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Posts posted by Breene

  1. 1 hour ago, bbuckley said:

    Sorry to jump in here, but I have a similar question...  my specs below, but 4790K OC @ 4.5GHz and currently GTX 970.  I run P3Dv4.1 and wonder if a GTX 1080 or 1080Ti would be a good investment.  I have plenty of power.  I may upgrade my MB & CPU at some point but for now I'm trying to figure out what to do with the GPU.  I have a bunch of ORBX stuff.



    Well I've lived this actually lol, When i built my 6700k system OC'ed to i think 4.6 back then, I kept the 970 I had thinking it would be more than enough .  Ended up going 1080 a few months later and it was a very obvious improvement, well worth it.  I'm glad I didn't do it all at once or I would not have appreciated the value.  The higher vram alone for these 64 bit sims is huge .  970 has 4gb right? and only uses 3.5 or something.  

  2. 4 minutes ago, IrishAirline99 said:

    I7 4790K running at stock speeds

    That is quite good then.  I run a 1080 with a 6700k overclocked and I can say the CPU is still the main bottleneck.  I don't think you would see much benefit 1080 vs 1080Ti.  You need a new power supply though.  The 1080 even physically takes a second 6 or 8 pin power connector vs the single plug on your 750.  I remember when i went 700 series to 900 series my power supply did not have enough physical outputs. 

  3. Do you notice a difference in performance with everything you could network turned off ? I don't but system is prettyhigh end and I'm using process lasso for the addons to use the last couple threads.

    If you don't either network pc is waste of time. If you do I guess the gain is theoretically somewhere between the off and on hah.  Sounds like old thinking though if you have a newer quad core system. 

  4. 19 hours ago, joepoway said:


    I'm an word not allowed, you need the option UNTICKED, and it works.  I'm used to software having the default to take up a taskbar slot, with option to be in the notification/icon area.  Chaseplane is the opposite.  Uncheck minimize to taskbar and you'll have your icon back

  5. This is a minor annoyance issue but maybe someone knows a trick I don't..

    Chaseplane for months in windows 7 minimized /closed to taskbar icon area per the settings I chose, upgraded to windows 10 and it worked fine shortly, now it does not.   Doesn't matter if I run as admin or not, or let it open automatically with V4 , or start chaseplane manually.  

    I have so much open when flying on vatsim with a VA and charts that having chaseplane take up a whole 'slot' now in windows vs. the little icon is just.. a little annoying.  

    Anybody have an idea ?

  6. your AA setting is different, minor but worth for the sake of experiment

    traffic tab is same, or all 0?

    I have a similar system and have only a couple hours playing with V4 but I have v-sync off now with better results somehow? i would flick that off and see... but i have not been scientific about it yet , so many things to play with and set up again since I took the v4 opportunity as an excuse to upgrade and reformat to windows 10...


    what about video drivers?  are you on the newest or clinging to older because of that vas leak stuff a few months ago?  New might benefit V4 ?


    lastly - do this test with weather cleared . that takes out a major variable , not sure if you have Active sky or similar running in these shots ?







  7. I feel stupid asking this, but is there a way to save where the pop out displays in the NGX for example will go? Every time I load the sim I am popping out one of the MFD's by clicking on it, undocking it, and dragging to a second monitor.  Same with the PFD, i pop it out and resize it..  is there a way to save this?  

  8. i cant see how anything over 16 would really be utilized at least the first couple years of v4.. just think what could be done with double the VAS usage available now? what are we going to do preload 400 miles of hi res textures for no reason?

  9. Breene,


    You don't have to use the 'tab key' to enter text into the FMS. Just click with your mouse in the text area, which will highlight with the green surround, then just type away.


    Hope this helps .





    Yes, thanks for offering the advice.   That method would still mess with any key bindings assigned to chase plane though.  At least while holding TAB to shortcut into the FMC 'scratchpad', it gives the other software a cue that the following key presses are meant to be ignored. Tab + B is a different input than 'b'....

  10. I am loving chase plane, purchased yesterday.  One annoyance though, to type into the NGX FMC using the keyboard you can hold TAB and type.  I assume other PMDG's work the same way.  Now with chaseplane any shared shortcut reacts to the key press even when I have TAB pressed down.  I don't see a way to fix that.  It would be great to use my num pad for view shortcuts but not have the camera move all other when I'm holding TAB + typing in weights etc to the FMC.


    Am I missing a choice?  If not hopefully this gets put in someones suggestion box for the future.  Not sure if it is hard to program an "if key X is held, ignore shortcuts"



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