    Is there a single jet plane similar to the Cirrus?

    Is this the right forum for support once I begin Installation, if so, I welcome the opportunity to converse with fellow simmers.

    Semper Fi,



    You have an outstanding system, and you will likely get the ideal results, only you can decide if they meet your expectations.  The software is via download in the US, and the DVD set is in Europe only AFAIK.  The Internet download saves you from having to store the entire world scenery packs on your home system - but your PC will still be tasked with doing the final render to your monitors. You can see a list of the included aircraft on the official MSFS website.

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  3. On 7/15/2020 at 2:33 AM, Quellow said:

    I think millions will disagree. Many of us have spent thousands upgrading their PCs and adding add ons to enhance it's predecessor.

    Despite that to my mind FSX was the best £60 I ever spent.

    For years it stuttered on my PCs. It was so disappointing to buy a shiny new one and still find that the sliders couldn't be pushed all the way to the right. The missions were alluring and the ability to add to it like never before.

    Even now Steam Edition has an important place on my PC. It is 32 bit, it will never be free from OOM crashes.

    My concern is will it again be years before we have computers able to run it properly?

    It may behoove you to wait until after the official release date so you can read the real-world experiences of people who are actually flying this.

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