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TW Pilot

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Posts posted by TW Pilot

  1. I came across this old thread while trying to solve the same problem myself.If anyone still needs to fix this the solution is two small edits to the Aircraft.cfg file:In the [General] section,Change atc_type from Beechcraft to BEECHChange atc_model from B33 to BE33ATC will then correctly refer to "Beechcraft Bonanza" and use callsign "Beech nnnnn" .Hope this helps someone.

  2. Thanks. From what I've read it should overclock pretty well, and I built in plenty of cooling with that in mind.This thread and the results spreadsheet were a great help in coming up with the components shopping list.I'm going to try to avoid falling into the trap of spending all my time tweaking and tuning instead of flying (been there before with FS9 a few years ago), so I'm going to keep that overclock up my sleeve for the time being, and bring it out when FSX starts to groan under the weight of all the add-ons that are heading its way.Regards,TW Pilot.

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